Annual Monitoring for Academic Year 2012/13

Collaborative Provision

(UK and International)

Course/Subject pro forma

For UK Partnership: To be uploaded to SharePoint by 7th October 2013

For International Partners: To be submitted electronically to AQaSU () by 7th October 2013

This report should be completed by the Partner Institution Course Leader.

Reports should be succinct and evaluative, and of no more than 8 sides in length. Please refer to the University’s guidance notes on annual monitoring (available from AQaSUs website)

Name of Partner institution
Title of Course/Subject
(List all applicable target awards)
University Host Academic School
Course/Subject Leader’s Name

Course/Subject Team (list of members and their contribution to the Course/Subject.

Identification of changes to the team over the year under review, with CVs if not previously submitted).

1. Progress on achieving actions/outcomes identified in previous year’s report.

Please attach last year’s updated Action Plan.

If this is the first year of operation or if there has been an interim review, please list the recommendations made by the panel and your response to them.

2. Course/subject aims. Have any changes been made to the course/subject during the year (eg content, delivery, assessment) ? Rationale for changes ? What and when approved ? If the course is accredited by a professional body, please indicate that any changes continue to meet PSRB requirements.

Note: In sections 3-11, please identify both strengths and areas for improvement. Actions taken and/or planned should be identified also on the attached action grid.

3. Course Statistics

Referring to the statistical report, (please comment on the patterns in recruitment, entry profile and completion rates). Any changes from previous years ? Please comment, as appropriate, on student progression to higher awards at UCLan or elsewhere.

Actions taken:

Actions planned:

4. Student Feedback: What were the results of evaluative questionnaires and of any other feedback methods used (eg staff-student liaison meetings) ? What were the main issues raised by students (eg assessment, student support, placement) ? What were the main issues raised by the National Student Survey?

Actions taken:

Actions planned:

5. Course Team Feedback: What are the views of the course team on the way the course has operated this year (eg teaching and learning, assessment, placement, student support) ?

Actions taken:

Actions planned:

6. External Examiners' Comments/Reports: What comments were made by External Examiners ? What action was taken or not taken in response ? Reasons should be given for any action not taken.

Actions taken:

Actions planned:

7. Learning resources: how successful this year were a) physical/material resources and b) human resources deployed to support student learning ? Please consider library, IT, teaching accommodation, specialist facilities and staffing, including, where relevant, those in placement situations.

Actions taken:

Actions planned:

8. Commentary on Partnership Liaison

How successful this year was liaison with the University?

Actions taken:

Actions planned:

Please provide a list of all visits made either to UClan or from UCLan colleagues. These may include staff development events, network meetings or meetings by UClan colleagues with Partner colleagues or students.

9. Any other information: (eg external reviews, good practice, student achievements, employer/professional body liaison and opinion, placement, staff development, alumni feedback)

10. In order to meet the guidance of the QAA Code of Practice (Section 2: Collaborative Provision) with respect to the monitoring of publicity materials, Partners are required to submit fact sheets and course specific advertising materials with the Course Leader’s Report for consideration by the University.

Please tick the box to confirm that these have been submitted alongside the report (or weblinks detailed below). If materials are not submitted then please explain why, and how these will be submitted to the University:

For INTERNATIONAL Partners only: if applicable, Higher Education Prospectus’ should be sent with this report.

Report completed by: / Date:




(following review of course operation in 2012/13)

(NB: Actions listed below should be in line with those identified in the body of the report. More than 6 issues may be identified)

Issue / Activity / Activity Lead
(eg Course Leader /
Head of School) / Target / Date Target to be achieved / Update
(as actions are completed)