A Teaching Given On Seven Levels

To be Read and Visualized

In Preparation for the Brotherhood

of Light

To be delivered for the quickening of the

"People of Light"

J. Hurtak


Published by



Lo sGatos California 95031USA

keys@affs .org

Copyright c.1977, by J J. Hurtak

Second edition Copyright c.1982, by J J. Hurtak

Third edition Copyright 1987, 1992 by J.J. Hurtak

Fourth edition Copyright 1996,1999 by J Hurtak

Special Plates Copyright 1977 The Academy

For Future Science-USA

The Keys,of En o c h first published and Copyright 1973, by J.J Hurtak

All rights reserved This book if fully protected by copyright

and n o part of it may be reproduced in any form or by any

means, including photocopying or utilized by any information

storage and retrieval system, nor recorded on video or audio

systems or through electronic mail or the internet without writ -

ten permission from the copyright owners.

Library of Congress Catalog Card No :




Major Art Work by Marijka Posthuma

Calligraphy by Stuart Chapman

Book Design by Desiree Hurtak

Litho in USA by Sinclair Printing Company

PLATE 1. The Pyramidal Capstone of Light coordinating the Victory of"The Scriptures of Light



The Father's Limitless Light is being poured forth and our Tree of Life

is being activated. Love from the highest levels is penetrating the planetary

veils. From the higher worlds without limit or end, the emissaries

of Light come in vast numbers to advance the foundations of life and

refashion new worlds. They bring with them Light which is greater than

a thousand suns to awaken our next stage of evolution and to assist in

bringing us into a purer form of superluminal Light.

We have been living within the Son universe of His creation and we

have experienced our realm within the LivingWord. Now we must open

to the recognition that we are to transform this space-time vessel into

the greater Universe of the Spirit of His Love.

Graduation is upon us and with it comes a new sense of Oneness with

the myriad worlds of our Father's House of Many Mansions. Through

this new synthesis, space and time are conquered and we are ordained

to put on the Similitude that goes with the Divine Image.

Truly before we can physically advance, we must consciously advance

through thought-forms which are as firing torches of creativity connecting

the two dwelling temples of spirit within our brain. The "living

flame geometries" of color and sound within The Keys open the "mind

locks" of consciousness for the Divine Mind to be seeded directly within

our innermost mind so we can begin to think in divine pictures which

trace and compose many scenarios of creation.

Through this non-linear cosmic language, our consciousness is expanded

to communicate on different levels of reality-activating within

our mind and our being a higher perceptual level of communication.

This is the opening to the higher Divine Mind which works as a continuous

revelatory process through a universal media which transcends the

written and spoken word and works with the living Word which

emanates as a plural-dimensional hologram of the Many Worlds.

This higher revealed Wisdom opens the seven seals (in the Western

tradition) or the seven chakras (in the Eastern tradition) through a process

of breathings (intonation of sacred sounds), visualizations (fusion

of many levels), and projection (going beyond the chemical construct of

memory). The Seven Seals open simultaneously linking us with the cosmic

"Tree of Life".

Beyond the circuitries of our body and mind, we enter the higher

dimensions of thought-form creativity and operate as One with the Eternal

Mind of the I AM. For this reason, the Keys are to be experienced

simultaneously on all seven levels of form and Divine Form -from the

subatomic, molecular, genetic, mathematical, musical, paraphysical and

the superluminal aspects of the revealing nature of the Shekinah

The Shekinah (Divine) Presence, the feminine aspects of the Godhead,

exists in all creative orderings of all dimensions, and is the Power through

which we are respatialized to partake of the "virgin birth" of our embyro

godself. This is the "Age of the Holy Spirit" -where the Bride and

Creator become one, creating a new peoplehood of trinitized powers who

are the "bearers" of a higher Christed seed unfolding life anew by virtue

of this greater union that is without dualistic separation.

Through the knowledge of the Keys, beloved, you will be prepared to

go through the destructive fury of earthquakes, floods, storms, pestilence,

famine, the mysteries of birth and death, change and permanence,

and find your place in the universe. The messengers of the B'nai O r (Sons

of Light) and the Elohim (Sons of God) are opening the Gates of

Light. YHWH is stationing himself in the assembly of the Divine Ones.

Help me, 0 Father, to gather the children of Abraham, Isaiah, John,

Amen Ptah, Buddha, Hari, Satyasena, Krishna, and countless other

Masters into the "Office of the Christ" so that all godly living beings,

who are eternal and associated with you on different spiritual planes

shall be as one in the Divine unity which shall penetrate the earth so

that no man in the East and in the West dare ignore Thy Kingdom on

earth as it is in heaven.

