Global Tests Unit 6 Science & Technology

Part A Grammar and vocabulary

ALook at the list of the happiest and least happy countries in the world. Complete the sentences with a comparative or superlative form of the words in brackets.

The happiest countries in the world
The Bahamas / The least happy countries in the world
Democratic Republic of Congo


Burundi is the most miserable nation. (miserable)

1 Denmark is ………. ………. nation. (happy)

2 Iceland has ………. ………. percentage of happy people than Austria. (low)

3 Burundi is ………. ………. nation. (sad)

4 Europe seems to be ………. ………. ………. continent. (content)

5 Are people in The Bahamas ………. ………. than people in Switzerland? (cheerful)

6 Austrians are ………. ………. people in Zimbabwe. (happy)

BUnderline the correct words.


Scientists work much harder / as hard than many other people.

7 The survey isn’t as interesting as / than I thought it would be.

8 I think the work is going to be a bit more / a bit difficult than I thought.

9 Scientists have discovered that the gas is less than / less dangerous than they thought.

10 I read the book more / much slower than he did.

CPut the words in the right order to make sentences.


it / forget / don’t / to / on / turn

Don’t forget to turn it on.

11computer shut she her down


12files I back forgot to my up


13forget down write before it you


14the up them look book in


DComplete the compound nouns.


He was tired from looking at his computer screen all day.

15She put the files on a me _ _ _ _ st _ _ _.

16My daughter sent me a te_ _ m______.

17Please use your he ______because we don’t want to hear your music.

18I bought a new la _ _ _ _ last week – it’ll be easier to carry than my old one.

EComplete the text with the correct form of the word in brackets.

(0) Happiness (happy) is very difficult to measure. An important part of happiness is having good (19) …………… (relations). (20) …………… (friend) is significant, and so is (21) …………… (kind) to others. Some people think that (22) …………… (silent) is the most important thing – so you have time and space to reflect on your life.

FComplete the sentences with these words.

turn log print plug type


Remember to log out when you’ve finished buying something on the internet.

23 Please …………… the radio down. I’m trying to read!

24 Remember to …………… in your computer – it’s amazing how often people forget!

25 You must …………… in your password every time you visit the website.

26 Could you please …………… out ten copies of this document?

GUnderline the correct expression to complete the conversation.

Su Ming:Hi Herman. You’re looking a bit down.

Herman: Yes, I feel miserable! I’ve just spent a week writing an essay, and I think I’ve deleted the file.

Su Ming: Oh no! Didn’t you back it up?

Herman: No, I always forget to do that.

Su Ming: (0) So do I. / So am I. I intend to but, somehow I never find my memory stick.

Herman: Well, I’ll have to write it again – I’ve still got all my notes from the lecture.

Su Ming: (27) I have. / So have I. Do you want to borrow


Herman: That would be great. It means I can’t go to the

party later.

Su Ming: (28) So can I. / Neither can I. I’ve got too much work to do as well.

Herman: Are you going to Susan’s exhibition next week? I’ve never seen her work.

Su Ming: Oh, (29) I have / me too. It’s great. You must go – her paintings are beautiful.

Herman: OK, I’ll go. But I wanted to go to that concert on

the same day.

Su Min: (30) So have I / Me too – I’ve heard the group

is fantastic.

Part B

Reading, listening and pronunciation

H Reading

Read the text about science fiction, and choose the correct answer a, b or c.

Many people think that science fiction really began as a style of literature with Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, which appeared in the early 19th century. Two other great writers helped to shape the genre later in the century. The French author Jules Verne was a very important figure, and wrote many novels, which many people still read today. Well-known titles include A Journey to the Centre of the Earth and From the Earth to the Moon. He wrote about things which didn’t exist in his time – space travel, submarines, and aeroplanes. They were all ‘future’ ideas. The same is true of the other great 19th century writer – Englishman H G Wells. Probably the most famous of his novels is The War of the Worlds, where aliens attack Earth with very sophisticated weapons – it’s still so popular and relevant today that lots of films are made about it – the latest in 2005.

Alien encounters are a common theme in science fiction novels, with many books set on different planets, or in a different time. Some authors write only about ‘science fact’ – this is known as hard science fiction. The authors write in detail about areas of physics and chemistry. Many of them have made very accurate predictions about future technology. Even something like Star Trek is well known for getting things right – when it started in the 1960s, doctors didn’t use scanners to diagnose illnesses, and mobile phones didn’t exist. And yet the characters used very similar objects – and at the time people thought they were just fiction – but now we use them all the time.


Science fiction

a first appeared in the 19th century.

b didn’t exist until the end of the 19th century.

c started in France.

31 Jules Verne ……

a was writing at the same time as Mary Shelley.

b came from England.

c came from France.

32 … people read Verne’s novels today.

a Some

b Lots of

c Not many

33 Space travel …… in the 19th century.

a existed

b didn’t exist

c was a new idea

34In War of the Worlds, H G Wells wrote about ……

a submarines.

b aeroplanes.

c aliens.

35War of the Worlds ……

a isn’t very relevant to our lives today.

b is still very relevant.

c isn’t very popular.

36Science fiction stories are often set ……

a in England.

b in France.

c on a different planet.

37Hard science fiction is often ……

a very close to real science.

b about physics.

c set in a different time.

38Star Trek first appeared in the ……

a 50s.

b 60s.

c 70s.

39Today, doctors use scanners ……

a to find out what’s wrong with people.

b to talk to people.

c to cure people.

40When people first watched Star Trek ……

a they didn’t know some things would come true.

b they used mobile phones.

c they didn’t know about space travel.

I Listening

Listen to the four speakers and answer the questions.


Which speakers mention the negative aspects of the internet? A & C

41Which speakers generally feel positive about technology?

42Which speakers use the internet for work?

43Which speakers mention people other than themselves?

44Which speakers are concerned with visual images?

45Which speaker uses the internet most, and which least?


Listen to three phrases from the speakers in the Listening, and underline the schwa sounds.


it’s a great advantage

46set up your own company

47 I’m out of the office for a day

48 It’s got about a hundred photos