Criteria for Evaluating Group Project
Materials: / Text Selection: / v  Was the primary text selected and a copy handed in by the deadline?
v  Does it meet the criteria outlined on the assignment sheet (i.e., 19th-century source, from Special Collections, connected to course themes and time period, etc.)?
v  Is the text appropriate and interesting?
v  If there were any problems with the text or secondary sources, were they resolved in a timely manner?
v  Was the text choice relevant and/or creative?
v  Was the text distributed (whether electronically or as a paper copy) to the class before the day of the discussion?
Bibliography: / v  Does the Bibliography include primary and secondary sources?
v  Do these sources include print documents in addition to any found on the Internet (with a limit of 2 websites)?
v  Are all Internet sources from reliable websites?
v  Is the Bibliography in MLA format?
v  Is the Bibliography annotated with brief descriptions of the text and how/if it was useful?
Timeline: / v  Was the timeline turned in?
v  How was it created or used?
Discussion Questions: / v  Were the questions handed in after the discussion?
v  Were they relevant, open-ended?
v  Did they demonstrate a thoughtful approach to the text?
v  Did they provoke discussion?
v  Did they vary in format and kinds of information elicited?
v  Did the group effectively evoke (or encourage) class discussion?
Presentation / Content: / v  Were the text, questions, etc. explicitly connected to or expanding upon course themes?
v  Was the context for the text explained when necessary or relevant?
v  Was the presentation interesting? Creative?
v  Did it demonstrate original or critical thought?
Organization: / v  Is there a clear beginning, middle, and end?
v  Is the opening strong, with a clear statement of the topic and an introduction of any relevant terms or material?
v  Are the main claims of the Wrap Up well supported with relevant examples?
v  Is the group’s interpretation appropriate and fully explained at the end?
v  Is the ending strong and conclusive?
Delivery: / v  Is the presentation creative and engaging?
v  Is information clearly explained?
v  Do all group members appear prepared and organized?
v  Do the speakers seem enthusiastic and well informed?
v  Do they make eye contact and speak clearly?
Visuals (optional category) / v  Are visuals used effectively?
v  Can they be seen from everywhere in the room?
v  Do the visuals help the audience follow the presentation or provide material necessary for interpretation of text?
v  Do the speakers discuss the visuals and explain their significance?
Contribution to Group / Group Assessment Sheets: / v  Were all the group members equally involved in preparing and presenting the material?
v  Were there any problems among group members? If so, how were they resolved?
v  Did the group meet with me for a consultation at some point during their planning process?