Regional School District 14

Towns of Bethlehem and Woodbury

Technology Committee Meeting Minutes

Date: September 25, 2014

Location: NHS Library Media Center


Fiona Docherty, Kathleen Grillo, Kim Musket, Maria Sortito, Nadine Pratt, Paul J. Ciotti, Philip J. Pagano, Susan Domanico, Jodie D'Alexander, Jessica Prutting, Carly Bullock

Topic/presenter / Discussion/Decisions / Next Steps
Calendar, point person
Paul: Trifection Report / Paul reviewed the Trifection report that is posted on district website and shared the list of the requests to unblock sites since the protocol has been in place. The committee read down through the list, noting that many “not rated” sites are ones that are relevant if not critical to doing business in the district.
Schools are still awaiting the distribution of the posters that describe the process for unblock requests.
MES and WMS indicated that they have included that topic/process in the Computer Tech classes for all students. The information is being spread less formally at the other sites, but will be revisited once the posters are done. / Select design for Unblock Request posters and get them distributed to all schools.
Develop a plan for making sure all students/staff understand the new process.
Sue, Paul: MAP administration / Long discussion about MAP. Technology issues fell into three groups: user error (not selecting the right network or browser, not activating a switch, not charging devices); network issues (access points over capacity, flipping between guest and RSD 14 networks, need to add shortcuts to Chromebooks) and vendor errors (system over capacity, dropping connections resulting in blank screens, some false error messages)
Testing in computer labs has been the least problematic. Other areas relying on a mix of devices or wireless access have had some issues. / Continue to revisit strategy for testing, load on access points, possible short-cuts for laptops and Chromebooks to speed up access to secure site.
Paul, Phil: upgrades / Paul reviewed the summer work, updates and upgrades in system and hardware. He asked the group to think about budget items for the upcoming year. Some members had specific questions on iPad use, image filtering and VPN.

Parking Lot issues: Google Drive, 3 year tech plan

Minutes recorded by: Sue

Minutes to be distributed by:

Method for distribution: Google drive, website