Sample Offer Letter: concurrent Postdoctoral scholar - clinical instructor

Revised 1 August 2016

To be sent on School of Medicine department letterhead stationery




[City, State, Zip]

Dear [Name]:

We are pleased to offer you, subject to approval by the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs, an appointment as a Postdoctoral Scholar in the Department of [name] and Division of [name].

Subject to review and approval by the School of Medicine, this appointment is concurrent and coterminous with an appointment as Clinical Instructor in the Clinician Educator line in the Department of [name] and Division of [name] at the Stanford University School of Medicine.

The Stanford University School of Medicine is world-renowned as a premier institution for the education of future leaders in biomedical research and medical practice. We are delighted to extend you an offer to join us at the School of Medicine, where you will find outstanding colleagues, a dynamic environment, and an opportunity to be successful and grow professionally.

Because the issues related to this offer require specific and detailed description, we have placed specific terms and requirements of appointment as a Postdoctoral Scholar in Appendix A and the specific terms and requirements of employment as a Clinical Instructor in Appendix B. This letter, Appendix A, and Appendix B, taken together are the “Offer”; please refer to them for a complete representation of this Offer.

This letter and Appendix A and Appendix B, the “Offer”, represent the entire agreement between us regarding your relationship to the University and supersedes and replaces any prior negotiations, agreements or understandings, whether written or oral.

To indicate your acceptance, please sign this Offer and return it by [insert date two weeks hence] to [name of departmental contact], who can be reached at [phone] or [email].

[If there is a single Administrator contact for Fellowship and as Faculty Affairs Administrator:]

Should you have any questions about this appointment, please contact [admin name] by phone at [phone] or fax to [fax], or e-mail to [admin e-mail].

[If there are separate Fellowship and Faculty Affairs Administrator contacts:]

Should you have any questions regarding your Postdoctoral Scholar appointment, please contact [name of departmental contact], who can be reached at [phone] or [email].]

Should you have any questions regarding your Clinician Educator appointment, please contact [name of departmental contact], who can be reached at [phone] or [email].]

We encourage you to visit our department website at [department web address]. We are delighted to extend you this Offer. Our exceptional faculty, students and staff all contribute to make Stanford an immensely rewarding place to work. We look forward to welcoming you as a colleague and to supporting you in attaining your professional goals.


[Faculty Sponsor signature]

I have reviewed the additional information titled Terms and Conditions of Postdoctoral offers at Stanford (enclosed or at


[Name], Department Chair [Name], Division Chief

I have read, understand and accept this Offer:

Signature Date

Enclosures: Appendix A, Terms and Requirements of the Postdoctoral Appointment & Useful Web Addresses

Appendix B, Terms and Requirements of Employment as a Clinical Instructor & Useful Web Addresses


Terms and Requirements of Appointment as a Postdoctoral Scholar

This Appendix outlines the terms and requirements of your appointment as a Postdoctoral Scholar. Information regarding postdoctoral scholar appointments is available at

Expectations and Responsibilities as a Postdoctoral Scholar

As a Postdoctoral Scholar, you will be subject to the applicable policies and procedures of the University set forth in the Research Policy Handbook 10.3 ( and in the Stanford Postdoctoral Scholar Handbook ( Your Postdoctoral Scholar appointment may be terminated prior to the anticipated end date noted above based upon loss of funding, change in programmatic need or unsatisfactory performance on your part.

Appointment as a Postdoctoral Scholar

Your initial appointment as a Postdoctoral Scholar will be for the period of [X] year(s), with a start date of [month day, year] through [month day, year] at [#] percent of full-time effort (FTE).

At Stanford, Postdoctoral Scholars are considered students in advanced training and must be registered every academic quarter, which provides you with certain privileges such as email, access to the libraries and athletic facilities. Please consult the taxability section of the Postdoc Handbook if your registration fee will be paid by your department on your behalf.

