MN Tesla Society
Electronic Newsletter
Email to be put on the list.
The newsletter is published once a month and is
Emailed on the Wednesday before the meeting.
This is the September 2004 Issue.
Meeting Agenda and Location
The September meeting of the International TESLA Society will be held September 18,2004 at Terry Belchers. Meeting agenda is being formulated.
Upcoming Events
Hamfest MN at the River Center Sat Oct 23,2004 8am – 2pm. Cost $10 or $7 early. More info .
Strange Phenomena Conference on Saturday October 2, 2pm- 6 p.m. In Winona MN Craig Lang and Chad Lewis The location of the conference is the Winona Art Center, 5th and Franklin,Winona. Cost is $8. Contact Jerry Modjeski at 507-454-5551.
(Note: Jerry Modjeski (Good friend of Casey Holt’s) produces "UFO Update" for KFAI radio in Minneapolis-St. Paul,is the organizer of the Winona conference and along with local resident Leslie Eaton, have formed the Weird Winonans paranormal discussion group, which meets every Thurday at 7 p.m. at the Green Lantern Cabaret and Coffeehouse in Winona.
(If you are aware of any event that a member would be interested in please let the editor know or send out an email to the group. If ANY ONE comes across a good deal or anything that we would like EMAIL or call each other. DON”T KEEP IT TO YOURSELVES!!!!!!!)
Fixed a few flaws with some documents. Site went down for a bit but it eventually came back up. Gerry is no longer in MN. Future updates might be a tad bit delayed. We will keep you posted.
Project Proposal?
Recently I was presented with an opportunity to educate a non-Tesla person on some interesting concepts. He was a student going to school for Aero Space studies. According to his father he has already been talking to Boeing for a job. He completes his studies next year. Terry once mentioned how we should get some U students involved with our programs and projects. I feel that we should make a video on several different subjects giving an outline as to what things we discuss and can help educate these people in. I feel a one-hour synapse of different types of technology would be most beneficial. We should have a Anti-G, Energy, and Health related tapes. If some one has a video tape that has a part that would interest some one then let Tom Mc know. We could have Terry (Einstein) narrate it or something.
This type of videos would just be enough to wet some ones interest. Of course we would have to do a credits at the end of the video as to where they can purchase the full tape if still available.
Tesla Coil Project
No New updates.
Our President’s Projects for the Future!
So what has become of Terry’s ideal of the Great Experiments / Projects?
Here is the listing of projects Terry decided layout for our organization.
1. Get Terry’s Classic Electric Car working and on the road.
A- Electric Car, was evaluated and a plan is forming on how to power it
2. Ramp Magnet motor / device.
A- Dennis Lee demo’s one at
3. Drip Charger – Bob Bartholomew demo’ed this at a November meeting several years ago. Also see Atlantis Rising magazine for a tidbit article on this. Sort of like Victor Schauberger’s device.
4. Hydrogen Bomb to raise water- We tried to do this at the April 2004 meeting.
5. Thermo Pile – complete this already started project.
6. Thermo-magnetic Motor
7. Ultra Bright LED BANK
8. Bridge Antenna Switch Charger
9. Motionless EM Generator
A- Steve Beatty is the lead man on this project – Tom Mc updated Steve on some 1940’s devices from Hans Kohler which were developed during World War and proven to work.
10. Joe Newman Device
11. NUAF – Dennis Lee Sundance Generator device.
A- NUAF - Tom Mc checked the internet and found that Dennis still hasn’t installed a generator yet at someone’s place. We did see a short video on this at
12. Giant Sign – sitting on the floor at Terry’s in front of the fireplace.
13. Library or at least a listing of resources / books that everyone can contribute to the cause. See Tom Mc for an example.
14. Time
15. ELF detector
16. Magnetic Monopole
17. Coil Levitator