UDAC (Uniform Distribution and Accreditation Center)/ Hellinikon complex


-The operation of the Uniform Distribution and Credentialing Center proved to be very successful. No major issues arose and the vast majority of our clients expressed positive remarks for the overall customer service.

-The first purpose of our Center was to print and to distribute the credentialing cards for the following client groups :

  • Volunteers
  • Paid Staff
  • Contractors
  • NTOs, ITOs
  • Everyone who needed reprinting of their card|(lost, stolen, destroyed cards)

-The second purpose of the center was to distribute the official games uniforms to all above categories except the contractors. The uniform distribution process consisted on the following phases:

  1. Receipt and inventory of uniforms.
  2. Warehouse management.
  3. Preparation of kits, for retail distribution and of packs, for bulk distribution.
  4. Distribution of uniform kits.
  5. Management of the Warehouse Database.

-Our center was fully operational from the 10thMay to 4th July, every day from 9:00- 21:00 including the weekends.

-Along with the credentialing department UDAC housedthe Volunteers’ Department which was responsible for the volunteers’ issues resolution in the Volunteers Management System (VMS).

- For a quite long time we housed other FAs due to the large space of our back of house.

-The center operated with 23 paid staff working in 8-12 hours shifts and 120 volunteers working in 6 hours shifts.

-The credentialing center was organized with 7 real time badging, 4 issue resolution and 7 card distribution working stations.

-The colored adhesive tape on the floor which was used as indicative signagewas proved very useful.

-Credentialing volunteers in UDAC were very motivated, skilled and devoted, given the fact that UDAC started its operation very early, 45 days before any other volunteers from other FAs started. Also, it has to be noted the fact that UDAC is a non-competition venue and therefore not appealing for volunteers to sign up.


No / Issue Description / Recommendation
1 / As venue in a venue (within the Hellinikon complex) access of our clients by car was forbidden / If possible, it is better to operate UDAC in anindependent venue so that access is unhindered
2 / UDAC was housed in the Hellinikon complex, in a separate part of the Indoor Hall venue, where Gymnastics, Badminton and Handball took place games time. UDAC moved in four months before the Venue and Sport management staff and was, actually, the first Games venue to open. The problem was that the cleaning contractor was not contracted yet and we had to sort the cleaning issue ourselves and technology support was remote from headquarters offices / The future organizing committees should consider as start of “games time period” the start of the first venue to open, such as the UDAC. All FAs involved should start their official operation when UDAC starts and not when athletes arrive

No / Functional Area / Issue Description
1 / Volunteers / The volunteers’ office at UDAC was not operational all hours and days as the credentialing department. Therefore, changes in VMS for problems with volunteers’registrations were not possible all hours.
2 / Volunteers / Volunteers registrations in VMS in many cases were not complete and as a result, the data could not be transferred into the credentialing system (Vsys)