Please readResearch Information & Instructions prior to completing this Application. Application will be judged on its alignment with GCPS Research Standards. / Office of Research and Evaluation
Gwinnett County Public Schools
437 Old Peachtree Rd., NW
Suwanee, GA 30024

Instructions: Click in the gray spaces below to typein the requested information. Click in the appropriate box to check (X) your answers.

Title of Research Project:

A. Applicant/Researcher Information

1. Primary Researcher’s Name:


Primary Phone:

E-mail Address:

2. Is this research required to fulfill a degree requirement? Yes No If yes, your application must be submitted by your faculty sponsor, which represents his or her endorsement. Applications submitted directly to GCPS by graduate students will not be accepted.

Name of College/University:

Faculty Sponsor’s Name:

Faculty Sponsor’s e-mail:

3. Co-Researcher Name(s), organizational affiliation, and e-mail address

(list all other individuals who will be a part of the data collection or analysis):

4. Is this research sponsored by another organization? Yes No If yes, please provide the following regarding the organization.

Name of Organization:

Contact Name:

Contact’s email address:

B. Major Features of Proposed Study

1. Please provide a brief explanation (1,000 words or less) about the purpose and importance of yourresearch study(Include the theoretical framework and its application to school settings, research problem, research hypotheses, and citationsas applicable):

2. Definition of Terms (please include descriptions of acronyms, programs or theoretical frameworks related to the study, and operational definitions of constructs):

C. Research Design and Methods

1. Type of school research site(s) required. Pleasecheck(X)all that apply:

Elementary Middle High Special Entity Schools Central Office/Other

If not all schools, listspecific schoolsand/or other locations you anticipate asking to participate in your study:

3. Will data be collected aboutstudents? Yes No

If yes, please describe criteria for selection of students, the number of students, grade level, background information, and special sample characteristics. Specify the processes and procedures that you plan to use for collecting the data. Include the person(s) responsible for each phase of data collection and the person(s) needed to help in the process.

4. Amount of time required of students:

5. Will data be collected about school staff? Yes No

If yes, please describe criteria for selection of staff, number of staff, grade level, position, background information, and special sample characteristics. Specify the processes and procedures that you plan to use for collecting the data. Include the person(s) responsible for each phase of data collection and the person(s) needed to help in the process.

6. Amount of time required of teachers/other staff:

7. Desired time schedule for conducting your research: from: through . Note that research may not be scheduled to begin prior to the completion of the IRB application review month.

C. Research Instruments

Provide all surveys, observation instruments, questionnaires, and interview protocols to be used in the research. The researcher must include information about validity and reliability of instruments including citations. Procedures for administration and use(s) of the data should be clear from the information in this and other sections of your study. Copies of all instruments must be provided. Applicants submitting research instruments that are not standardized or are still in the process of development must explain why new instruments are needed, what pilot test procedures will be used, and what level of technical adequacy is expected following the pilot testing.

D. Research Results

1. Describe your procedures for analyzing the data and how data analysis addresses the research question(s) and hypothesis(es).

2. How might this research benefit the participants (e.g., students/teachers) in the study?

3. How might this research benefit the schools, the GCPS district, or education in general?

E. Reporting the Results

Describe how the results will be reported, including the purpose and audience for each type of reporting.

F. Research Agreement: By submitting this application, the researcher agrees to comply with the research procedures stated inResearch Information& Instructions for Completing GCPS IRB Application, and provide a copy of the completed research upon request.

G. Appendices– Append appropriate required documents to this application on the following pages. Applications missing required and applicable appendices will not be reviewed.

Please indicate all attachments(X):

Informed Consent Letters: Administrator/Staff Parent Student

Questionnaire/Survey Reference list for sources cited in application Interview Protocol

Primary Researcher’s Résumé or Vita

GCPS IRB Application to Conduct Research(05/2012)Page 1

GCPS IRB Application to Conduct Research(05/2012)Page 1