Pittsburgh Whittier K-5
P.S.C.C. Meeting: Title I Review/ P.T.O. Meeting
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Welcome and Introductions were made.
There were 14 Parents, 4 Teachers, and Mrs. Valerie Lucas, Principal in attendance
Title I Annual Meeting began.
Total funds for Pittsburgh Whittier K-5 for the 2014-2015 School Year = $175,240
· $2883 is allotted for Parental Involvement activities: Parents are welcome to share ideas of how money could be spent.
· Title I funds can be spent from July 1, 2014-June 30, 2015
Title I Money from the previous school year was used to/for:
· Reading and Math ITL2s, FACE Coordinator, Books, Book of the Month for each homeroom teacher, Student of the Month breakfasts, Back to School Night refreshments, Professional Development Core Coach Books, and a projector
School/Parent Involvement Policy
· Reviewed and revisions to begin shortly. Parents were asked to sign up if willing to help.
Title I Home/School Compact
· Reviewed. Volunteers sought to help revise this document as well.
ESEA: Elementary and Secondary Education Act
· August 20, 2013 Pennsylvania waiver request was granted by the Department of Education.
· Schools now participate in Annual Measurable Objectives (AMOs)
· Schools receive a designation based on performance. Whittier is in the “No designation” category. We were not high achieving or low performing. Our percentage rating of proficiency was 62.8%
· Scores on the PSSA were shared and discussed. Questions were answered about how Whittier plans to raise the scores for the current school year.
Volunteers still need Clearances if they want to work alone with children.
Professional Development for parents was discussed so they can use the computer software purchased by the school at home.
P.T.O. Meeting:
October Fundraisers:
· Pie Shoppe: Order forms will go home on Monday, October 6th. Orders due by Friday, November 7th.
· Pie Delivery: Tuesday, November 18th
· Turkey Fund for KDKA: Sell Lollipops for $1.00/ Pajama Day/ Hat Day with all proceeds going to the Turkey Fund
October Events:
· Movie Night: Friday, October 24th from 6:00-8:00
· Halloween Parade: October 31st: PTO to purchase water for each child
· 5th Grade field trip to the Carnegie Museum
November Fundraiser:
· Sarris Candy
· Idea for a Cook Book proposed: each grade level will be assigned a cook book feature such as appetizers, main dishes, dessert, etc.
November Events:
· Day of Giving: November 19th: 5:30-7:30: Cards for the Vets, Ne-Sew Blankets for the local Senior Citizen Center, canned food drive for the Food Bank
· KDKA Weather Assembly with Dennis Bowman: Wednesday, November 5th
· 4th Grade field trip to the Frick Museum: November 7th
December Events:
· Santa’s Workshop: December 4th-10th during school hours. Volunteers needed.
· Holiday Party: December 19th: 5:30-7:30: Hot Chocolate, cookies, visit from Santa, Music program, Basket raffle
Next PSCC/PTO Meeting will be Wednesday, November 5th at 5:30