

  1. What power was created as a result of the case Marbury v Madison? (Slide 3)


  1. What was the name of the land purchased from France that stretched from the Mississippi River to the Rocky mountains? (Slide 3)


  1. What were the two reasons United States went to war with Great Britain? (Slide 4)


  1. Synthesize: How did the war of 1812 show that the U.S. was truly independent? (Slide 4)


  1. What was Monroe’s statement that European nations not to interfere with any nation in the Americas called? (Slide 5)


  1. How did the Industrial Revolution affect the southern region of the U.S.? (Slide 6)


  1. What document allowed slavery to be legal below a certain line (36-30)? (Slide 7)


  1. What is the Spoils System? (Slide 8)


  1. What was the event where a quarter of Cherokee Indians died while forced to walk from Georgia to the new Indian Territory. (Slide 8)


  1. How did Jackson’s actions cause problems during Van Buren’s presidency? (Slide 9)


  1. Give two reasons why Americans moved west. (Slide 10)


  1. What leader brought Texas it’s independence? (Slide 11)


  1. Identify two states that became part of the United States as a result of the Mexican War. (Slide 12)


  1. How did the Gold Rush affect California? (Slide 12)


  1. DBQ: Based on the map on slide 13, state two methods used by the United States government to acquire new territory. (Slide 13)


  1. How did new inventions create a market revolution in the United States? (Slide 14)


  1. How did the new factories change how Americans worked? (Slide 15)


  1. Why did workers begin to organize into unions? (Slide 15)


  1. What did William Lloyd Garrison and Frederick Douglas both do in support of abolition, abolishing slavery? (Slide 16)


  1. Name three issues women worked to reform in the 1800’s (Slide 17)


  1. In 1848, who organized a The Seneca Falls convention for women’s rights? (Slide 17)
