American Government
Mrs. Gardner
Course Description
American Government is designed to prepare students to be effective critical thinkers when it comes to the American political process. Students will get a solid foundation in the history and creation of the U.S. Constitution, as well as an understanding of the many and ongoing changes that have taken place in its interpretation. State and local government structure and function will also be covered. My primary goal in teaching this class is to give students the tools necessary to make informed decisions about the course of public policy at the local, state, and national level.
American Government is a year-long course in the Social Studies Department. Successful completion of this course is required for graduation. The course will prepare students to be successful on the State of Ohio end-of-course exam in American Government.
Grades in this course will be determined by your performance in each of the following areas:
Assessments – 80% of grade
You will complete a variety of different types of assessments to determine your
mastery of course content. Assessments will include chapter and unit tests, quizzes (both planned and “pop”), and projects.
Practice – 20% of grade
An important part of your success on the assessments discussed above is
completion of homework and in-class activities. As a result, much of your
practice work will be graded as well.
Grading Scale
The common grading scale for the Tiffin City Schools will be followed:
A 95-100 C 73-79
A- 92-94 C- 70-72
B+ 89-91 D+ 67-69
B 86-88 D 63-66
B- 83-85 D- 60-62
C+ 80-82 F below 60
Behavior Expectations
Class rules are as follows:
1) Be on time with your textbook and other materials.
2) Be alert and attentive at all times.
3) Put book bags and purses on the floor.
4) Keep your cell phones out of sight and silenced, unless otherwise notified.
5) Be courteous and respectful at all times to everyone.
Violations of class or school rules will result in the following course of action:
1) Verbal warning
2) Teacher detention – at my convenience, usually after school
3) Referral to dean of students and phone call home
Any serious violation of school policies will result in immediate removal from class. Refer to student handbook for details.
Your consistent attendance is an essential part of your success in this class. If you miss class, it is your responsibility to see me for missed work. You will be allowed one make-up day per day of absence for homework and tests as per the TC student handbook. Anything not made up will automatically become a zero. Work missed as a result of unexcused absences will not receive credit.
Missed tests may not be made up during class time. Be prepared to use study hall time or come in after school.
If you are tardy more than two times per semester, you will receive a school detention after the third tardy, two school detentions after the fourth tardy, and three school detentions after the fifth tardy. After the sixth tardy, you will be referred to the dean of students.
Hall Passes
In order to leave the room during class time for any reason, you must have my hall pass. Sign out at the door and back in when you return. You will be limited to 3 hall passes for the semester.
School Website
Please use my webpage on the Tiffin City Schools website at You will find due dates for assignments and tests, as well as a general overview of topics we are currently studying.
You may also use the school e-mail to communicate with me should the need arise.
I expect you to keep up with your performance on a regular basis by accessing Progressbook. You will not receive grade printouts from me at the mid-term or at the end of the quarter unless you are not able to access Progressbook. See me personally if this applies to you. You can access Progressbook on the Tiffin City Schools website homepage. If you do not know your username and password, please see the main office.