Tuesday 20 June 2017


Cllr Mr Richard Peace / (Chairman) / Mrs Carol Hatcliff / (Clerk)
Cllr Mrs Pippa Kennedy / Cllr Mrs Alison Kennedy
Cllr Mr Lee Ballaam / Cllr Mr Nick Turner
1.  Declarations of Interest - None
2.  Apologies for absence - Cllr Mr Steve Pask - the reasons for which were accepted.
3.  Any other business for notification – quote for grass cutting, road closures
4.  Invite Public Discussion on Agenda items
Mr and Mrs Peter Evans in attendance, outlined their proposal for an annexe development, ref S17/0604.
Mrs Sue Purkis, in attendance, sought clarification of the proposed parking arrangements given the potential impact on the highway. Mr Evans gave assurances that sufficient parking would be available to the rear of Clowder House.
The Clerk had received two written representations in respect of application S17/0604. In summary there is no objection to the development of the barn to a dwelling – reservations/comments as follows:
Access restriction the new proposals impose on Clowder House, particularly parking which may present a road safety issue; a suggestion that wider area of access to Clowder House vehicles and vehicular access to the rear land which would be of benefit if the properties were “split” in the future. Mr Evans addressed this as above.
Oil tank – if the pigsty is to be demolished where is the oil tank to be stored? Mr Evans gave assurance that due consideration had been given to the safe siting of the oil tank.
5.  Planning - Application for consideration
S17/0604 Applicant: Mrs C Evans Proposal: Conversion of existing barn to separate dwelling, erection of detached garage and alterations to access, demolition of outbuilding Location: Clowder House, Village Street, Oasby, Lincolnshire, NG32 3NB
Section 12 Notice – S17/1023 – Mr Middleton, Oasby House, Village Street, NG32 3NA – proposal to fell lime tree in a conservation area._ We need location of tree before we comment further
6.  AOB
Quote from BDG Mowing of £250 per cut of green areas in village curtilage
Road closures
Aisby on Sunday 16 July for the fete/Cresta Run
Heydour*, Church Lees (Between Oasby Road & Lane to Culverthorpe)- implemented as required between 25/7/2017 to 8/8/2017 -– this is for essential maintenance works by Western Power Distribution
Oasby* – Village Street, Ancaster Lane, (Between Mill Lane & Village Street, Between Village Street & Church Lees and Between Church Lees & a point 100 metres North) 12/7/2017 & 13/7/2017, for essential maintenance works by A Plant Lux/Anglian Water
*Signage detailing accurate dates & times will be displayed on site in advance
Next Meeting – 11 July at 7pm / The Clerk will respond to correspondents
The Clerk to respond to SKDC – no fundamental objection to the redevelopment -on the proviso there is no detriment in respect of an increase in cars parking on the narrow highway
(Ref: 1059512)
The Clerk to request a plan to determine the site of this tree and agenda next meeting
To agenda next meeting for agreement and frequency of cut

Signed …………………………………………………………………………….. Chairman
Date: ……………………………

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