Collegiate 4-H Meeting Minutes

8th October 2015

WSLR 116, 6:00 p.m.

Call to order and Welcome: Cassie Lehmann,


·  Pledge of Allegiance: Jeff Koberstein

·  4-H Pledge: Sarah Overdorf

Secretary’s Report – Lydia Smith,

Treasurer’s Report – Gabrielle Teter,

·  Dues: $10 a semester or $15 for the whole year

o  If writing a check, make payable to Purdue Collegiate 4-H

·  Current Account Balance - $3346.43

Ag Council Report – Maddie McFadden,

·  College of Ag Hog Roast – Wednesday, October 21st at 5:30 on AG mall

o  Farmer Olympics: 6:30pm

§  Seed spitting, hay bale throwing, corn shucking

§  Come support the members

o  Pulled pork sandwiches, bonfire, and lots of fun

Meet Your Members

·  Kristin Dill

Break for Refreshments

Old Business:

Murdock Report – Jessie Earhart, & Molly Towns,

·  Last week ice cream in a bag

·  There will be no Murdock next week (10/15) due to their fall break

·  The week after fall break there will be pumpkin decorating!

Social Report – Josh Schonfeld,

·  Follow up on Fall Retreat

o  It was a lot of fun! People played games, watched movies, ate walking tacos, and bonded J

New Business:

Officer Training Report – Emily Grimm,

·  Our next meeting will be the officer training training

o  Emily will be able to answer all questions about officer trainings and walk you through what a training is like

·  Thursday, November 5th at 7:30 p.m. EDT – LaPorte County

·  Saturday, November 14th at 1 p.m. EDT - Harrison County

·  Wednesday, January 27th – Area Wide Training

·  How to Sign-Up:

o  Go to this link to see our Sign-Up on VolunteerSpot:

o  Review the options listed and choose the spot(s) you like.

o  Sign up! It's Easy - you will NOT need to register an account or keep a password

Social Report – Josh Schonfeld,

·  Sand Volleyball Games: Done for the season, but there is always have next year!

·  Boo at the Zoo:

o  Dress up/help with this Fall themed event at the Columbian Park Zoo

o  Friday, October 23rd from 7-10

o  Email Josh if you want to participate and didn’t sign up

o  There is a form needed to volunteer à email Cassie or Josh if you need a copy and they can help you get it taken care of

Publicity – Emma Hopkins,

·  T-Shirts will be ordered soon

·  The club voted on a black shirt with green and white lettering on the front and back

o  Emma Hopkins motioned, Tyler Marker seconded, and the motion passed.

·  They will be sold for $12 a shirt

·  Email Emma if you would like to order one (money will be collected when the shirts come in)

End of the year awards system: achievement trip

·  Any dues paying member who helps with 2 Officer Trainings, 2 Murdocks, or 1 of each will be eligible for an achievement trip that will be determined in the spring semester

·  Last year, the trip was to SkyZone indoor trampoline park

Games with Social Director

Next Meeting: Thursday, October 22nd 6:00 pm WSLR 116

Meeting Dates for 2015-2016

·  All meetings will be held biweekly from 6:00 to 7:00 pm in WSLR 116. The upcoming dates are as follows:

o  October 22nd (WSLR 116), November 5th (LILY 2-425), November 19th, December 3rd (LILY 2-425)

FOLLOW US! Facebook: Purdue Collegiate 4-H Twitter: @Purdue4H