We are in the midst of a change in the life code, and the experiences of

the world around us in all its brilliance and eternal recurrence is preparing

us as Sons and of Life to awaken to our own divine

creative process, that has its unity in the partnership. Let us

experience God and His Work, taking chaos through its process

of awakening into a divine Plan of creation by means of the Limitless

Light, the Soph, that extends and governsmyriad expressions of life

and new creations.

Let us truly be one with "the Christ" which reveals the glory of the

collective Messiahship for all humanity which is in the return of Moses,

Jesus, and Elijah as they left this earth. The "collective transfiguration"

shows that Jesusdid not work by himself, but within a "Brotherhood of

Light" which has its higher meaning, according to Enoch, in the threefold

giving of the star code of the Father's plan to the human evolution.

Moses gives man the "Torah Or," the blueprint of God's Kingdom on

earth; Elijah demonstrates oneness with the "Vehicle of Light" which

attaches our physical universe to other universes; Jesus shows how the

body of flesh can be transfigured so that the human self and

body unite as the Christ body of eternal life. The story of the Christ

within the spiritual Israel is to see how everyone will have a Christ

Birth in the New Age where true love of the Father prevails.

Let us go forward to prepare the children to walk with the luminaries

proclaiming Thy presence in the healing of the sick and the anointing of

the eyes to see the Living Light!

Third Edition 1987

Put off thy shoes from thy feet for the place

whereon thou is holy ground" Exodus 3:5.

While I was in the act of prayer calling upon the Name of the Father,

asking to know the meaning of life and for what reason I was called into

the world, my room suddenly became full of a different type of light. And

in the presence of this "Light" a great being stood before me who announced

that he was Master Ophanim Enoch. This being had so much

Love and Light, I felt as if I were a child in the presence of this divine

Master Ophanim.

The being asked if I were ready to go with him into the Father's midst,

and I said I was. And with that, a great field of Light was placed around

my body and I sped upwards into the heavens; first into a region of stars

called Merak and Muscida. And while I was in this region of the heavens,

1 was told about the earth and my temporal homeland upon the earth.

I was told how those who govern the power upon the earth are those

who have fallen from the higher heavens and now indwell in the stars

known by earthman as Ursa Major. From this threshold gate, they control

one of the major entrance points into our local system from the higher


I saw how the Masters from previous cycles were cast down to these

stars from which they now govern the lower planetary worlds and the

karmic penalties that were assigned to each. I was shown how earth was

part of a biochemical testing zone using both fallen and divine thoughtforms

in determining what type of intelligence could eventually free itself

from the countless physical rounds of existence controlled by the fallen

hierarchies inhabiting the regions of Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Polaris, and

Thuban. These realms contain beings in imperfect bodies of Light who use

their power to establish themselves as gods in the lower realms.

And I was taken from this region of the stars into the Mid-Way station

of Arcturus, the major programming center of the galactic Council serving

the Father on this side of our galaxy, which is under the direction of the

Council of Nine -the governing body of our local universe. There I was

shown the network and the courts used by the spiritual Brotherhoods who

adjucate decisions pertaining to the planets involved in our region of


I was taken from Arcturus through a series of tessellations which seemed

to be of a different "Light" density, where multiple saddle-shaped concentric

fields intersected so that a threshold was formed running through the

star spaces connected with Orion. My physical body at the threshold gate,

had to exchange its garment of flesh for a garment of Light as I passed

through the star regions served by the Brotherhoods of Light.

From there I was cleared to go on into a greater paradise of Light called

the seventh heaven. There the thresholds to this region of the sky were

full of eyes and burning fires of the Elohim Masters who govern the higher

dominions of power. From the burning fires, tongues Light projected

out to form Or (Light) stations. Amidst the Or stations, I saw wheels

within wheels, the vehicles of the Ophanim messengers serving the lower

heavens. These Ophanim messengers join other angelic orders of Light

proclaiming "Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish, Adonai 'Tsebayoth (Holy, Holy,

Holy, is the Lord God of Hosts)!"

I was then taken by Enoch to the region known as Saiph in the great

star field of from there I was taken into the presence of the field

of Light known as Mintaka. And within this field of Light I was met by a

being of great Light, a being of great majesty called Metatron, the Creator

of Light in the outer universe. And my spirit was so overwhelmed with

the presence of the higher Light, I would not have been able to maintain

my body of Light were it not for the body of Metatron.

