All types of architectural projects are eligibleincluding, conservation, conversions, extensions, interiors. new build, public realm, regeneration and restoration. Entries to the RIAS Awards2012 may be submitted by architects, clients or users. However all projects require client approval and must meet the entry criteria below.
Submitted projects must:
- be located in Scotland,
- have a Chartered architect as principal of the practice, lead designer or project manager,
- have a minimum of 20% of qualifying staff as RIAS members (Scottish based entrants) or
a minimum of 20% of qualifying staff as RIBA members or overseas equivalent (entrants
outwith Scotland),
- be completed between 1st January 2010 and 24 February 2012.
Method of entry:
Every entry must include:
- a completed entry form – email request an entry form in word format.
- entry fee,
- a maximum of 5 (and minimum of 3) high-res digital images on CD in jpg format (exterior and interior if appropriate). All photography must include credits to the photographer. Please supply information on photographer credits with any images. Please make sure you name all images indicating practice name, project name and photographer, i.e. architect - project (c) photographer. Please note that images of shortlisted projects will be included in RIAS Quarterly, a touring exhibition and in PR material so copyright consent is required,
- a description of the project, including how it has matched the brief – one side of A4 maximum.
Entry fee (according to project value)
Up to £250,000£100 + VAT (£120.00)
£250k to £1million£150 + VAT (£180.00)
£1m to £5million£300 + VAT (£360.00)
Over £5 million £450+ VAT (£540.00)
Cheques should be made payable to ‘RIAS’.
Submission deadline
Please submit a hard copy no later than 5pm, Friday 24th February 2012.
Please return to:
RIAS Awards
15 Rutland Square
All enquiries should be directed to
(*) denotes mandatory field
Entry fee: Please select the contract value threshold that determines your entry feeUp to £250,000 £100 + VAT (£120.00)
£250k to £1million £150 + VAT (£180.00)
£1m to £5million£300 + VAT (£360.00)
Over £5 million £450+ VAT (£540.00)
Architect information
*Membership information
(RIAS/ RIBA number or equivalent)
*First name
*Email address
*Practice address
Project details
*Name of building
*Date of occupation
*Gross internal area (m2)
*Contract value
*Cost per (m2)
Confidentiality: Please tick the boxes if you do not wish this information to be published in print or online.
Name of Building
Address of building
Contract value
Client name
Client information
Company name
(if applicable)
*Contact name
*Contact number
*Email address
Special Awards To enter for any of these awards tick the relevant box(es) below. In the Statements section you will be asked to supply up to 300 words explaining why your scheme should be considered for the relevant prize. The organisers reserve the right to enter your scheme for a particular award even if you have not entered as such.
RIAS/ Forestry Commission Scotland Wood for Good
RIBA Conservation
RIBA Sustainability Award (please refer to published criteria)
RIBA Small Project Award – for budgets less than £250,000
RIBA Client of the Year
Contact for jury visit:Please provide contact details of the person who should be contacted to arrange a jury visit.
*Company name (if applicable)
*First name
*Contact number
*Email address
*Directions (exact location/postcode/Google map link)
Project Description(A4 maximum)RIAS/ Forestry Commission Scotland Wood for Good (300 words)
RIBA Conservation(300 words)
RIBA awards programme Process Sustainability Statement
The RIBA is committed to meeting the challenge of climate change and raising the understanding of sustainability within the profession. This document is to provide where possible quantitative and qualitative data on the sustainability credentials of buildings submitted for awards. There may be buildings where it is not possible to produce quantifiable data either because of their size, or because they do not provide climatic enclosure, in which case only the written statement needs to be included.
Gross floor Area / m² / Treated floor area(eg where energy use can be measured) / m²
Annual energy/CO2 consumption for space and water heating (excluding any contributions from onsite renewables which should be noted below) / kWhrs / x 0.19 kgCO2/kWhr
Annual energy/CO2 consumption for electrical usage (excluding any contributions from onsite renewables which should be noted below) / kWhrs / x 0.43 kgCO2/kWhr
CO2 emissions/m² treated floor area / kgCO2/ m²
Give the basis of calculations/software / measured data used to achieve the above data.
Give details of any benchmarking evaluation system that has been completed for the building(e.g. BREEAM for Offices/BREEAM for Schools/Eco Homes Rating/SAP/SBEM).
Where appropriate provide the name of the engineer who has validated the above figures.
Give details of any renewable energy systems incorporated into the building.
Use the remainder of this sheet to give a short 300 word statement about the approach that has been taken towards addressing issues of sustainability in the design of the project.
RIBA Small Project Award – for budgets less than £250,000(300 words)
RIBA Client of the Year(300 words)