Faculty Senate

Regular Meeting

April 5, 2016

Present: President DeBella, Vice President Farmer, Senators Armstrong, Binfield, Brown, Coulter, Derting, Dodd, Donnelly, Ezumah, Gianforte, Greer, Hepworth, Hilton, Hoover, Hong, Pharis, Leedy, Loganathan, Regent Jacobs, Roach, Seib, Shemberger, Singh, Stambaugh, Umstead, Walsh, Worley, Wu, and Smith.

Absent: Senators Atkerson, Broughton, Byrd, Gierhart, Sutrick, and Shoemaker

Guests and Proxies: Robert Davies, Office of the President; Renee Fister, Office of the President; Timothy Todd, Arthur J. Bauernfeind College of Business; Renae Duncan, Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs; Robert Pervine, Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs; Adrienne King, Office of the Vice President for Marketing and Outreach; Laura Lohr, Staff Congress; David Durr, proxy for Senator Hassan; Mike Martin, proxy for Senator Lavery; Ben Littlepage, proxy for Senator Wilson; Laura Hoffman, proxy for Senator Papajeski; Allen Ward, Athletics; Dave Gesler, Arthur J. Bauernfeind College of Business.

The meeting was called to order by President DeBella at 3:30 p.m. The minutes of March 1, 2016, were motioned to be approved by unanimous vote.

Invited and Distinguished Guests

Dr. Timothy Todd spoke to senators, thanking them for their work over the past few months.

Dr. Renae Duncan, Acting Provost, then spoke to senators, introducing herself and reminding them that she and Dr. Robert Pervine will be working as a team to fulfill all the duties of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. She noted they will be working diligently to continue the work started at the beginning of the year.

Dr. Davies then updated senators on the legislative budget, the governor’s rescission, and where Murray State is in the process of addressing potential budget cuts. He noted to senators that throughout it all, Murray State is attempting to maintain its fiscal stability. He then thanked senators for their commitment to shared governance.

Mr. Allen Ward, Director of Athletics, then gave a presentation to senators regarding the importance of athletics, namely football, at Murray State, in light of potential budget cuts to the university. He presented the impact of removing football, which included revenue cuts and issues regarding Title IX compliance.


Board of Regents—Regent Jacobs then updated senators on the next quarterly meeting, which will be June 10, 2016. He then congratulated Katherine Farmer on her recent election as Faculty Regent.

Handbook and Personnel—Senator Binfield presented Motion 2.1.4 regarding Terminal Degree Listing to senators. Coming from a committee, the motion needs no second. After discussion, the motion passes with a 29-0 vote.

Academic Policies—No Report

Finance—Senator Roach noted to senators the committee’s concern with getting a consistent cost of living raise. He reported the committee will also be looking into salary compression and retention of faculty.

Governmental Affairs—Senator Pharis reported the committee has offered their services to the university for any assistance regarding the legislative budget.

Rules, Elections, and Bylaws— Vice President Farmer then reported that the University Governance Elections will be held April 11-12, 2016. She then announced the Faculty Senate Officers will be accepting nominations for the University Committee for Naming Campus Facilities, Programs, and Activities; the Institute for International Studies Advisory Committee; and the NCAA/OVC Representative on University Intercollegiate Athletics Council. She noted that nominations will be accepted till April 29, 2016. She then informed senators that nominations are being accepting until April 22, 2016, for the Stephen B. White Award for Shared Governance. The recipient will be announced at the May Organizational Meeting.

Executive—President DeBella reported to senators that although Vice President Farmer ran unopposed for Faculty Regent, there will still be a vote held April 11-12, 2016, as a formality.

Senator Shemberger noted the Provost Search Committee will be reconvening this semester to start planning to resume the search this summer. The hope is to have a permanent provost by January 1, 2017.

Faculty and Staff Insurance and Benefits Committee—No Report

Old Business— No Report

New Business— Senator Roach, Chair of the Nomination Committee, then informed senators his committee will be accepting nominations for both Faculty Senate President and Vice President for Academic Year 2016-2017. Nominations will be accepted up to the May 3 Faculty Senate Organizational Meeting, and can also be made from the floor during that meeting.

Adjournment time: The meeting was adjourned at 5:07 p.m.