Albion Elementary PTA

Meeting Minutes

Friday, September 8, 2017

President Leesa Jacubenta called the meeting to order at 9:35 a.m. Members then said the Pledge of Allegiance.

Leesa welcomed everyone to the September meeting, thanked them for attending and encouraged them to get involved this year. Attendees introduced themselves.

Superintendent – Greg Gurka

·  Mr. Gurka plans on attending PTA meetings whenever possible. He will attend the October meeting with an update on the new facilities plans. (Leesa then reminded everyone that our next meeting will be held on Friday, October 6.)

Principal’s Report – Vince Ketterer

·  Mr. Ketterer stated that the school year is off to a good start. With the addition of a fifth kindergarten section (half day), there was some additional chaos with lunch and recess procedures, but overall it was a smooth transition.

·  Mr. Ketterer has participated in planning meetings for the new facilities, which he said is a very exciting process. He talked briefly about the concept of “21st-century learning,” and ways of using the new spaces that will embrace the “4 C’s”: Communicating, Collaborating, Critical Thinking, and Creativity. Albion staff is currently addressing these questions via discussion and professional development.

·  New steps are being taken this school year to reinforce the “Bear Way,” Albion’s positive behavior reinforcement program. The Albion Pledge is posted throughout school, as are posters reminding students of expectations: Be Ready, Be Respectful, Be Responsible, and Be a Friend.

·  On the flip side, a ticket system (“TAC Tickets”) will be implemented to encourage students to rethink questionable choices and learn from their mistakes. TAC stands for think, accept [responsibility for one’s actions], and correct.

·  Mr. Ketterer reminded us of the Bear Huddles, which are generally held on Monday mornings and last approximately 15 minutes. In an attempt to reinforce positive behavior in a fun way, classes that have earned fifty “bear paws” will spin a prize wheel at Bear Huddles to earn rewards such as movie days, extra recess, etc.

·  Mr. Ketterer suggested that all parents sign up for Text Remind and Constant Contact, as those are the most efficient ways of obtaining information.

·  Picture Day is coming up on Friday, September 15. Mr. Ketterer said that some families received misprinted flyers, but that corrected ones will be forthcoming.

·  The coupon-book fundraiser is currently underway; all were encouraged to participate.

·  Mr. Ketterer mentioned several requests for PTA funds that will need review and (hopefully) approval: News-O-Matic, as well as silicone wristbands imprinted with Albion’s core values that will be used as rewards (for instance, at Bear Breakfasts).

·  Mr. Ketterer concluded by complimenting the Albion staff for their dedication, and encouraged everyone to contact him (as well as Mrs. Saki and Mrs. Butcher) with any questions or concerns.

Michelle Stoss raised a question about late changes in lunch menus, and the concerns for those who have dietary restrictions. She asked whether parents could be notified of changes via text or Constant Contact. Mr. Ketterer said that he would look into it; there may be challenges when last-minute changes are necessary, but he said that Albion would be proactive in this regard whenever possible.

Tammy Fulmer mentioned that her daughter’s Brownie troop cleaned litter last year at Albion, and inquired whether there were any similarly appropriate projects this year. Michelle Bauer Coulson said that no one had volunteered for the Grounds and Landscaping Committee, and Tammy agreed that the Brownie troop could handle that project.

Judy Sholtis, Media Specialist

·  Mrs. Sholtis spoke about the Birthday Book Club, chaired this year by Marie McLaughlin. Each child may “buy” a book of his/her choice from the library selection on his/her birthday (or half-birthday). A label is placed inside. Students also receive a bookmark, recognition at the Bear Huddle, and his/her photo is taken and displayed in the Media Center. (Marie McLaughlin said that a letter would go home shortly for the first group of students, with August/September birthdays.)

·  Mrs. Sholtis spoke about the quality of Albion’s book collection. Last year, in an attempt to economize, Mrs. Sholtis purchased fifty books for $50.00, but it was a case of “you get what you pay for.” She is hoping to build Albion’s collection (with an eye to the future elementary school) to include quality hardback books, and ones requested by the students and used in the classrooms. She emphasized that many books in all three elementary schools are wearing out, and that the Birthday Book Club can help replenish the collection.

·  Mrs. Sholtis had intended to increase the request from $7.00 to $10.00, but decided against it to avoid discouraging families from participating.

·  America’s Book Shelf (ABS) was also discussed. It is still managed by Lara Shiplett, with help from Mrs. Sholtis as well. If a student forgets his/her library book to return, s/he is not allowed to check out another library book, but may take one from ABS – either to read and return, or to keep at home. Donations for ABS are always needed and appreciated.

1st VP – Membership/Technology – Michelle Bauer Coulson – Michelle reiterated that all PTA information and related forms can be found on the Albion PTA website. Leesa thanked Michelle for her diligence in keeping the website up-to-date.

Leesa asked Michelle, who was connected to the website, to verify that the May 2017 minutes had, indeed, been posted; they had. The minutes were subsequently approved.

