Criteria and Checklist for Selection of Facilitator Activities
The Support Materials Committee will use the following checklist to determine whether an activity is suitable for the EFF Facilitator website:
Criteria / Meets Criteria / Does Not Meet Criteria / CommentsPurposeful:
- Has a clearly stated purpose for the entire staff development session
- Has a clearly stated purpose for the described activity and how it relates to the overall session’s purpose (what does it add? What part does it play?)
- Can be readily linked to other staff development activities that precede or follow this one
- Clearly shows how the audience knows the purpose of the activity and what they will get out of it or learn (stated outcomes)
- Uses or appropriately links to the EFF Framework and/or Quality Model, Teaching/Learning cycle or other EFF tools
- States what evidence the facilitator and audience will use to evaluate the effectiveness of the activity
- Explains how facilitator can build transparency into the activity
- Activity is designed for a particular, unique or general audience
- Materials and examples used are appropriate for that audience
- Activity builds on what is already known about the audience
- Activity helps build audience expertise to achieve the purpose of the activity and staff development session
Well Organized:
- Is well-organized with steps clearly delineated
- Is easy to follow and includes tools and materials developed for the activity
- Description is complete and has all the elements of the template
Criteria for Selection of Facilitator Activities
The following criteria are used to determine selection of materials for the EFF Facilitator website:
Purposeful – The activity has a clearly stated purpose and it directly relates to the larger purpose for the staff development session.
Transparent – The purpose of the activity is clear to the audience and participants can see how it relates to the rest of the activities in the staff development session. The activity helps the audience make links to other activities and to the larger purposes for the staff development session. The activity appropriately links to one or more components of the EFF Framework or is aligned to principles from the Quality Model and other EFF tools. Also, the activity needs to show facilitators how to build transparency, not just be transparent.
Contextual – The activity is either explicitly described to be used with a particular audience, or it is designed to be adapted for each facilitator’s unique audience. Materials and examples are appropriate to the audience.
Constructivist – The activity builds on what is already known about the audience. It is part of a larger purpose to help the audience achieve the goals of the staff development session. The activity incorporate opportunities and model strategies for participants to elicit, examine, and clarify prior knowledge to develop more complex ways of constructing meaning and understanding experience. Opportunities for participants to reflect on and monitor their own learning are also included in the activity.
Organized - The activity is well organized in a sequential step-by-step format so the audience – as well as other facilitators - can follow it. The activity includes all necessary tools and materials (or clearly explains how to create them). The description of the activity is complete and understandable.