2016 UM Kakehashi Project Application Directions


Before beginning the application,be sure to read through the Kakehashi Project Overviewand Eligibility Criteria to verify that you are eligible to apply.

Required application materials:

a) Signedeligibility checklist (attached)

b) Written Statement (see prompt below)

c) Questionnaire (see below)

d) Kakehashi official entry form (blank and sample completed form attached)

e) UMD Transcript (For UM transcripts, unofficial copies are acceptable. If you are a freshman, please include an official copy of your high school transcript.)

f) Copy of the photo page of your current passport, or documentation that you have requested expedited processing before 10/16/2015. (See NOTE 1)

Submit all materials to Dr. Lindsay Yotsukura at , or in hard copy to her mailbox in 3215 Jimenez Hall by Friday, October 16, 2015.

NOTE 1:In the case that you do not currently have a passport, you need to initiate expedited processing immediately. There will be fees involved, which will not be reimbursed by the program. For more information see:

NOTE 2:We will be requiring that all students get a flu shot at least six weeks prior to the program. You will need to submit documentation of your flu shot; failure to do so will result in your being cut from the program.

Statement Prompt:Write a 1.5-2-page statement (typed, double-spaced) articulating 1)how you envision integrating Japanese studies into your future plans, and 2) how you think participation in the Kakehashi Project can aid you in this. Be as specific as possible. Do not exceed the 2-page limit.

Name: ______UID______

2016 Kakehashi Project Questionnaire

1. Have you had formal Japanese language study or are your currently enrolled in a UMD Japanese language course?YES NO

If applicable, note your most recent/current language course below:

2. Are you currently a Japanese major or minor? YES NO (circle which applies)

(If not, do you have plans to become a major or minor? Explain reasons briefly.)

3. Have you ever been to Japan? YES NO

If yes, note when, for how long, and under what circumstances (e.g. personal travel, study abroad, family visit, etc.). Bullet point format is fine for more than one entry.

4. Do you have a current passport that is valid through January 2016? YES NO

If not, have you applied for an expedited passport? Please attach documentation.

Are you a US citizen? YES NO If no, are you a permanent resident of the US? YES NO

5. Are you currently receiving financial aid? Explain briefly.

6. Do you have a chronic illness? YES NO Are you pregnant? YES NO

Applicants with serious chronic diseases or who are pregnant unfortunately may not participate.