Treasurer – Julie Steel – Julie mentioned that the meeting’s handouts included both the Treasurer’s Statement and actual expenses for the 2016-17 school year, as well as the proposed budget for the 2017-18 school year. Last year’s statement was prepared by Laura Greiner, former Albion PTA Treasurer. The books closed on June 30, 2017.

Leesa took a moment to remind everyone of our PTA theme (“Every child matters; every moment counts.”) She also reiterated that all are welcome; that each effort to help, whether large or small, is always appreciated; and that any disagreements should be addressed respectfully, to help build a supportive atmosphere.

Leesa also thanked everyone who has volunteered so far this school year, including packet stuffing, room-parent coordination, box tops and decorating. She mentioned Christine Dockrill’s Welcome Back Luncheon (August 25), which was very well received by the Albion staff.

Several committees still needed volunteers:

-Transportation is an appeals/advisory committee for busing questions. Albion is in need of a liaison for the meetings, which are held monthly as required. Anyone interested should see Leesa, who will direct the volunteer to Greg Hovan, NRSD’s Transportation Supervisor.

-A Financial Review Chair is needed to perform a monthly (or possibly quarterly) review of Albion PTA finances.

-A chair was needed for the Veterans’ Day Assembly, to be held on November 10. Marie McLaughlin and Christine Dockrill agreed to co-chair.

Leesa reminded attendees that one must be a registered and paid PTA member in order to serve as a committee chair, or to vote. She also said that all committee letters to be distributed must be approved by Mr. Ketterer (Mr. Ketterer reminded everyone to cc: Mrs. Saki on said correspondence.) She also asked to be notified of any committee event dates, and reminded attendees that the PTA Reimbursement Form and Tax Exempt Form must be presented when requesting reimbursement. (Sales tax is not reimbursed.) Due to the difficulty of obtaining receipts after the fact, no money will be distributed upfront for PTA expenses. Also, no food is to be stored in the PTA closet.

Mr. Ketterer mentioned the Albion calendar, and reminded PTA to please notify Mrs. Saki if anyone notices dates missing. He also mentioned that some parents were mistakenly signed up for Albion’s staff-only calendar due to a technical snag, but that problem has been addressed.

Newsletter deadline is Tuesday, September 12 at 3:00 p.m. Please submit newsletter items to Kelly Close ().

Amy Kuntz visited the meeting briefly, representing Partnership for a Healthy North Royalton (PHNR). She said that PHNR would like an Albion liaison, and is looking to attend one meeting of each PTA unit this year. PHNR provides outreach and education on topics such as addiction and media safety. Amy emphasized that it is never too early to begin this conversation with our children. More information is available on their website:

Committee Reports

Membership – Michelle Bauer Coulson mentioned the PTA membership drive, and briefly discussed the incentive drawings to win a Target gift card. She would like to see an increase in membership among the Albion staff.

Jump Yard fundraiser – Fundraiser will be held in February; no news at this time.

Art Show – There is a volunteer signed up to chair the Art Show, but she provided no contact information. Tammy Fulmer offered to assist.

Book Fair – Shannon Miezen circulated a sign-up sheet for the Book Fair, whose theme is “Saddle Up & Read!” A Sign-Up Genius will also be sent. Many volunteers are needed to help make the fair a success: setup on the evening of October 11; Preview Day on October 12; and for shopping days, October 16-20. An evening event will also be held on Thursday, October 19. Scholastic will provide a Clifford costume for the evening event as well; Shannon is looking into securing a high-school volunteer to play Clifford.

Pictures/Yearbook – Christine Dockrill circulated a sign-up sheet for assistance on Picture Day, and reported that all slots had been filled. She said that every effort would be made to complete the pictures before lunch, but that could not be promised. She reminded head room parents, many of whom were in attendance, that they were in charge of creating their classroom’s yearbook page, and reminded them to take photos throughout the year and at class parties. A meeting for head room parents will be held on September 22.

Breakfast with a Buddy (BwB) – Marie McLaughlin mentioned that, with the modest budget increase for BwB this year, she would be able to provide a photo booth so students and their “buddies” could have a keepsake of the event. (She will create a backdrop and provide her own camera and tripod for the events, as well as printing photos or sending digital files to the parents.) Marie mentioned that we will once again set up for the events in the mornings, to avoid scheduling conflicts with basketball games. BwB events are divided alphabetically and will begin in January.

Fourth Grade Social – Leesa mentioned to Lisa Thomas, who is the committee chair, that Albion staff has made a number of changes to the Fourth Grade Social. She advised Lisa to discuss changes with the staff well in advance of the event.

Grounds and Landscaping – Tammy Fulmer volunteered her daughter’s Brownie troop to handle this task. Efforts will include seasonal decorating, and perhaps planting some bulbs.


Per the Audit Committee, last year’s ledger was found to be in good order. Michelle Bauer Coulson moved to approve the books, and Marie McLaughlin seconded the motion. The books were approved as published.

Kelly Close moved to approve the 2017-18 proposed budget, and Christine Dockrill seconded the motion. The budget was accepted without changes.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:54 a.m.
