Jewish Mad Libs

How to play: Just Fill in the blanks!

Materials: Nothing


In the Beginning ______(Name of Celebrity) created the ______(Pl. Noun) and the ______(Noun). Then they said, “Let there be ______(Noun) and there was ______(Same Noun). And he said that it was ______(Adj.) He created the ______(Noun) in the sky and the ______(pl. noun) of the land. He made the ______, the ______, and the ______(Noun). And after seven days he looked ______(Adj) so he ______(Verb).He had created Adam and saw that he was ______(adj) so then he created Eve who was ______(adj). He told them to stay off the forbidden tree which had ______(pl. noun) on it, but the evil ______(Type of animal) convinced them to eat the forbidden______(Previous pl. Noun). Then Adam and Eve were banned from ______(Name of place) and told “from ______(noun) you were made and to ______you will return (noun)”

Ten Plagues:

When ______(celebrity) was in ______(Place) he saw a ______(adj) Bush. It spoke to him and told him, “ Go to Pharaoh and say ‘ Let my ______(Noun) Go!” So, they went to Pharaoh and said what he was told. But Pharaoh wouldn’t listen. So they turned all the rivers to______(Type of drink). He went back but Pharaoh still wouldn’t listen. The they brought on ______(animal) there were ______(Animal) here and ______(Animals) there. ______(Animal) were ______(Verb) everywhere! Then the ______(Flying animal) came and ______(Disease) plagues the land. The ______(noun) all died and deadly ______(noun fell from the sky). Finally, the tenth plague hit which was the ______(Verb) of the first born. This plague was so terrible that Pharaoh finally let them and all of his ______(First noun) go.


______(Celebrity) has 12 sons his favorite being Joseph. Joseph's brothers are jealous of him for his Multi-colored ______(Noun), a symbol of their father's preference of him It is clear from Joseph's ______(Noun) that he is destined to rule over them. To get rid of him and make the dreams not come true, they sell Joseph as a slave to some ______(Nationality). He works for ______(Celebrity) as a servant but the Wife makes______(Adj) advances on him. Joseph is thrown in Jail where he meets ______(Celebrity) who used to be Baker for Pharaohand Pharaoh’s old butler. They are both having ______(Adj) dreams that Joseph interprets. The butler gets released back to Pharaoh. Then Pharaoh starts having ______(Adj) ______(Noun) and needs someone to interpret them. Joseph becomes Pharaoh’s Right hand man.