BWHS MBA – General Meeting Minutes

August 21, 2012

Attendance:Peter Scholz, Teru Gilbert, Susan Panetti, Laura Scholz, Melanie Jackson, Anne Shively, Mark Farnsworth, Kim Crisp, Luis Rivera, Kim Roivas, Candace Teel, Lauryn Eisenhower, Marilyn Guerrero, Eunice Dietz, John and Kristen Elliott, Mark and Miyako Goode, Terry and Cliff Hanger, Sue Spiotto, Dan Stewart, Carol Rothacker, Rhonda Ready

Meeting was called to order by Peter Scholz at 8:10 p.m.

New Business: There were a couple of out of cycle nominations to be made for Board positions that are currently vacant. Susan Panetti will be serving as Board Secretary and Luis Rivera as Equipment Coordinator. Also, we welcomed Candace Teel for serving as the Pre-game Meal Coordinator.

Since this is our first meeting for the year, there will be no meeting minutes to approve.

Director Comments – Duane Minnick

Mr. Minnick remarked that this is a really good group of kids that are all working well together. He also sees good leadership within the groups and says that it is going to be a great band season.

Calendar Review – Full calendar can be viewed on

August 22, 2012 New Student Parent Meeting

August 23, 2012Meet and Greet Potluck Dinner for all band families

August 24, 2012First Home Football Game

September 4, 20122nd Carnegie Hall Payment Due

September 8, 2012Tag Day

September 14, 2012Home Football Game

September 21, 2012Home Football Game

September 29, 2012Competition – Charles Town, WV

President – Peter Scholz

Thanked the new members for stepping up and helping out with the boosters.

Wanted to say that changes can happen and just because something was always done a certain way does not mean it has to continue that way. All ideas or suggestions are welcome.

Concert Attire – Lauryn Eisenhower

Sample dresses were modeled by a few band members. There were 4 different styles to choose from. The current concert gowns are 7 years old and very uncomfortable when the girls were playing their instruments. The material also holds odor which does not come out with dry cleaning. One of the dress styles was automatically dismissed as it contained a jeweled adornment and this was found to cause problems with dry cleaning as well as occasionally getting scorched and pieces of the jewels would fall out.

Discussion was also made to use funds for alterations especially with the new ones and then possibly ongoing for whichever dresses may need it in the following years. There is a vendor that will charge a group rate for the new ones that we acquire - $18 for one layer and $24 for two layer dresses. It was also discussed to possibly sell the old gowns to the choral department for a nominal fee to help defray this additional cost. There was a motion for the band boosters to take on the expense of hemming the dresses and was approved. It was also decided to have the girls vote on the top three and the majority wins. An announcement will be made at the next general meeting.

Treasurer – Teru Gilbert

As of today, we have received 89 registration packets back from about 181 band students – 30 packets still need to be picked up. These will get distributed in band classes when school starts. Band shirts have arrived and those that have paid will get theirs tonight and the others need to pay before they will get their band shirt.

We currently have a net worth of $106,000 and the net worth statement is attached for review which includes deposits collected for the Feb 2013 NYC trip. A couple of missing checks from Harris Teeter were reissued in the amount of $5,137 which is revenue we had not anticipated receiving. Need to continue to monitor annual expenses so that we can accumulate a reserve of funds to be used to purchase new marching band uniforms in a year or two. Typical marching band uniforms last less than 10 years and ours are now being used for the 8th year.

Fundraising – various

Discount cards – 684 have been sold to date at $10.00 each and the students have earned $5,100 for their accounts and the boosters $1,150. It was suggested to get the band students in classes to participate with the discount cards once school starts. They are also being sold at football games and the two back-to-school nights coming up in September.

Mini Band Camp – Kim Crisp, who helped Mr. Minnick with this new fundraising venture, reported that it was a great success – we made a little over $2,000. It was a great experience for the 7th and 8th graders as well as the band members who were teaching some of the younger students. It was felt that we could have more participation next year from word of mouth from this year’s participants and school coordination and possibly double our profit.

Brambleton Fall Fest – October 6, 2012. Discussion was made about if we want to do a booth. Could help with the 5K Run – kids could get community hours.

Restaurant Nights – Future ones are on the calendar and the week before we will have it advertised on the electronic sign in front of the school. Information on our fundraisers can be put in the Broadlands, Brambleton and school newsletters so people are aware.

We will be starting the Citrus Sale at the end of September. It will last about 3-4 weeks so the orders can be put in and delivered before the holidays. This is a good fundraiser for the kids to get money into their band accounts.

Mrs. Leaske also reiterated the gift card (scrip) fundraiser that was started last year. It does take a little time to set up your account but it is very easy and the vendors are stores you shop at all the time such as Giant and Safeway and then the band gets whatever percentage the store has agreed to pay us of your total sales. Once your account is set up you would buy your discount cards and pick them up on specific delivery dates and shop at the stores that you normally frequent week to week.

Equipment – Luis Rivera

Luis is all set with all that has to occur for our first home game. We still could use help with equipment at the football games ongoing as well as band competitions in the next few months. We will have a new banner on the front of the stands as well as signs that indicate the area is reserved for band members.

Marching Attire – Kim Crisp

All band uniforms are fitted and ready for Friday’s game and performance.

Technology – Mark Farnsworth

Keeping calendar items and announcements updated on the webpage.

Volunteer Coordinator – Melanie Jackson

These past 3 weeks there have been 212 Volunteer Hours and there were 11 new freshman parents that signed up as volunteers. We had all volunteers show up or cancel if necessary and just one no show. There will be a lead volunteer at each away game or competition so Mr. Minnick or others would have one person to give information to.

Checklists for the various volunteer duties have helped and a small orientation has been done for each new volunteer. All looks good for volunteers for the upcoming potluck dinner and football game.

Keep watching emails for Sign Up Geniuses for upcoming band activities.

Publicity – Anne Shively

Continuing to advertise in the Broadlands and Brambleton community newspapers and the Ashburn Patch. Several people have remarked that they are seeing our name out there more.

Trip Coordinator – Laura Scholz

All is good with the New York Carnegie Hall trip. We are staying at the Hilton Hotel on Avenue of the Americas between 53rd and 54th street. More chaperones are needed and the amount for them is the same as the student. If you would like to be a chaperone, please email Laura Scholz at . The actual day of the concert is Tuesday evening with dinner cruise on Monday night and a workshop on Wednesday.

More drivers are needed for Tag Day which is Saturday, September 8, 2012. Please email Laura Scholz if you are able to drive 4-6 children. This is a big fundraiser for us and we would like to cover as much area as possible that day.

Our next meeting is September 17, 2012 at 8:00 p.m.

The meeting was adjourned by Peter Scholz at 9:15 p.m.