Our Lady of Mount Carmel Finance Council Minutes

August 13, 2015

The regular finance meeting began at 6:30 at the Fort Atkinson’s rectory basement with introductions and a welcome to our two new members. Father Nick began the meeting with a prayer. Terra Kuennen was present as Cluster bookkeeper. Don Lynch was present to represent the Parish Society and Rose Njus was present as a guest.

Term / Member / Aug. 13 / Oct. 8
2016 / Renea Huinker - Chair / P
2017 / Roger DeSloover - Vice Chair / P
2016 / Joyce Mueterthies - Secretary / P
2017 / Steve Lynch / P
2018 / Lori Gebel / P
2018 / Laurie Leibold / P

The members reviewed the minutes from the April meeting, which were accepted by consensus with one change. Next, the members reviewed and studied the financial statements including the profit/loss sheet and the balance sheet. The bill for the Gold Room flooring was paid in June. The council members were pleased with the decrease in utilities for the rectory. We need to decide what to do over the winter months. After the various discussions, the financial statement was accepted by consensus. The council then reviewed and discussed the annual financial report for the Archdiocese. One item needed to be changed, but then the report was accepted by consensus.

Old Business: Vic from A&J called Renea to see how the HVAC system was working. We are welcome to contact him if we have concerns. We need to wait to compare the BTUs used until next spring. The council discussed all the positive comments about the Gold Room floor. Terra will get an up-dated total of donations. The council also discussed the extra dishes and pans in the Gold Room, but we decided to table that issue for now. Father Nick informed the council that he was able to purchase four vestments for the liturgical seasons and a matching pall for funerals with memorial donations. We will continue to study how to add decorations to the church for Easter or Christmas. Renea informed the council that a self-inspection for our insurance walk-through was completed by Roger, Lauren, and herself. Lauren completed the list of minor items that needed to be fixed for compliance.

New Business: The council discussed the idea for a new sign by the road and removing the old one. Renea had two submitted bids. The project would range from 12,000 for a manual sign, up to 27,000 for lit LED sign. These bids did not include the electrical work needed. After a long discussion, the members were asked to talk to other parishioners about the project. Renea will see if the DOT would have any rules about the sign. She will also contact the one sign company about bringing up a sample sign on a trailer for the members to see.

The meeting moved into close session to discuss replacing Lauren as our custodian. The council moved out of closed session and Father will advertize for a custodian for an estimation of 10 to 15 hours a week. The council decided to split the lawn mowing from the custodian position. The council expresses its gratitude for Lauren Kuehner's service as custodian, and pledges its prayers for the happy repose of his soul and consolation for his family.

The meeting ended at 8:15 with prayer. The next meeting will be October 8th at 6:30.

Submitted by Joyce

Follow-up: Renea sent an email stating that the Nagle LED display on the trailer will be in Lawler on Sept. 1st at 4:00 for viewing.