PP: 6028, p.1.


Scope: This policy applies to all employees.


Contracted Security Personnel shall mean persons retained by contract to provide security or public safety services at or for a college owned or leased facility and shall include such personnel whether they are federal, state, or local law enforcement personnel or members of private security forces.

Internal Groups has the meaning given it in GA 3008 (Facility Usage).

External Groups has the meaning given it in GA 3008 (Facility Usage).


Contracted Security Personnel shall be retained solely by the Department of Public Safety. No person or entity using a college owned or leased facility pursuant to a facilities use agreement shall be permitted to retain Contracted Security Personnel for an event at a college-owned or leased facility without written approval from the Director of Public Safety. Contracted Security Personnel shall report solely to the Department of Public Safety except that Contracted Security Personnel on the Leonardtown and Prince Frederick campuses shall also take instructions from the Vice President and Dean (or, in their absence, their designees) of those campuses.

Events by External Groups with an expected attendance of more than 100 shall be referred to the Department of Public Safety for a determination of whether Contracted Security Personnel shall be required. Events by Internal Groups with an expected attendance of more than 100 shall consider whether there is a need for Contracted Security Personnel. Organizers of events by Internal Groups with an expected attendance of more than 100 are encouraged to consult with the Director of Public Safety.

Staff in the Department of Public Safety and Scheduling and Conference Services, in consultation with the sponsor of the event, will make the decision regarding the required number of officers. Factors such as the expected crowd size, history of problems at events the group has sponsored here or elsewhere, whether alcohol will be served, and other factors will be considered in the decision. The request must be arranged at least 4 weeks in advance of the event. Public Safety will make and communicate the decision within three college business days of receiving the necessary information.

PP: 6028, p.2f.

The Director of Public Safety shall determine whether needs set forth in this policy can be met through Public Safety Officers or through Contracted Security Personnel.

Contracted Security Personnel, other than federal, state or local law enforcement personnel, shall not be armed.


Internal Groups that would like to have Contracted Security Personnel at a college owned or leased facility shall notify the Department of Public Safety at least 4 weeks in advance. Internal Groups are responsible for discussing such requests for regularly scheduled or reasonably foreseeable events with the Director of Public Safety sufficiently in advance so that funds can be requested during the college’s regular budgeting cycle. Funds not so budgeted shall be paid from the cost center of the Internal Group sponsoring the event.

External Groups shall bear the costs of Contracted Security Personnel as well as for any overtime for Public Safety Officers as may be deemed necessary by the Director of Public Safety

Reference: FIS: 815 (Risk Management)

For more information contact: Director of Public Safety, ext 7754

GCO: 7/06