Name ______
Components / Excellent / Good / Needs Improvement / Lacking / MissingData Table of Averages /
- An appropriate, clear, labeled data table of averages is present.
- The independent and dependent variables arranged correctly.
- Units are present and appropriate.
- An appropriate, labeled data table of averages is present.
- The independent and dependent variables arranged correctly.
- Units are present and appropriate.
- A labeled data table is present.
- The independent and dependent variables arranged appropriately.
- Table may not be appropriate.
- &/or at least some units may be missing or inappropriate.
- A data table is present.
- May be missing labels
- /or may be inappropriately arranged.
Graphs of Averages
(in most cases only averages should be graphed) /
- The correct type of graph was chosen for the data presented.
- The graph was produced in Excel or on graph paper with appropriate division markingson the axes.
- Both axes are scaled properly.
- Graph is easy for the reader to interpret. Both axes are labeled properly (IV & DV on appropriate axes) with words and units.
- Graph contains an appropriate title (DV vs IV).
- The correct type of graph was chosen for the data presented.
- The graph was produced in Excel or on graph paper with division markings on the axes (may not be appropriate).
- Both axes are scaled properly.
- Both axes are labeled (IV & DV on appropriate axes) with words and units, May be some minor errors in the labeling. Graph contains a title.
- The correct type of graph was chosen for the data presented.
- The graph was produced in Excel or on graph paper with division markings on the axes (may not be appropriate).
- Axes may or may not be scaled properly. Both axes are labeled (IV & DV on appropriate axes) with words and units, May be some minor errors in the labeling.
- May not contain a title.
- The correct type of graph was NOT chosen for the data presented.
Results /
- Written in paragraph form.
- Clearly explains the graph and data table in sentence format.
- Includes average values.
- Gives the range for each level of the IV.
- Contains samples of calculations when appropriate.
- Written in paragraph form.
- Explains the graph and data table in sentence format.
- Includes average values.
- Contains samples of calculations when appropriate.
- Not be written in paragraph form. Explains the graph and data table.
- Does not include average values.
- May or may not contain samples of calculations when appropriate.
Conclusion /
- Demonstrates thoughtful analysis of the data to generate a clear, appropriate interpretation of the results.
- Addresses the following with clear, complete, appropriate responses:
- Do the data support or reject the hypothesis?
- What could you revise in the methods to improve the experiment?
- What might cause the relationship between the dependent variable and the independent variable?
- What questions were raised; are there more tests that could be performed?
- Any statistical tests performed are discussed.
- Demonstrates thoughtful analysis of the data to generate an appropriate interpretation of the results.
- Some parts may not be clear and/or may lack detail.
- Addresses the following with appropriate responses (may not be clear and/or complete):
- Do the data support or reject the hypothesis?
- What could you revise in the methods to improve the experiment?
- What might cause the relationship between the dependent variable and the independent variable?
- What questions were raised; are there more tests that could be performed?
- Any statistical tests performed are discussed.
- Contains an analysis of the data to generate an interpretation of the results.
- Attempts to address most of the following: Do the data support or reject the hypothesis?
- What could you revise in the methods to improve the experiment?
- What might cause the relationship between the dependent variable and the independent variable?
- What questions were raised; are there more tests that could be performed?
- Any statistical tests performed may or may not be discussed.
- Attempts to analyze the data to interpret the results.
- Some attempt is made to address at least a few of the following:
- Do the data support or reject the hypothesis?
- What could you revise in the methods to improve the experiment?
- What might cause the relationship between the dependent variable and the independent variable?
- What questions were raised; are there more tests that could be performed?
- Any statistical tests performed may or may not be discussed.
Grammar & Spelling / Grammar and spelling are correct. / A few grammar and spelling mistakes are present. / There are a several grammar and/or spelling mistakes. / The high number of grammar and/or spelling mistakes makes it difficult to read.
Neatness /
- Typed.
- Easy to read.
- 1-2 typos.
- Typed
- most is easy to read,
- A few typos.
- Typed
- several parts are not easy to read
- Contains many typos.
- Typed or written,
- Several parts are difficult to read
- Contains high number of typos.