Term of Reference
MoCI ACBRIP Trade License Reform Program Phase II
ACBRIP Licensing Marketing and Communication Campaign
A. Objectives/purpose of the assignment
The World Bank Group (WBG) promotes sustainable private sector investment in developing countries as a way to reduce poverty and improve people’s lives. The World Bank executes a major donor-funded program to improve the Investment Climate and enhance the private sector investment in the country.
Afghanistan Trade Licensing Reform Project Team is planning to implement a marketing and promotional campaign for one of its deliverables that is the newly developed service for obtaining single business license in Afghanistan Central Business Registry and Intellectual Property (ACBIRP) One-Stop-Shop in Kabul. For this purpose, the World Bank would like to contract a vendor to design, print, and implement a marketing plan that would promote the One-Stop-Shop for obtaining and renewal of the business licenses application and expand its outreach.
The vendor is expected to design, print campaign materials, and procure airtime for placement as described in this term of reference.
B. Project Background & Target Audience:
The objective of the Licensing Reform Project Phase II is to support the Government of Afghanistan at the national level (ACBRIP single business license One-Stop-Shop) and its branches in (21) provinces.
Building on the reforms achieved in Phase I of the Afghanistan Licensing Reform Project, the overall goal of the Phase II of the project is to support the Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MoCI) ACBRIP General Directorate in promoting an investment climate that is conducive to private sector growth. To pursue this goal, the project aims to achieve the following objectives:
Business Registration and Licensing:
1) Further streamlining processes for increased efficiency and sustainability in the Licensing One Stop Shop created at the MoCI during Phase I of the project.
2) Successfully rolling out the business registration and licensing reforms conducted in Kabul to MoCI offices at the provincial level in line with international best practices.
Renewal of Business Licensing:
The project aims to achieve the following key results in order to increase the efficiency and sustainability of the renewal process of business licensing in the ACBIRP of Ministry of Commerce and Industries:
1) Reducing the time required to obtain new business licenses at the national and subnational levels
2) Reducing the time required for business license renewal
3) Increasing the number of firms/businesses that benefit from reformed licensing requirements as measured by the number of issued licenses at the national and subnational level
4) Increasing the number of firms/businesses that benefit from reformed licensing requirements as measured by the number of renewed licenses.
Target Market
The Business sector had been among one of the growing sectors in the world. Afghanistan is a developing country with a large young population, mostly educated; it is improving in fields where there is a development in education and computerization, in addition to growth of the private sector and entrepreneurship development.
The target audience for this scope of work will be the private sector entities. The marketing and communication campaign will be implemented as following:
· Geographically: distributed in Kabul and provinces
· The campaign will be in Dari and Pashto languages mainly for Kabul and the targeted provinces
· However, broadcasting shall consider outreach to as widely as it reaches the entire population.
The campaign aims to encourage the private sector to use the licensing one stop shop for business licenses in Kabul and (21) provinces.
C. Scope of work:
The Afghanistan Licensing Reform Project team would like to conduct a marketing campaign, in cooperation with the ACBRIP General Directorate of MoCI, which aims to encourage the businesses using the Business Licensing One-Stop-Shop services. A large percentage of the planned marketing and outreach campaign is intended to communicate about the simplified business license issuance process at the ACBRIP central and its provincial offices, but the campaign will also include messages about the simplified tax clearance process at the Small, Medium and Large Tax payer offices of the Ministry of Finance. The latter message will inform businesses to utilize the improved tax clearance process of the Ministry of Finance, leading to easy renewal of their business licenses at the ACBRIP of MoCI.
The vendor is required to provide the following requirements as clarified in the below table *:
1- Creative designs
2- Printing and production of promotional materials
3- Provision of business dress for the ACBRIP staff
4- PR activities
5- Financial Proposal
Vendors are expected to provide World Bank with one sample creative design for the campaign (including but not limited to brochures, video and audio clips, roll ups, web-page design, and newspapers ads), and for the business dress upon submitting the proposal.
1) Creative designs are in Dari, Pashto and in English, except otherwise stated.
2) The vendor is responsible for professional translation of the campaign contents and materials. Heads up and key expressions in local languages will be provided by the ACBIRP.
Table of Required Items
Item / Size / Specifications / Quantity1. Creative Designs
Slogan / As appropriate / Create single slogan for the campaign to be used in all materials.
The slogan should be short, clear, catchy, and clarifies in a short message the purpose of tool in Dari and Pashto
(Hints and key points will be provided by MoCI ACBRIP (about the business license) and by the MoFin Tax Payer Offices (about the tax clearance process) , development and illustration of materials will be done by the selected vendor and submitted to the client for comments, improvement and approval) / 1 Dari
1 Pashto
1 English
ACBRIP Logo / As appropriate / ACBRIP presently has an official logo with a combination of Dari, Pashto and English and marking.
