Panhard and IMI Display Integrated Vehicle Protection Solutions at Eurosatory 2010

"The integration of our capabilities with Panhard range of combat armored vehicles has considerable business potential for the future " Says Avi Felder, General Manager of IMI.

Panhard has joined IMI to display Active Protection Systems (APS) and advanced weapon stations solutions from IMI on two of its armored vehicles, on display at Eurosatory 2010

At IMI booth C701 visitors can see a highly integrated vehicle protection system, comprising the IMI Wave 200 Advanced Stabilized Remote Weapon Station, mounting an 0.5" heavy machine gun and the Iron-Fist, 2nd Generation Active Protection System (APS), integrating all-weather, real time situational awareness, 'soft kill' electro-optical jamming and 'hard kill' interceptors, defeating threats such as anti-tank missiles and RPGs.

The VBR from Panhard is a medium armored vehicle, With high power to weight ratio, high level of protection, sophisticated systems and ample payload capacity and roof-area accommodating mission payloads, VBR. can be modeled to carry turrets of various sizes or specific mission payloads.

At Panhard booth IMI is displaying the Bright Arrow – offering similar capabilities provided by the Wave and Iron-Fist, integrated into a single system. Bright Arrow is developed specifically for light and small armored vehicles and is demonstrated at Eurosatory mounted on the Panhard Petit Véhicule Protégé (PVP) light armored vehicle, on display at Panhard stand C391 at the outdoor display area. PVP was developed for liaison and protected security tactical missions. The vehicle is in service with the French Army.

About Panhard:

About IMI:

The Iron-Fist and Wave remote weapon systems were developed by IMI

Selected by the IDF for integration with the Namer AIFV

IMI's Iron Fist 2nd Generation Active Protection System is one of the highlights of IMI's display at the Eurosatory defense exhibition held this week in Paris. Iron Fist was recently selected by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) to be integrated with the Namer Infantry Fighting Vehicle, currently being fielded with IDF infantry battalions.

The system has recently completed firing tests and evaluation with potential, international customers, where the system demonstrated its maturity and high technological readiness level. IMI has also embarked on a number of joint development and integration with foreign manufacturers, further expanding the system's capabilities.

Iron-Fist is part of IMI's comprehensive, multi-layered survivability concept, ranging from signature reduction, situational awareness and counter-strike, soft and hard kill countermeasures to reactive and passive protection. Iron-Fist fulfils a number of these measures, comprising an advanced, all-weather sensor suite enabling target detection, classification and tracking by radar and infra-red cameras. The radar was developed and optimized for the system by Rada Electronic Industries. The passive, electro-optical sensor array, produced by Elisra, operates in parallel to the radar identifying potential threats at combat ranges.

When targets are attributed as threatening the protected platform, the system automatically enters the active-defense mode. Certain types of anti-tank missile targets could be defeated by the system's 'soft kill' subsystem, utilizing an advanced, solid-state, directional laser emitter developed by Ariel Physics. Other targets are defeated by the systems' 'Hard Kill' elements, launched against the incoming threats; they are triggered by the system to explode in close proximity, crushing the target by the blast without initiating the target's warhead.