Fourier methods: The Gaussian wavepacket
PIN number:
Q2:Explain how you would choose a value for L that is “large enough:”
The smallest value of L that I think is “large enough” is:
PIN number:
Q3:Chartsheet for ar vs kr:
The term with largest magnitude ar has:
Central value of k =
Distribution full width at half maximum height kFWHM=
PIN number:
Q4:Chartsheet for f(xn) vs xn, fseries(xn) vs xn and f(xn) vs xn:
Where in the range (-L/2, L/2) are the values of x for which fseries(x) is least
accurate? Answer:
Why is fseries(x) least accurate for these values of x? Answer:
PIN number:
Q5:For the wavepacket with halved kw, the term with largest magnitude ar has:
r =
Central value of k =
Distribution full width at half maximum height kFWHM=
Largest magnitude of f(xn) =
I expect that halving kw will result in the following changes:
What actually happened is:
Q6:For the wavepacket with quartered kw, the term with largest magnitude ar has:
r =
Central value of k =
Distribution full width at half maximum height kFWHM=
Largest magnitude of f(xn) =
I expect that quartering kw will result in the following changes:
What actually happened is:
PIN number:
Q7:For the wavepacket with halved xw, the term with largest magnitude ar has:
r =
Central value of k =
Distribution full width at half maximum height kFWHM=
Largest magnitude of f(xn) =
I expect that halving xw will result in the following changes:
What actually happened is:
Q8:For the wavepacket with doubled xw, the term with largest magnitude ar has:
r =
Central value of k =
Distribution full width at half maximum height kFWHM=
Largest magnitude of f(xn) =
I expect that doubling xw will result in the following changes:
What actually happened is:
PIN number:
Q9(a): Picture of cells A1:N30
PIN number:
Q9(b): Picture of cells N1:Z30
PIN number:
Q9(c): Picture of cells Z1:AJ30
Exploring Fourier methods with Excel: The Gaussian wavepacket
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