
[name institution]




(hereafter called “Trial Institution”)


Springer Science+Business Media, BV

Van Godewijckstraat 30

3311 GX Dordrecht

The Netherlands


This Trial Agreement covers all Springer eBook Collections for copyright years 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008 including nearly 13,000 eBooks and eReference Works.

By signing this agreement you agree to the terms and conditions of the trial and that you will comply with the ‘trial procedure’ as described in this agreement.

This agreement is made effective as of ______, (the “Effective Date”) between Trial Institution and Springer, for a period of 90 days. This is the Trial Period.


This agreement intends to ensure a successful eBook Trial access period. Therefore the following steps have been setup, describing both Springer’s and Trial Institution’s obligations.

  1. Springer will provide an emailmessage that the Trial Institution will distribute amongst its end usersin the first week of the Trial Period, as well as a message in the middle of the Trial Period. These contain some practical information for end users about the trial and SpringerLink features.
  2. The Trial Institution will place a message on the library homepage advertising the Springer eBooks trial for the duration of the Trial Period. Logo’s and text will be provided by Springer.
  3. [optional:]The Trial Institution will load Springer MARC records during the Trial Period. MARC records are either available through or through OCLC’s Worldcat service for OCLC Worldcat subscribers.
  4. Springer will provide marketing material, such as posters and SpringerLink user guides, which will be readily available in the Trial Institution’s library.
  5. After the Trial Period has ended, the Trial Institution and Springer will evaluate the trial on the basis of usage statistics and other feedback received.
  6. Springer will offer the Trial Institution support through the SpringerLink Helpdesk at and by telephone at +49-6221-345-4306 Monday through Friday from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM CET or by fax at +49-6221-345-4229.


  • eBook access will be setup by IP authentication. The Trial Institution will supply the relevant IP addresses to Springer.
  • Trial Institution must not restrict access to end users during the trial.
  • Trial Institution also must agree that during the trial, Springer may notify end users within the institution that a trial is being conducted.
  • End users will be notified about the eBook Trial via email if they have opted into the SpringerAlert and/or ISI email services.
  • The Trial Institution or its end users shall not use any robots, spiders, crawlers or other automated downloading programs or devices to continuously and automatically search, index or retrieve any content accessed online under this Agreement.
  • The Trial Institution or its end users is/are not permitted to archive and/or redistribute any of the content covered in this trial.All copyrighted material should be respected.
  • Authorized Users may browse, search, retrieve, display, download, print, and store single copies of individual articles or book chapters for scholarly research, educational and personal use as long as such use is not made for further distribution, publication, transfer or access by others and is otherwise consistent with §107 of the United States Copyright Act regarding fair use (17 USC § 108)., and as specifically provided for in this Agreement.
  • Your contact in case of any questions is:

Wouter van der Velde

eProduct Manager eBooks

tel +31 (0) 78 657 6158

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement by their respective, duly authorized representatives as of the date first written below.

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Title: ______

Date: ______

Email: ______

Springer: Springer Science+Business Media


Name: ______

Title: ______

Date: ______

Email: ______

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