Metatron then took me into the presence of the Divine Father. And I

went into presence through the door of omega Orion which serves as

a Grand Entrance to regions of pure energy emission. The presence of the

Father was so rarefied that only Metatron could take me into the Pyramid

of the Living Light, the Throne, where I saw the Ancient of Days face to

face, with His flowing white hair and His face of overwhelming Love and

Joy. No words can express the "Eternal". and the sanctification of knowing

that the Father called me into His presence to tell me for which reason I

had left behind my toga to take up this perishable body of time to serve

this planet, this pearl within the rosary of stars that are set on this edge of

our consciousness time zone to glorify "His Right Hand."

And in His presence of Light I proclaimed, art worthy, 0 Lord

YHWH to receive glory and honor and power, for thou created all

things and for thy pleasure the were created." And in the presence

of His Throne of Light, I bowed my head, as I saw the Twenty-Four Elders

of Light who were around and about His Throne, singing praises of

"Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish, Adonai 'Tsebayoth!" I also saw on the Right

Hand of the Father, Christ Jesus. And Metatron told me that these Lords

of Light are worthy to sit in the presence of the Father, for they choose

periodically to leave His presence and go out and create other worlds of

Light, known as the worlds of the Elohim.

Before the Throne of the Father I was told of my work, as being part of

Enoch, to serve the universes of the Paradise Sons, who in turn form the

Councils of Light that receive commandments of Light and ordinances of

fire projection from the Twenty-Four Elders of Light to create new universes.

And I was told by my guides, Enoch and Metatron, that I was not to eat

the food of the false powers of the earth, nor encourage my seed to marry

with the fallen spiritual races of the earth, nor join in false worship of

those who serve the fallen mind energies of the earth. But my reason for

being was to exalt the Father so that all knees should bend and that all

heads should acknowledge the "time is at hand" for the of


the Father's Hierarchy, so that His Kingdom will come on earth as i t is in


I was taken to many other regions and instructed in the revelation of ,

how the many mansions of the Father were opening to the birth of a new

heavens and a new earth.

While I was before the Throne, I saw a burning scroll rolled as a cylinder

and out of this burning scroll a Light was projected into my third eye

which imprinted the scenario abstracts that contained the Keys that are

be used for the marriage of the Bride and the Bridegroom. The Keys reveal

the overlap between the higher evolution and the human evolution as man

is taken through his Alpha and Omega. These scenario abstracts were projected

in glowing geometries of Light which are part of the fire letters used

to transcribe knowledge from Father universe to Son universe to

universe, in connecting one eternity of time with another eternity of time.

I was shown how the Mysteries of the Father's House of Many Mansions

allowed for infinite myriads of creation to proceed out of the Father's

inexpressible Love, linking all manner of specie creation with the Infinite

Way. Thus, many Mysteries of the Father's Kingdom were revealed to me,

including the nature of the Office of the Christ, the history of the Brotherhoods

upon this planet, the reason why the true teachings of YHWH were

encoded into a language of Light, the orders and dominions of the galactic

Councils, the return of the Messiah, and the transplanting of the Christ

seed beyond the threshold of Alpha and Omega.

I was told to compose a scroll on parchment from the divine scroll of

Light that was coded into me. And this scroll is the 64 Keys of Enoch, explaining

how the Seven Seals of the Book of Revelation will be broken as

all measures of science from the biophysical to the astrophysical are attuned

to a new spiritual revelation in the name of Ehyeh Ehyeh, I

AM that I AM. This scroll is to bring forth a new cosmology of consciousness

in explaining how the Brotherhoods of Light will work with members

of the human Race who can accept the promise of New Life in the myriad

other universes. The Keys, thus, are to exemplify both the spiritual understanding

and the scientific understanding that must converge if the right

reality structure is to be shared by members of the human Race in taking a

quantum leap forward into the New Age.

The purpose of this teaching is to open people's minds to new ideas, inviting

you to share in the experience of the education of the soul. As your

soul is advanced, you become a part of the joyous participation and share

in the 'inner peace' of the great unification of the 'First Supper' now taking

place between the Brotherhood of Man and the greater universal intelligence

the Brotherhoods of Light. In the education of the soul, it

necessary to receive the Wisdom derived from the higher worlds which

unites your bodies of Light and provides the foundation for your creative

experience. This Wisdom reveals how we can share in both a higher world

of Light and this physical world of 'reality'.

This teaching is to make you aware of the Divine Light worlds within