
CPSE 453: Curriculum and Instruction for

Students with Severe Disabilities

Brigham Young University

Department of Counseling Psychology and Special Education

Spring Term 2005

Credit Hours: 3

Location and Time: 166 MCKB

4:00-6:50pm MW

Instructor: Katie Sampson

Office Hours: MW: 3-4pm and by appointment

Contact Information: Office: 422-1408,

Required Text: Teaching Math to People with Down syndrome and other Hands-on Learners. Deanna Horstmeier

Curriculum and Assessment for Students with Moderate and Severe Disabilities. Diane Browder

Course Description: Curriculum and instruction for students with severe special needs including adaptations, accommodations, transition, lesson planning, and teaching techniques.

Prerequisites: Successful completion of winter semester CPSE courses

Syllabus Elements: Mapping Core Course Outcomes to the Conceptual Framework Aims & INTASC Evaluation Standards

Core Course Outcomes / Council for Exceptional Children / Conceptual Framework Aims / INTASC Evaluation Standards / Assessment
Standard / CF 1: Embrace and Apply the Moral Dimensions of Teaching
·  Practicing nurturing pedagogy
·  Providing access to knowledge
·  Enculturating for democracy
·  Ensuring responsible stewardship of the schools
CF2: Demonstrate Academic Excellence
CF3: Model Collaboration
CF4: Act with Social Competence / S1: Subject Matter
S2: Student Learning
S3: Diverse Learners
S4:Instructional Strategies
S5: Learning Environments
S6: Communication
S7: Planning Instruction
S8: Assessment
S9: Reflection and Professional Development
S10: Collaboration, Ethics, & Relationships
Historical foundations, classic studies, major contributors, major legislation, and current issues related to knowledge and practice of curriculum & instruction in special education. / Historical foundations, classic studies, major contributors, major legislation, and current issues related to knowledge and practice. IC1K2 / CF 1: CF2: CF4 / S1: Subject Matter
S4:Instructional Strategies
S10: Collaboration, Ethics, & Relationships / Article Readings, Text Study Guides and Final
The necessity of assessment for curriculum planning. / Interpret information from formal and informal assessments. CC8S5 / CF 1: CF4 / S8: Assessment / CBA, CBA Unit, Text Study Guides and Final
Effective Teaching principles / Articulate personal philosophy of special education. CC1S1 / CF 1: CF2: CF3: CF4 / S1: Subject Matter
S2: Student Learning
S4:Instructional Strategies
S7: Planning Instruction / Article Readings, Text Study Guides, Lesson Plans and Final
Positive classroom management / Basic classroom management theories and strategies for individuals with exceptional learning needs. CC5K2 / CF 1: CF3: CF4 / S3: Diverse Learners
S5: Learning Environments / Article Readings, Text Study Guides and Final
Teaching field as a professional setting / Continuum of lifelong professional development. CC9K3 / CF 1: CF2: CF3: CF4 / S9: Reflection and Professional Development / Article Readings and Final
Various teaching methods used in teaching students with severe disabilities / National, state or provincial, and local curricula standards. CC7K3 / CF 1: CF2: CF3: CF4 / S1: Subject Matter
S4:Instructional Strategies
S10: Collaboration, Ethics, & Relationships / Article Readings, Text Study Guides, Lesson Plans, and Final
Use research-supported methods for academic instruction of individuals with severe disabilities. / Use research-supported instructional strategies and practices. IC4S1 / CF 1: CF2: CF3: CF4 / S1: Subject Matter
S9: Reflection and Professional Development / Article Readings, Text Study Guides and Final
Use research-supported methods for non-academic instruction of individuals with severe disabilities. / Theories and research that form the basis of curriculum development and instructional practice.
CC7K1 / CF 1: CF2: CF3: CF4 / S1: Subject Matter
S9: Reflection and Professional Development / Article Readings, Text Study Guides and Final
Use appropriate adaptations and technology for all individuals with disabilities / Specialized materials for individuals with disabilities. IC4K1 / CF4 / S6: Communication / Article Readings, Text Study Guides, Lesson Plans, CBA and Final
Create lesson plans derived from assessments / Roles and responsibilities of the paraeducator related to instruction, intervention, and direct service. CC7K5
Prepare lesson plans. CC7S10
Prepare and organize materials to implement daily lesson plans. CC7S11 / CF 1: CF2: CF3: CF4 / S7: Planning Instruction
S8: Assessment / CBA, CBA Unit, Lesson Plans, Para Lesson Plan and Final

Course Expectations:

1. Students will adhere to the BYU Honor Code.

2.  Students will attend all classes and participate in discussions, activities, research, group work. Late arrivals or early dismissals are inappropriate. Six participation points will be deducted for each class missed, and one point for every tardy or early dismissal. The instructor needs to be informed of your absence or reason for tardiness at least ½ hour BEFORE class for it to be considered excused.

3.  Students will complete all assignments on time. Written reports are expected to be typed, proof-read, spell-checked and written in American Psychological Association (APA) style. All late assignments will lose 10% each day it is late. Assignments are due at the beginning of class. No extra credit will be given in this course.

Course Content:

This course is designed to prepare special educators to understand the methods of effectively assessing, teaching, and making adaptations for students with severe disabilities.

Methodologies/Teaching Strategies:

Course format may include but not be limited to lecture, group discussion, panel discussion, small group work, service learning, and research participation.