The vendor is expected to review the logo and provide recommendations for improvement of the logo that makes the logo attractive and professional.
The vendor will also develop of a brief guideline that describes the ACBIRP logo (1-2 pages) whereby the color codes and the usage of logo in different background and layouts is elaborated. / 1 Improved Logo
Short TV Animation commercial / 30 Seconds / Create & produce an animation video for about 30 seconds demonstrating the facilities established, online tools, how to reach, and benefits.
Excellent pictures quality, clear images and voice. High resolution full color with ability to publish on social media and web-pages, and can be sent on through social media platforms.
(Hints and key points will be provided by MoCI ACBRIP, (about the business license) and by the MoFin Tax Payer Offices (about the tax clearance process) development and illustration of materials will be done by the selected vendor and submitted to the client for comments, improvement and approval) / 1 Dari
1 Pashto
Radio commercial / 30 Seconds / 30 second clear radio spot to be produced.
(Hints and key points will be provided by MoCI ACBRIP (about the business license) and by the MoFin Tax Payer Offices (about the tax clearance process), development and illustration of materials will be done by the selected vendor and submitted to the client for comments, improvement and approval) / 1 Dari
1 Pashto
Brochures Design / Tri-Fold / Tri-fold Brochure (a single sheet printed on both sides and folded into three halves) colored, high quality.
The Vendor will receive the content while is responsible for development to be, catchy, short & clear.
Approximately 30% of the brochure contents will be about the tax process and the 70% about the business licensing process.
(Hints and key points will be provided by MoCI ACBRIP (about the business license) and by the MoFin Tax Payer Offices (about the tax clearance process), development and illustration of materials will be done by the selected vendor and submitted to the client for comments, improvement and approval) / 1 Dari
1 Pashto
1 English
Roll Up Banner Design / 80 cm x 200 cm / Colored, high-resolution film (Two different Designs, each language respectively two designs of each 30 pcs)
The Vendor will receive the content while is responsible for development to be, catchy, short & clear.
(Hints and key points will be provided by MoCI ACBRIP (about the business license) and by the MoFin Tax Payer Offices (about the tax clearance process), development and illustration of materials will be done by the selected vendor and submitted to the client for comments, improvement and approval) / 2 Dari
2 Pashto
2 English
Newspaper Ads Design / Quarter page / Colored, high resolution, catchy, short & clear.
The vendor will buy space for placement of adds on three languages for 20 days on two largely printed newspapers aimed to be read by the businesses, educated and interested part of society. It is planned to publish the newspaper advertisement every other day during the course of 40 days.
The ACBRIP will select among the newspapers.
(Hints and key points will be provided by MoCI ACBRIP (about the business license) and by the MoFin Tax Payer Offices (about the tax clearance process), development and illustration of materials will be done by the selected vendor and submitted to the client for comments, improvement and approval) / 1 Dari
1 Pashto
1 English
Billboard Ads / 4x8 meter / High quality color sticker, 4 x 8 meter in size
The vendor will place the Ads on the billboard in (1) ACBIRP, (2) Ministry of Commerce (MoCI), (3)Tax Payers Office of Ministry of Finance (MoFin), (4) Afghanistan Chamber of Commerce and Industries (ACCI) in Kabul.
The area for placing the billboard will be determined and facilitated by the ACBIRP.
(Hints and key points will be provided by MoCI ACBRIP (about the business license) and by the MoFin Tax Payer Offices (about the tax clearance process), development and illustration of materials will be done by the selected vendor and submitted to the client for comments, improvement and approval) / 5 Dari
5 Pashto
Review and Improvement of the ACBIRP official website template / The vendor will review, analyze and recommend improvement of the existing ACBRIP website in the light of the bellow recommendations:
The vendor will be responsible for implementation of the approved recommendations by the ACBIRP.
- Development in Microsoft .Net base CMS
- CMS. Must be certified and supported on current release of open source MYSQL. The CMS Web/Application server must be certified and Supported on IIS, APACHE HTTPD, Tomcat.
- The system MUST allow admin to edit content in both WYSIWYG and HTML modes
- The System’s ability to display an entire website’s sitemap or partial sitemap
- CMS MUST generate or provide the user the ability to create human-readable and search-engine-friendly USLs (SEO) for published content
- Site should be web-enable format for Cell phones and PDAs
- Should be Compatible with all browsers
- Should be fully dynamic
- Should record logs and details for each action
- Should be controllable by multiple users
- Should be in best practice for securing the system
Contents will be placed by the vendor in the website in collaboration with the ACBRIP. / 1 Dari (page)
1 Pashto (page)
1 English (page)
2. Printing
Brochures Pint out / Tri-Fold / Tri-fold Brochure (a single sheet printed on both sides and folded into three halves) colored, high quality.
Material: Glossy 150 grams
Brochures quantity for each of the ACBRIP 21 provinces are determined by the ACBRIP and transported by the vendor to the ACBRIP offices in the 21 provinces.
