1. Keep your Table of Contents up-to-date
- if you are unsure of the contents of the Portfolio or the order of the Table of contents, see the Master List with Mrs. Mamola
2. Your Table of Contents should match what is in your Portfolio, but if there are missing components, you will be marked down on the next check.
3. The TOC should have the entries numbered, the name of the assignment, and the page number it can be found on in your portfolio.
Example = 1. Syllabusp.1
2. H/O on Jesus, Mary & Joseph p. 2
3. Ch. 1 Reviewp. 5
4. Number your portfolio just before turning in for a check
- this will avoid a messy Portfolio
5. GLUE SITCKS!GLUE SITCKS!GLUE SITCKS! GET A bunch of GLUE sticks you’re going to need them. [this is the most affordable – taping every page gets expensive, and bottled glue makes the page wrinkly
6. Do not use class time for this unless specifically given time (use your own supplies!)
* All pages must FIT the pages of the Notebook (if you have a 8 ½ x 10 or smaller notebook you will have to cut and paste every handout to fit)
* No Loose Papers
* No papers sticking out S/O
* No staples
* If you run out of room on your TOC, add paper
You will lose points if your portfolio is NOT NEAT
You will lose points if your TOC is not complete
** you can receive EXTRA CREDIT by adding APPROPRIATE & APPLICABLE
Entries (Mrs. Mamola will provide a space for “EXTRAs” just prior to the
Turn- in due date)
EX= cartoons, magazine articles, newspaper clipping with reflection
Drawing, political cartoons, pictures from the internet, prayer
Cards, etc.