Biomolecule Webquest
WELCOME to the wonderful world of biomolecules. This webquest is designed to help you learn about these amazing substances. First off, a few words of advice are necessary. Be sure that you follow the directions. Use Firefox (from the CBA website) and be sure web addresses are typed exactly as they are seen!!! Answer the questions completely using your own words!!!! It is important you do not copy directly from the site as this is plagiarism.
ATP (adenosine triphosphate)
1. What does this animation mean when it says that ATP is like a rechargeable battery? Explain in terms of the molecule please!!
2. How is energy released by fats and carbohydrates and proteins?
3. Where is ATP synthesized?
4. What is the critical part of ATP and why??
5. What is the smallest unit of carbohydrates? Sketch one. What is an isomer and why is it important in carbohydrates?
6. Name a disaccharide and the 2 units that make it up.
7. What is a polymer and why is it good for storage?
8. Name the 3 polysaccharides in this animation. Tell briefly where they are located and their functions.
9. Give some examples of carbohydrates.
10. Name some proteins found in the body.
11. What are the building blocks of proteins and how many are there?
12. Where can you find the key to sequence the amino acids in a protein? (don’t click on the object “Protein Synthesis”)
13. What is the conformation of a protein? How is it changed?
14. How are amino acids bonded to one another?
15. What type of biomolecule are enzymes? What is their function?
16. What determines the function of the enzyme?
17. What affects the shape of the enzyme?
18. Click on “Why Enzymes”. Briefly explain what this animations shows.
19. Click on Specificness. What does this show?
20. Click on Reusing enzymes. Explain briefly what this shows.
21. Click on Denaturing and explain what it shows.
22. Name the three examples of lipids given.
23. What makes up triglycerides?
24. List the differences between saturated and unsaturated fatty acids.
25. Sketch a phospholipids bilayer. Name something we will study with a phospholipid bilayer
Nucleic Acids
26. What is DNA and what special information does it carry?
27. Name the simplest unit of nucleic acids. What is it composed of (3 major parts)?
28. What kinds of bonds link nucleotides together?
29. Name 3 ways DNA and RNA differ.