Your Postdoctoral Scholar appointment may be terminated prior to the anticipated end date noted above based upon loss of funding, change in programmatic need or unsatisfactory performance on your part. At the end of the initial Postdoctoral Scholar appointment, and subject to the term limits set forth in the Research Policy Handbook section 10.3 on Postdoctoral Scholars ( and the Postdoc Handbook (, your appointment may be eligible for renewal based upon satisfactory performance, the existence of funding, and programmatic need.

Assignment as a Postdoctoral Scholar

In your role as a Postdoctoral Scholar you will be expected to be involved in [brief description of research/studies anticipated work location and anticipated primary supervisor].

Funding as a Postdoctoral Scholar

Your total support for the initial year of training for the Postdoctoral Scholar appointment will be [$$], reflecting the [#] FTE of your postdoctoral scholar appointment, plus certain medical, dental, vision and life insurance coverage through Postdoc Benefits programs.

The source of your funding will be [brief description of source(s)]. At this time or during the term of your appointment, if you will receive other funding to support your postdoctoral training at Stanford, you are required to provide a copy of the funding letter to the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs and to [contact name]. [Contact] can be reached at [phone number]. Receiving external support towards your postdoctoral training at Stanford may alter the amount of funding offered to you from Stanford or other sources, or the responsibilities associated with your appointment.

Effective on October 1 of each year of your appointment your postdoctoral scholar funding level may change in order to meet the university’s stipend/salary levels of support for postdoctoral scholars in a given academic year.


You will receive Stanford benefits through your Postdoctoral Scholar appointment. Certain health, welfare and retirement benefits are available to you as a Postdoctoral Scholar. Information is available at the Postdoctoral Benefits Office page at

Postdoctoral Scholars are required to attend a mandatory “Postdoctoral Benefits Session” upon their arrival at Stanford. Please visit for information about upcoming sessions. Please ask your department administrator to enroll you prior to your start date.

Stanford provides a range of health and other benefits for postdoctoral scholars. You will have a choice among medical plan options, plus dental, vision, disability and life insurance coverage. In order to secure health care coverage through the Stanford plans, you must enroll within your first 31 days of your appointment’s start date. The cost to you for insurance benefits will vary according to the plan options you choose and if you elect individual or family coverage. If you are paid a “salary” by Stanford, you also can save for your retirement by contributing to our Tax Deferred Annuity Plan.

Vacation and Sick Leave

As a Postdoctoral Scholar, you are eligible for leave benefits as follows: vacation of one day paid leave per calendar month of appointment (in addition to official University holidays); sick leave of 15 calendar days of absence due to illness per year; and paid maternity leave of up to six weeks. In addition, you may be eligible for family and medical leave. Please refer to the Research Policy Handbook and the Postdoctoral Scholars Handbook for more details. Any leave policy must be acceptable to outside funding agencies.

Requirements as a Postdoctoral Scholar - Completion of a Doctoral Degree Program

Your Postdoctoral Scholar appointment is contingent upon your providing evidence of completion of a doctoral degree program. Please send [admin] a copy of your doctoral diploma. If the final degree has not yet been conferred, a statement of completion of studies from your home institution (Registrar's Office or equivalent) is required before your appointment may start. This statement should indicate the date on which all requirements were completed and the expected date of degree conferral. Please send this statement to [admin] (with a certified English translation, if needed).

Useful Web Addresses

Research Policy Handbook 10.3

Postdoc Handbook

Postdoctoral Benefits


Terms and Requirements of Employment as a Clinical Instructor

This Appendix outlines the terms and requirements of your employment as a Clinical Instructor. Information on certain health, welfare and retirement benefits is available from the Stanford University Benefits Office ( For a wide range of additional information about Stanford University and the Stanford School of Medicine, please refer to the list of useful web addresses.

Expectations and Responsibilities as a Clinical Instructor

Clinician Educators are subject to the University’s applicable policies and procedures, including (in general) the employment policies and procedures in Chapter 2 of Stanford University’s Administrative Guide,

As a condition of your appointment, you are subject to and are expected to comply with all applicable University policies and procedures, including but not limited to those in the School of Medicine Faculty Handbook the University Faculty Handbook, and the Research Policy Handbook

Appointment and Assignment as a Clinical Instructor

Term of Appointment

Your appointment as Clinical Instructor in the Clinician Educator line is for a fixed-term effective [month day, year,] through [month day, year,] at [#] percent of full-time effort (FTE). This appointment is concurrent and coterminous with your Postdoctoral Fellow appointment.

