PBIS Action Plan 2011-2012
*The school will ensure a positive social and emotional climate for all students, staff and families.*
Monitoring Period:9/1/11 to 6/22/12
Administration: David DeCarli, Assistant Principal
Action Plan Strategies / Action Plan / Implementationtimeline (Include due date) / Was the strategy implemented (Yes or No) / How do you know it has been implemented? If not implemented why?- Provide professional development on improving school climate
Maintain the PBIS Leadership team / Done / Yes / Currently in place for past 6 years under Mr. DeCarli
Provide monthlyprofessional development on improving school climate / Establish internal professional development to staff on universal design and practical application of core practices, programs and terms in Tiers I,II,III
To present PBIS workshops to staff:
- Bullying components and training
- Classroom Management strategies
- Revisit Frameworks of Poverty
6/2012 / Yes
staff / Prof Development workshops
Conducted monthly
Feedback, 3-2-1 wrap ups
- Increase engagement of families in support of positive student behavior and communication schoolwide
- Continue to administer the District School Climate Survey
- Share Climate Survey information with entire school community
- Collect PBIS SET data for each school and disseminate results to the entire school community
To administer a school based survey to glean student, staff and parent perception / Completed through District surveys / Spring 2012 / Yes, yearly review of surveys / -Survey results in the Spring
Reach out to the community to foster collaboration and communication / Conduct Quarterly Hornet Talk sessions
- Uniforms
- Bullying
- Management strategies
4/23/12 / -Hornet Talk feedback
Continue schoolwide communication of PBIS initiatives and programs /
- Monthly newsletter
- Lunchtime announcements
- Creation of a behavior rubric
- Leadership team meetings
- Faculty meeting presentations
- New teacher and student teacher presentations
- Hornet Time
Behavior rubric shared with Dept. Heads
Monthly meetings with team
- Ensure consistency of implementation of PBIS using SRBI model
Revision of PBIS organizational flowchart to define system school-wide and understanding and further advance capacity in Tiers I,II,III / Spring 2012 / To be updated 2011-2012 school year
SET data collected on EHHS / Results to be evaluated and shared with staff
Revision of EHHS Bullying policy in accordance with Public Act 11-232 / Fall 2011 / Yes / Hard copy to be shared with staff, administrative council and school governance council
Establish Bullying Task Force / Spring 2012 / Report back to PBIS leadership team on effectiveness
- Ensure consistency in application of disciplinary consequences
Develop a Discipline Management System (DMS) tosupport and reinforce PBIS school wide expectations / Completed 2008, currently in place / Current system utilizing multiple data points and submitted by House office each Quarter
To design a discipline data collection system to track and disaggregate student data and infractions / Ongoing, Eschool and Excel / Review of data and share out with staff
Maintain incident tracker to monitor school-wide, classroom, and student data to measure the effectiveness of our core practices and to apply the appropriate Tier II and III interventions / Completed 2007, currently in place / Review of additional layer added to the referral. Review and decision by Spring 2012
Use of student-teacher reconnect forms
To establish supervisory and student expectations for discipline/support programs / Revised each August / Revised according to discipline data collected and disaggregated each year.
- Provide a structure and forum for an incentive program
- Student of the month breakfast
- School showcase
- PRO Student Award
- Buzzworthy brags
- Gotchas-student, parent, staff
- Brag bracelets