Instructor: Mr. J. Brasch

Course Description: Geometry. Topics include reviewing the foundation of your math ability. We will discuss what is geometry, constructions, patterns, and deductive reasoning. Then we will solve problems dealing with lines in a plane, congruent triangles, properties of triangles, and polygons. Additionally, we will explore transformations, similarity, right triangles and circles. Also, we will analyze planar measurements and space measurements. We will solve for understanding and comprehend the meaning behind the steps. We will not memorize rules, but understand and take ownership of the math involved.

Required Textbook: Discovering Geometry: An Investigative Approach by Michael Serra; Key Curriculum Press, 2008.

Credit: 1 credit hour.

Attendance: Attendance is one of the most important factors in education. Students are expected to attend class daily and on time. Students are required to make-up all work missed due to an excused absence within one week of returning to school. If you are absent for an extended period of time, your parent/guardian should contact your counselor for make-up work.

Homework/Class work: Assignments began in class may be completed for homework and turned in the next day. If I am absent, the work must be turned in the same day. All work must be shown on each assignment; do not turn in a paper with just the answers. All assignments must have name, date, hour, and page number. Assignments must be done neatly on loose-leaf paper.

Student Expectations: It is the student’s responsibility to come prepared for class. This means being ready to learn. You should bring to class your textbook, notebook, loose-leaf paper, pencil, calculator, and completed homework. Students are expected to participate in class, by listening when work is being explained, asking questions, and doing all of the assignments including group work and board work. Students must follow all school policies, and maintain proper behavior as outlined in the Lamphere High School Handbook. It is the student’s responsibility to keep their desk and surrounding area clean. Beverages and food are not allowed in the room. The bottom-line--politeness toward everyone.

Tests: Given during natural breaks in units. At least two days warning. Tests will be based on homework, examples in textbook, and examples done in class. All tests are cumulative. Quizzes will occur often.

Grading: 50% of grade will be from tests.

30% of grade will be from quizzes.

20% of grade will be from class work, homework, and class participation. This 20% of your grade will also consist of cooperative learning, oral assessment, written work, and active participation.

Contacting me: I can be contacted via e-mail: . E-mail is the best way to contact me. Please let me know if there are problems. I am available before and after school. Please share this information with your parents.


I have read and agree to the follow the plan listed above.


Student Signature Parent Signature

Name (print) ______Hour ______Date ______