ACBRIP may decide to increase the sample of brochures from one to two while keeping the quantity of the printouts.
(Hints and key points will be provided by MoCI ACBRIP (about the business license) and by the MoFin Tax Payer Offices (about the tax clearance process), development and illustration of materials will be done by the selected vendor and submitted to the client for comments, improvement and approval) / 50,000 Dari
50,000 Pashto
2,000 English
Paper Folders / Bi-fold, A4 size, tick paper, color printed / A4 size paper file folder, 350 gram with pocket and business card slots. The folder front side will have color printed description of ACBIRP, a front side photo and contact on the second fold.
The photo and key heading will be matt or glass laminated.
Color, shape and contents will be provided by the ACBIRP. / 5,000 pcs
Envelopes / A4 size
A5 size / White color enveloped marked as ACBRIP with its logo and brief details of sender, date.
The envelopes self-sealing (seal and peal) of good quality.
In terms of quality, the Turkish imported envelopes are preferred. / 5,000 A4 size
5,000 A5 size
Roll Up Production / 80 cm x 200 cm / Standard Size, High Quality Stand and Lamination
(Two or three different Designs for each language respectively) The role up stand will be checked and approved by the ACBIRP prior printing of rollups.
(Hints and key points will be provided by MoCI ACBRIP (about the business license) and by the MoFin Tax Payer Offices (about the tax clearance process), development and illustration of materials will be done by the selected vendor and submitted to the client for comments, improvement and approval) / 60 Dari
60 Pashto
30 English
3. Media Buying
Public Relations/ PR Activities / The vendor is expected to submit a public relations plan to further promote the services for single business licensing system. The plan should include the following activities:
1) Video Clip:
The vendor will provide cost of airing 30 seconds video clip on (5) mostly viewed local TV stations (airtime between 06:00 p.m. to 09:00 p.m., and 09:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.)
2) Audio Clip (Commercial):
The vendor will provide cost of airing 30 seconds audio clip on (4) mostly listened local radio stations (airtime as appropriate)
3) Social Media (Facebook):
The vendor will develop and create a Facebook and buy adds to promote the business licensing promotional materials. In order to achieve success onFacebookthere is need to engage communities. The vendor will buy likes, optimize FacebookPage Info, post engaging content, keep it active, promoteFacebook Page everywhere, invite existing community, use Facebook social plugins, pay to play with Facebook ads, and use social media monitoring to measure, analyze and learn. The Facebook page above plan should be for at least two years. The page will be handed over to the ACBIRP.
4) Newspaper Add:
The vendor will develop and create a newspaper add and buy space to publish the business licensing promotional materials
(Hints and key points will be provided by MoCI ACBRIP (about the business license) and by the MoFin Tax Payer Offices (about the tax clearance process), development and illustration of materials will be done by the selected vendor and submitted to the client for comments, improvement and approval) / 1 Dari * 7 days * (1 morning & 1 evening)
1 Pashto * 7 days * (1 morning & 1 evening)
1 page with Dari, Pashto, English contents
1 Dari, 1 Pashto and 1 English
4. Business Dress:
ITEM / Size / Specifications / Quantity
Dress Code / Approximate 4 meter of best quality imported textile used for stitching formal suits / Dress Code:
Made of imported textile in navy blue color appropriate business suits for all seasons, (40) male and (6) female staff of the ACBRIP in Kabul. The vendor will stich two suits for each of the ACBIRP staff.
ACBRIP will approve the quality of textile and sample of the suit consisting of a paint and a jacket, and a shirt (light blue color) & tie (blue color) comfortable for both summer and winter. The ACBIRP will choose among the samples of shirts, ties and scarfs. The ACBRIP female staff may choose paints or paints-skirt as the formalities will require. / Suit:
2x40 for (male) staff
2x6 for (female) staff
2x40 for (male) staff
2x6 for (female) staff
Tie: 2x40 for (male) staff
Scarf: 2x6 for (female) staff
Badge: / Round shape made of metal / The badge will be used over the suits to identify that the staff works for ACBIR. The badge will include the ACBIRP logo and made of material in golden color, clipped over the suit or shirt. ACBRIP will approve samples provided by the vendor. / 300 pcs
ID Cards: / Standard ID Card size approx. 90x50 mm / Pre-trimmed, made of standard materials, approx. 90x50 mm size rounded corners, thickens of 0.8mm, the ID will include the ACBRIP title, staff name and title, ID number, and photo.
A color code of technical and management staff will be applied.
Each ID card will have best quality holder (unbendable) and lanyard marked/printed on strip as (ACBRIP and ریاست ثبت مرکزی و مالکیت های فکری )
ACBRIP will provide list and details of each staff / 120 pcs
Note: World Bank is entitled to increase or decrease any of these quantitative, and to exclude certain items in accordance with work requirements and budgetary constraints.