- What power was created as a result of the case Marbury v Madison? (Slide 3)
- What was the name of the land purchased from France that stretched from the Mississippi River to the Rocky mountains? (Slide 3)
- What were the two reasons United States went to war with Great Britain? (Slide 4)
- Synthesize: How did the war of 1812 show that the U.S. was truly independent? (Slide 4)
- What was Monroe’s statement that European nations not to interfere with any nation in the Americas called? (Slide 5)
- How did the Industrial Revolution affect the southern region of the U.S.? (Slide 6)
- What document allowed slavery to be legal below a certain line (36-30)? (Slide 7)
- What is the Spoils System? (Slide 8)
- What was the event where a quarter of Cherokee Indians died while forced to walk from Georgia to the new Indian Territory. (Slide 8)
- How did Jackson’s actions cause problems during Van Buren’s presidency? (Slide 9)
- Give two reasons why Americans moved west. (Slide 10)
- What leader brought Texas it’s independence? (Slide 11)
- Identify two states that became part of the United States as a result of the Mexican War. (Slide 12)
- How did the Gold Rush affect California? (Slide 12)
- DBQ: Based on the map on slide 13, state two methods used by the United States government to acquire new territory. (Slide 13)
- How did new inventions create a market revolution in the United States? (Slide 14)
- How did the new factories change how Americans worked? (Slide 15)
- Why did workers begin to organize into unions? (Slide 15)
- What did William Lloyd Garrison and Frederick Douglas both do in support of abolition, abolishing slavery? (Slide 16)
- Name three issues women worked to reform in the 1800’s (Slide 17)
- In 1848, who organized a The Seneca Falls convention for women’s rights? (Slide 17)