Stanford University School of Medicine reserves the right to advance the date of your separation from employment. You may be separated from employment prior to the planned termination of your appointment as set forth in Administrative Guide 2.1.9 and 2.1.17.

Employee Classification

Administrative Guide 2.2.2 defines types of academic and non-academic employees, and other groups who have a specified relationship with the University. Your position is that of a staff employee as defined in Administrative Guide and an exempt employee as defined in Administrative Guide Your position is also that of a casual employee as defined in Administrative Guide

Renewal of Appointment

Administrative Guide defines a fixed-term appointment as “an appointment for which a planned termination date is established and recorded at the time the employee is hired or appointed.” Although term appointments are frequently made with the possibility of reappointment or promotion, there is no entitlement to such action at the end of the term and it is by no means automatic. Renewal of your appointment will depend on availability of faculty to fulfill the Department’s clinical obligations and the match between your clinical, teaching and interpersonal skills and our needs at the time. At the end of your term, you may be offered a renewal for the same or a different term at the sole discretion of the University.


In your role as Clinical Instructor you will be expected to fulfill the following responsibilities: [Please specify percent of effort in each duty category; the overall total must equal 100 percent irrespective of appointment FTE.]

Clinical Duties

[Typically, 80-90% of a Clinician Educator’s effort is allocated to clinical care]Your clinical duties, which will comprise approximately [#] percent of your effort, will be [concrete description of hours, days of clinic service, number of procedures, etc.]. The location or locations of your practice will be determined by your department chair and/or division chief and may be subject to change. Your practice will be primarily at [location – full name, not abbreviation].

You will also have a Postdoctoral Fellow appointment. School of Medicine policy draws a distinction between training program and staff assignments when an individual has a concurrent appointment as a trainee and as a Clinical Instructor. No billable activity is allowed in your area of training.

Teaching Duties

[Typically, 10-20% of a Clinician Educator’s effort is allocated to teaching activities.]Your teaching duties, which will comprise approximately [#] percent of your effort and may occur in conjunction with your clinical activity, will be [what is to be taught and to whom].

[Alternate teaching responsibilities for Nocturnists/Moonlighters:] As a Clinician Educator it is expected that a proportion of your time will be spent educating others about your field of medicine. Because your assignment does not involve teaching students, residents, and fellows, the beneficiaries of your teaching are expected to be predominantly nurses and ancillary staff, as well as other physicians at your primary facility. You may also be asked to participate in outreach education at other facilities.

Due to fluctuating programmatic needs or other circumstances, your duties and responsibilities as outlined above may be subject to change. Should that occur, we will discuss how best to achieve your goals and ours at that time.

For planning purposes the University requests that employees notify their supervisors as soon as possible of any intention to resign. At least four weeks' prior notice is expected from exempt employees. Therefore, if you resign before your appointment ends, you will be asked to submit a written statement of resignation that includes the date of and reasons for the resignation.

Compensation as a Clinical Instructor


Your annual salary as a Clinical Instructor will be $[amount] based on [#] percent FTE pro-rated from your actual start date. [Include this sentence only when FTE is less than 100%]This amount is derived from an annual salary of $[amount] based on 100 percent FTE. Your salary will be paid twice monthly, less applicable payroll withholdings and includes all compensation for office hours, on-call time and time required to complete applicable hospital and administrative responsibilities.

[Language for casual employees paid hourly] If you choose to accept this offer, your hourly salary as a Clinical Instructor will be $[amount]/hour based on [#] percent FTE, and will be paid twice monthly based on hours worked and reported, less applicable payroll withholdings. You will be required to enter all hours worked into Axess Timecard. Please see [contact name] for more information regarding this process. [Contact] can be reached at 650-[phone number]. This hourly amount includes all compensation for office hours, on-call time and time required to complete hospital and administrative responsibilities.