Reforms Made by the National Assembly

During the Tennis Court Oath the 3rd Estate created the National Assembly

  • Because of the peasant uprisings the National Assembly made some new changes
  • Abolished most feudal customs (serfdom and Noble tax privileges)
  • All male citizens were eligible for clergy and gov’t positions
  • Adopted the Declaration of the Rights of Man – equality for all citizens under the law and protection of personal property
  • After all this, the Paris crowds were still not happy so the crowd led by thousands of women marched to Versailles and forced King Louis XVI and his family back to Paris
  • This showed that the peasants were a force to be reckoned with

Other Reforms:

  • Civil constitution of the clergy
  • Freedom of worship
  • Gov’t controls the church
  • Sold the Church lands to raise money
  • Angered many Catholics who supported the Revolution
  • Constitution of 1791
  • Set up a limited Monarchy
  • Separation of Powers (Two Branches Legislature and Executive)

LegislatureExecutive (KING)Legislature

Makes LawsVetoes LawsOverrides Vetoes

  • Equal rights for all citizens
  • Abolished feudal system (no more class system)
  • Responses to the Revolution
  • Many Nobles fled France
  • Louis XVI was scared so he asked Austria for help
  • Louis also tried to flee but was caught - Louis
  • There was still a split between the revolutionaries

Left WingRight Wing


Wanted a RepublicLimited Monarchy

Far reaching ChangePreservation of Tradition

JacobinsNational Assembly


Reforms Made by the National Assembly

During the Tennis Court Oath the 3rd Estate created the ______.

Because of the peasant uprisings the National Assembly made some new changes

  • Abolished most ______(serfdom and Noble tax privileges)
  • All male citizens were eligible for ______and ______positions
  • Adopted the ______– equality for all citizens under the law and protection of personal property
  • After all this, the Paris crowds were still not happy so the crowd led by thousands of women marched to Versailles and forced ______and his family back to Paris
  • This showed that the peasants were a force to be reckoned with

Other Reforms:

  • Civil constitution of the clergy
  • ______
  • ______
  • ______
  • Angered many Catholics who supported the Revolution
  • Constitution of 1791
  • Set up a limited ______
  • Separation of Powers (Two Branches Legislature and Executive)

LegislatureExecutive (KING)Legislature

Makes LawsVetoes LawsOverrides Vetoes

  • Equal rights for all citizens
  • Abolished feudal system (no more class system)

Responses to the Revolution

  • Many ______fled France
  • Louis XVI was scared so he asked ______for help
  • Louis also tried to flee but was caught
  • There was still a split between the revolutionaries

Left WingRight Wing