Supplement 1. The 56 mountains or ranges (codes) used in the study, with their location, number of species, and the source of the species data.
13Sisters44.103121.76925Van Vechten, 1960
3Bighorn 44.438107.27288RMH
4MtBaldyMT 46.77109.35614Bamberg & Major, 1968
5Beartooth 45.023109.40219Johnson & Billings, 1962
6BigWhite 49.738118.93279Eady, 1971
7Carson 36.559105.414166RMH
8Cascades1 47.505120.82489del Moral, 1979
9Cascades2 48.541121.11329Douglas & Ballard, 1971
11DeepCreek39.828113.9229McMillan, 1948
12EagleCap 45.162117.30118Johnson, 2004
13FlintCreek 46.088113.0927Bamberg & Major, 1968
14GunnisonN 38.808106.813276RMH
16GlacierNP 48.716113.629233Damm, 2001
17Garibaldi 49.897122.953Archer, 1963
19Henry 38.122110.81527Neese, 1981
20LemhiN 44.233113.17265Moseley, 1983, 1985
21Pioneer 44.007113.657Moseley, 1985
22LemhiS 44.063113.70837Urbanczyk, 1993
23WhiteKnob 44.124114.61842Caicco, 1983
24IndianPeaks 40.060105.62217Komarkova, 1979
25MedicineBow 41.354106.311254Billings, 1988; Lukas et al., 2012
27MesaSeco 38.035107.24394Johnson, 1970
28MtJefferson 44.742121.79545Ingersoll, 1991
29N.Alberta 50.221114.52420Mortimer, 1978; Hamilton, 1981
30Olympics1 47.924123.3821Bell & Bliss, 1973
31Olympics2 47.955123.25983Belsky and del Moral, 1982
33Rainier 46.915121.824148Edwards, 1980
34TrailRidge 40.413105.73393Willard, 1979
35RubyNV 40.613115.38432Loope, 1970
37Shasta 41.41122.19541Cooke, 1940
38Sierra1 37.23118.62468Chabot & Billings, 1972
39Sierra2 38.699119.99454Taylor, 1976
40Sierra3 37.586118.87450Pemble, 1970
41SanFrancisco35.346111.67847Little, 1941
42S.Alberta1 51.318116.128104Beder, 1967
43S.Alberta2 50.595114.524139Trottier, 1972
44S.Alberta3 50.22114.5249Bryant, 1968
45SWColorado 37.684107.987170RMH
46Tetons 43.728110.84864RMH
47Trinity 41123.04821Ferlatte, 1974
48Tushar 38.221112.222168Taye, 1995
49Uinta1 40.744110.68729Ostler et al., 1982
50Uinta2 40.779110.48323St. Clair, 1984
51VancouverIsl49.662167125.74743Ogilvie and Ceska, 1984
52Wasatch 40.53303111.681134Arnow et al., 1977
53Wassuk 38.57026118.79132Bell and Johnson, 1980
54White 37.63527118.25320Rundel et al., 2008
56Yellowstone 43.799109.879201RMH
Total number of species in dataset:1162
*RMH: online source of the Rocky Mountain Herbarium (
Supplement References
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Bryant, JP (1968) Vegetation and frost activity in an alpine fellfield on the summit of Plateau Mountain, Alberta. Thesis, University of Calgary
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