March 2016
Civil Engineering Dept. of G. H. R. C. E., Nagpur Organized Site
Visit to Ajani Railway Station, Nagpur
Civil Engineering Dept. of G. H. R. C. E., Nagpur Organized Site Visit toAjani Railway Station, Nagpur for 2nd semester M.Tech. (structural Engg.) students on 19th March 2016.17 students were present in the visit. The purpose of the visit was to show various components of steel structures. The station incharge Mr.Larokar and Mr.Pande were very helpful and explained the construction & designs of various steel structures like foot-over bridge, laced columns, battened columns, various angle sections, beam sections and utilities built on railway station. They explained about the railway standards and construction practices adopted by Railway Department, to students. It was very beneficial visit for students and enhanced their knowledge in the subject “Advanced Design of Steel Structures.” Under the guidance of Head Dr.P.Y.Pawade, students were accompanied by Prof. N.H.Pitale and Prof.H.G.Sonkusare from Civil Engg. Department.
Civil Engineering Dept. of G. H. R. C. E., Nagpur Organized Site
Visit to Ajani Railway Station, Nagpur
Civil Engineering Dept. of G. H. R. C. E., Nagpur Organized Site Visit toAjani Railway Station, Nagpur for 6th semester (sec-A) B.E. (Civil Engg) students on 19th March 2016. 70 students were present in the visit. The purpose of the visit was to show various components of steel structures. The station incharge Mr.Larokar and Mr.Pande were very helpful and explained the construction & designs of various steel structures like foot-over bridge, laced columns, battened columns, various angle sections, beam sections and utilities built on railway station. They explained about the railway standards and construction practices adopted by Railway Department, to students. It was very beneficial visit for students and enhanced their knowledge in the subject “Structural Design-II.” Under the guidance of Head Dr.P.Y.Pawade, students were accompanied by Prof. N.H.Pitale and Prof.H.G.Sonkusare from Civil Engg. Department.
Guest lecture on “Node flow Analysis” by Dr. Rajesh Gupta in Civil Engg. Dept., GHRCE, Nagpur
A guest lecture on “Node Flow Analysis” is conducted for second semester M. Tech. Environmental Engineering students in Civil Engineering Department, GHRCE, Nagpur on 18th March 2016 (Friday). The lecture was conducted under the banner of ACCE.
Dr. Rajesh Gupta, Professor, Civil Engg. Dept., VNIT, Nagpur has given a technical talk on Node Flow Analysis. Working of water distribution system and calculation of its supply as well as demand is briefed by the guest. Dr. Rajesh Gupta is an author of the book “Analysis of Water Distribution Network” and given the knowledge full things to the students.
Students of 2nd sem of Env. Engg. get benefitted through the session. Prof. M. P. Bhorkar had given introduction of guest. Dr. P. Y. Pawade, Professor & Head, Dr. P. B. Nagarnaik, Prof. B. J. Godboley were accompanied the lecture.
Guest lecture on “Introduction to IS1893:2002 (Part I)” by Dr. O. R. Jaiswal in Civil Engg. Dept., GHRCE, Nagpur
A guest lecture on “Introduction to IS1893:2002 (Part I)” was arranged for second & Fourth semester M. Tech.(Str. Engg.) and M.Tech. (Tre. Engg.) students in Civil Engineering Department, GHRCE, Nagpur on 28th March 2016. The lecture was conducted under the banner of ACCE. Dr. O.R. Jaiswal, Professor, Applied Mechanics Dept., VNIT, Nagpur has given a technical talk on geological conditions of Earth, Plate Tectonics, Causes of Earthquake. Also, he described, how to calculate earthquake forces and different parameters used in calculation. He discussed the various codal provisions in IS 1893:2002 (Part I) and IS 13920:1993. The session was beneficial to all students.Dr. P. Y. Pawade, Prof. S. S. Sanghai, Prof. H. G. Sonkusare were also present during the session.