Scripture Memory Seminar (Eric Bert) LCW 2014

Benefits of Scripture Memory:

1) Helps you be more like Jesus (Goal of Christian life!)

  • 1 John 2:6; Luke 6:40
  • How can we be like Jesus in word, thought, and deed if we don’t even know what He said?

2) Helps you resist temptation / avoid sin (have victory over sin and Satan)

  • Psalm 119:9-11; Psalm 37:31; 1 Cor 10:13; James 4:7,8; Matt 4:1-11

3) Helps Scripture become part of you

  • Hand Illustration: 5 ways to grip Scripture: Read, Study, Memorize, Meditate, Apply / Obey
  • This progression helps Scripture become part of you and change you from the inside out.
  • Deut 11:18-21

4) Helps you meditate on Scripture

  • Joshua 1:8– Is it possible to meditate on Scripture without memorizing it?

5) Helps you apply Scripture (obey it)

  • Matthew 7:24-27 –Notice how important application is to Jesus.

6) Helps you share the Gospel

  • I Peter 3:15; Acts 18:28

7) Helps you to teach & worship!

  • Col 3:15-16 - How can you let word of Christ dwell in you richly if you don’t memorize it?

8) Helps you invest in something ETERNAL

  • Matthew 24:35
  • 2 things forever: Word of God & souls of men. What are you doing to invest in those 2 things?

9) Helps you comfort and counsel others

  • Memorize words of Jesus that bring comfort (Ex: John 16:33; John 8:12; Matt 11:28)

10) Helps your prayer life

  • Matt 6:5-15 (The Lords’ Prayer)
  • Memorize great prayers of the Bible (Eph 1:14-12; Eph 3:14-21, Col 1:9-14)

11) Gives you more of a Biblical perspective of life

12) Helps you study a topic

  • Memorize 5 passages on the topic (Ex: prayer, temptation, following Jesus, obedience, etc).

13) Gives you a sense of accomplishment


  • Do you agree that Scripture Memory is valuable and beneficial to your walk with Christ?
  • What keeps us(you) from memorizing Scripture?

Scripture Memory Program: Email me at and I will send you instructions and the excel document with the 3 sheets you need to use this program: Once a day for 7 weeks, once a month for 7 months, once a month for 7 years. This program works if you simply have the discipline to review the verses each day. I do not have a good memory and it has helped me memorize hundreds of verses including some large passages (Sermon on the Mount & Colossians). It works!

How to use the Scripture Memory Program

Once a Day for 7 Weeks:

  • Choose verses you want to memorize and write in the reference and the topic on the left.
  • Each box on this sheet represents one day.
  • Each day you review a verseput a check in the next open box to the right.
  • Start with just one verse (or portion of Scripture) for the first week. Then add just one verse each week (every 7 days). This sets you up for success and helps you to build confidence!
  • This system is set up so that you review each verse 49 days (or 49 times). If you miss a day, don't skip a box. Simply check it off the next day you review it so that you review each verse 49 times.

Once a Week for 7 Months:

  • Once you have reviewed a verse 49 times (7 days x 7 weeks), you add it to this second sheet.
  • Each block on this sheet represents one week. You review these verses once a week (for example: Each Sunday, in addition to reviewing the verses still “active” on your “Once a Day for 7 Weeks” sheet, you would also review each verse on this sheet.)
  • If you add one verse each week to your first sheet, after seven weeks you should be adding one verse per week to this sheet.

Once a Month for 7 Years:

  • Once you have reviewed a passage once a week for 7 months, you add it to this third sheet.
  • Each block on this sheet represents one month.
  • You review these verses once a month for 7 years.
  • By the time a verse gets to this sheet, YOU WILL KNOW THE VERSE! This is simply a tool to help you retain the verses you have memorized.

Notes on using this system:

  • Keep a list of verses you want to memorize on the back of your first sheet (Once a day for 7 weeks). Keep that sheet in your Bible or journal so when you find one, you can write it down right away. Then when you are ready to start memorizing a new verse, you have a list to choose from.
  • Psalm 119:9-11 is a great passage to start with because it provides good motivation for memorizing Scripture: "I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you."
  • Other good passages on the importance of Scripture: Joshua 1:8; Psalm 119:105; 2 Timothy 2:15; 2 Timothy 3:16 & 17; Colossians 3:15-17; Matthew 24:35.
  • I really believe that memorizing Scripture has helped me to grow more as a Christian than any other discipline because when I memorize a passage, it has a chance to "eat" at my heart and bring conviction, motivation, life-change, etc.
  • Always remember though that Christ is the goal, not memorization or any other discipline. The disciplines merely help us toward the goal of knowing Christ (Phil 3:10) and becoming more like him (1 John 2:6; Matthew 10:24-25)
  • There could be a tendency to get legalistic with this type of program. This is simply a tool to provide some self-accountability (a box to check) and to help you retain the verses you have memorized.
  • There couldalso be a tendency to get discouraged and quit when you miss a couple of days. Don’t give up! I don’t think it is God’s voice telling us we are a “failure” for missing a few days! I imagine he is thrilled we are making the effort to slowly but surely hide his word in our hearts.
  • This program was developed by a Thomas J. Frost and my first sheet had a copyright date of 1985.
  • If this program works for you, please pass it on to a friend!

Email Eric Bert at and he will email you the Scripture Memory Program sheets so you can save it to your computer and get started! It is an excel document with the 3 blank sheets you can print and use. Each sheet has a tab at the bottom named: Once a Day, Once a Week, & Once a Month.