Please find below reading lists for level one English Literature: Single Honours students must take three modules in addition to the three compulsory modules. If you like, you can take all your modules in English Literature and Creative Writing. Alternatively, you can take up to two electives in History, Classics, Languages, Media etc. You must, of course, have an equal split of modules between the two semesters. Joint Honours students take two of the three compulsory modules and one optional module. English with Creative Writing students must take EN-117 and EN-118, two of the three compulsory Literature modules and two optional modules.

EN-100 ‘MONSTERS, THEORIES AND TRANSFORMATIONS’ (compulsory module, Teaching Block 1)

Shelley, M. Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus (Ed.) Johanna Smith. Bedford: St Martin’s Press. ISBN 9780333914380

Stoker, B. Dracula (Ed.) John Paul Riquelme. Bedford: St Martin’s Press. ISBN 9780333947128

Brontë, C. Jane Eyre. London: Norton. ISBN 978-0-393-97542-0

Rhys, J. Wide Sargasso Sea London: Norton. ISBN 978-0-393-96012-9

EN-114 ‘VOICES OF POETRY’ (compulsory module, Teaching Block 1)

The Norton Anthology of Poetry (Norton, 5th edn) ISBN 978-0-393-97920-6

EN-119 ‘THE STAGE PLAY WORLD’ (compulsory module, Teaching Block 2)

Core texts will include:

Sophocles, Oedipus/Antigone. In Producers’ Choice, Six Plays for Young Performers, eds. Barker, Britton et al. London: Methuen Drama. ISBN 978-1-408-14488-6

Shakespeare, W. Measure for Measure. Oxford: OUP. ISBN 978-0-199-53584-2

Ibsen, H. A Doll’s House. In Henrik Ibsen, Four Major Plays, trans. James McFarlane. Oxford: OUP. ISBN 978- 0-19-953619-1

Churchill, C. Top Girls. London: Pearson. ISBN 978-1-405-89623-8

EN-112 ‘APPROACHES TO GENDER IN ENGLISH LITERATURE’ (optional module, Teaching Block 1)

A selection of short stories, novels and poetry is read alongside gender theory.

Showalter, E. (Ed.) Daughters of Decadence: Women Writers of the Fin-de-Siècle (Virago) (‘The Fifth Edition’ and ‘The Buddhist Priest’s Wife’) ISBN 978-1-853-81590-4

Woolf, V. A Room of One’s Own (any edition)

Atwood, M. Lady Oracle (Virago) ISBN 978-0-860-68303-2

Kay, J. Trumpet (Picador) ISBN 978-0-330-51182-7

A selection of war poetry by Rupert Brooke, Siegfried Sassoon and Wilfred Owen, Alun Lewis and Lynette Roberts Short essays or extracts by Virginia Woolf, Simone de Beauvoir, Rachel Blau du Plessis, Joanna Bourke, Judith Halberstam, and Riki Wilchins will be provided.

EN-113 ‘LITERATURE AND SOCIETY IN MEDIEVAL EUROPE’ (optional module, Teaching Block 2)

Chaucer, G. ‘The General Prologue’ to The Canterbury Tales, trans. David Wright. Oxford: OUP. ISBN 978-0-199-59902-8

Anon. Beowulf, The Battle of Maldon and Judith (extracts to be provided in class – taken from Elaine Treharne, Old and Middle English Literature c.890 - c.1400: An Anthology. Oxford: Blackwell. ISBN 978-1-405-18120-4 Anon, Amis and Amiloun. Online Middle English edition with glossary Extracts from the works of Christine de Pizan, Margery Kempe and Marie de France (provided in class)
(optional module, Teaching Block 2)
You will read extracts from:
Kafka, F. Metamorphosis and Other Stories
Brecht. B. Short Fiction

Bachmann, I. The Thirtieth Year
Selected works by Italo Calvino, Annie Ernaux and Juan Goytisolo

(optional module, Teaching Block 2)
Poe, E.A. The Fall of the House of Usher and Other Writings. London: Penguin ISBN 978-0-141-43981-5
Twain, M. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Oxford: OUP. ISBN 978-0-199-53655-9
Cather, W. My Ãntonia. Oxford: OUP. ISBN 978-0-199-53814-0
Dos Passos, J. Manhattan Transfer. London: Penguin. ISBN 978-0-141-18448-7
DeLillo, D. White Noise. Basingstoke: Macmillan. ISBN 978-0-330-52484-1
Selected poetry by Emily Dickinson, Walt Whitman, Sterling A. Brown, Langston Hughes and T.S. Eliot (provided in class)
This module takes an interdisciplinary approach so you will also study film (eg. Blade Runner, The Matrix, silent film),
music (eg. jazz and blues) and visual culture (American photography and nineteenth- and twentieth-century painting)

(Teaching Block 1)
This reading list will change to include lecturers’ choice of book. The list below is the minimum requirement. Many excerpts are posted on Blackboard.

Child, L. (2007). The Hard Way. London: Bantam

Carter, A. (1995). The Bloody Chamber. (The Tiger’s Bride, The Company of Wolves) Vintage Classics

Carshore, K. (2008). Graceling. Gollancz

Davies, G. (Ed.). (2005). Sing Sorrow Sorrow. Cardiff: Seren

Grimm’s. Grimm’s’ Fairy Tales. (Red Riding Hood). Any edition

Harris, R. (2009). Fatherland. Arrow

King, S. (2012). Danse Macabre. London: Hodder,

King, S. (2012). On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft. London: Hodder

Lauppe-Dunbar, A. (2015). Dark Mermaids. Cardiff: Seren

Singleton, H., & Lockhurst, M. (1999). The Creative Writing Handbook. London: Palgrave Macmillan


Miranda (TV)

Gavin and Stacey (TV)

My Family (TV)

P.G.Woodhouse, Right Ho Jeeves (BBC Audio)

Richmal Crompton, Just William (BBC Audio)


(The Onion)

(The Television will not be televised)

(The Daily Mash)

(Freelance writing)

(Teaching Block 2)
Please do not buy these first THREE books – but wait until you can get them from the library, or read the excerpts from Bb as the books are very pricey.

Block, B. (2007). The Visual Story: Creating the Visual Structure of Film, TV and Digital Media. (2nd ed.). Focal Press,

Field, S. (2005). Screenplay: The Foundations of Screenwriting: A Step by Step guide from Concept to finished Script. Delta

Snyder, B. (2005). Save The Cat: The Last Book on Screenwriting You Will Ever Need. Michael Wiese Productions

de Maupassant, G. (2000) The Necklace and Other Short Stories. Dover

Roth, P. (1995). Portnoy's Complaint. Vintage

Thomas, D. Under Milk Wood. Any Edition.

Barker, Britton et al. Writing for Stage: Producer’s Choice, Six plays for Young Performers. Methuen Drama

Benjamin Zephaniah:
John Cooper Clarke:

Jo Bell:

Dafydd, F. EP ‘You found me Out’ (iTunes).

Radio 4 Afternoon plays, either live to air or on the BBC Radio-player (ANY)