1)  Class participation: You will self-evaluate yourself/work each class period: 3 points are possible each day; 1 point for arriving on-time and staying for the full duration of class; 1 point for coming prepared to class by completing the readings for that day and 1 point for actively participating in class discussions and group work and staying the full duration of the class rime. Points cannot be made-up for classes that are missed--excused or un-excused. 96 points

2)  Professionalism: You will be evaluated for in-class professionalism using the CPSE departments Professionalism rubric 20 points

3)  CBA: Based on Brigance derive 1 PLEP and 1 MAG then create a CBA to extend the Brigance test 30 points

4)  CBA Unit/ Lesson Plans: Design a Unit title and create 2 DI lesson plans that align with your CBA along with a form you will use to track data during your lesson 35 points

5)  Text Reading with Study Guides: You will create a study guide with at least 10 questions and answers for each chapter of assigned reading from the text. 70 points

6)  Article Readings: There will be a total of 4 articles to be read addressing various topics throughout the semester for a total of 40 points

7)  Discrete Trial Lesson Plan: You will design a Discrete Trial Lesson Plan. 15 points

8)  Para lesson: Design a DI lesson plan for Paras or Peer tutors accompanied with a form you’d use to take data on progress 20 points

9)  DI or D.T. Math Lesson Plan: Design a math focused Dior D.T. lesson plan 15 points

10) Math Text Reading: You will complete a study guide from the text, Teaching Math to People with Down Syndrome and Other Hands-on Learners. 20 points

Class Participation 96

Professionalism 20

CBA 30

CBA Unit/Lesson Plans 35

Text Readings 70

Article Readings 40

Para Lesson 20

Discrete Trial Lesson Plan 15

Math Lesson Plan 15

Math Text Reading 20

Final 65



A 95-100%

A-  90-94%

B+ 88-89%

B 85-87%

B-  80-84%

C+ 78-79%

C 75-77%

C-  70-74%

D+ 68-69%

D 65-67%

D-  60-64%

E below 60%

Preventing Sexual Harassment:

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits sex discrimination against any participant in an educational program or activity that receives federal funds. The act is intended to eliminate sex discrimination in education. Title IX covers discrimination in programs, admissions, activities, and student-to-student sexual harassment. BYU’s policy against sexual harassment extends not only to employees of the university but to students as well. If you encounter unlawful sexual harassment or gender based discrimination, please talk to your professor; contact the Equal Employment Office at 422-5895 or 367-5689 (24-hours); or contact the Honor Code Office at 422-2847.

Students with Disabilities:

Brigham Young University is committed to providing a working and learning atmosphere which reasonably accommodates qualified persons with disabilities. If you have any disability which may impair your ability to complete this course successfully, please contact the Services for Students with Disabilities Office (422-2767). Reasonable academic accommodations are reviewed for all students who have qualified documented disabilities. Services are coordinated with the student and instructor by the SSD Office. If you need assistance or if you feel you have been unlawfully discriminated against on the basis of disability, you may seek resolution through established grievance policy and procedures. You should contact the Equal Employment Office at 422-5895, D-282 ASB.

Statement on Diversity:

The McKay School of Education and Brigham Young University are committed to preparing students to serve effectively in a diverse society. In this course students will learn methods and material that may be adapted to various settings and contexts. Students are expected to demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to effectively apply the course content when working with individuals and groups with varying abilities and backgrounds.

Course Outline/Tentative Schedule: Topic

W: April 27 Course overview

Curriculum Based Assessments


Assignment: Derive One PLEP and one MAG from Brigance & create a CBA to extend the Brigance

M: May 2 CBA’s to Instruction/Lesson Planning

Assignment: Design a unit title and draft 2 DI lesson plans that align with your assessment tools along with a model how you will track data come prepared to teach one lesson plan on Wed.

W: May 4 Application of CBA’s/Discrete Trial

Assignment: Draft a Discrete Trial Lesson plan & Chapter One C&A with study guide questions (10)

M: May 9 Teach Discrete Trial/ Focusing on Curriculum

Assignment: Professionalism Article

W: May 11 Lesson Mastery/ Professionalism

Assignment: Chapter 7 C&A with study guide questions (10) Answer Question: What are Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences? One page

M: May 16 Functional Reading & Multiple Intelligences

Assignment: Para Article

W: May 18 Working with Paras

Assignment: Design a lesson plan for Paras or Peer tutors accompanied with form you’d use to take data on progress & Chapter 12 C&A with study guide questions (10)

M: May 23 Inclusion/Parent/General Ed. Relations

Assignment: Chapter 10 C&A with study guide questions (10)

W: May 25 Community/Leisure Skills Backward/Forward Chaining

Assignment: Math Downs book & Chapter 8 C& A with study guide questions (10)

M: May 30 No Class Memorial Day Holiday

W: June 1 Math Instruction

Assignment: DI or Discrete Trial Math lesson plan Chapter 9 C&A with study guide questions (10)

M: June 6 Home and Personal Living Skills

Assignment: Chapter 11 C&A with study guide questions (10)

W: June 8 Communication and Social Skills

Assignment: 7 Habits Article Answer question: “How will I incorporate these concepts into my classroom?” one page

M: June 13 Paradigms/Personal Perspectives

Assignment: STUDY HARD

W: June 16 FINAL 1:00-2:50pm