Attachment 1

I-Shou University

Application Form for Participation in Teaching Performance Improvement Project

Applicant / Dept. / Institute / Semester
Faculty ID No. / Contact Info / Tel / Signature
Qualification / □having failed the final teaching survey conducted in the previous semester
□having failed to gain at least 60 points for basic performance on teaching under the faculty evaluation conducted in the previous academic year
□having been recommended by an academic unit to participate in the Project / Based on the decision made by the Teaching Performance Improvement Committee, the Applicant should attend:
  1. individual counseling:
  1. group learning:
  1. microteaching:
  1. Others:

□having been newly appointed by the University and having taught at colleges and/or universities for less than five years
□considering it necessary to participate in microteaching / Please fill in the fields under the“II. Microteaching”heading below.
(An application must be filed at least two weeks prior to the date of course.)
I. Individual Counseling
Mentor / Dept. / Institute / Title
Have you invited a mentor? / □Yes. The mentor agreed to assist with my teaching competence. / Mentor’s Signature
□No. I’d like to ask CTLD to do the matching. / The Applicant should have no objection to the matching results.
Please attend individual counseling sessions based on the decision made by the Teaching Performance Improvement Committee, and the counseling sessions must be completed by the end of November or May every year.
II. Microteaching (a Lesson Plan for Microteaching must be attached)
Course Title / Course Code / Expected Date of Course / Class Session
(The Applicant should invite two mentors himself / herself.) / Name / Dept. / Institute / Signature / Seal / Contact Info
Review by Center for Teaching and Learning Development
Staff-in- charge / Section Chief of Faculty Professional Development Section


  1. Only faculty members included in the mentor group are qualified mentors recognized by the Center. Please refer to the attachment for a register of mentors.
  2. An applicant should obtain the approval of the mentor(s) being invited and have this application form signed by the mentor(s) before delivering it to the Center.
  3. Please deliver this application form to the Center’s mailbox or email it to after being completed and signed by the mentor(s).
  4. Every mentor is allowed to counsel up to two mentees per semester.


Attachment 2-1

I-Shou University

Teaching Performance Improvement Project

Individual Counseling Record Sheet

Qualification / □having failed the final teaching survey conducted in the previous semester
□having failed to gain at least 60 points for basic performance on teaching under the faculty evaluation conducted in the previous academic year
□having been recommended by an academic unit to participate in the Project
Course Title /
Course Code / (1) / (2) / (3) /
Total Performance / Negative Performance / (1) / (2) / (3) /
How did you learn about the mentee’s teaching performance / □ questionnaire results□ teaching webpage□ opinions from faculty/staff members
□ opinions from students□ classroom observation □ face-to-face interview
□telephone interview□ others:
Mentor / Dept. / Institute / Title
Mentee / Dept. / Institute / Title
Note: The mentor should fill in the appropriate fields based on the mentee’s weakness in teaching. If more space is needed, attach additional page(s).
Date of Counseling / Time / Location
Item / Summary of Weakness / Suggestions for Improvement
Lesson Plan & Teaching Materials
Teaching Methods
Assessment Criteria
Classroom Management

(This formshould be completed by the mentor and delivered to the Center for future reference and to apply for counseling fees.)


Attachment 2-2

I-Shou University

Teaching Performance Improvement Project

Feedback Form of Individual Counseling (for mentors)

Mentorship: Semester of Academic Year / Filling Date: , 20 (m/d/y)
Mentees in the Second Semester of Academic Year 2013
Dept. / Institute / Name / Passing the final teaching survey in the following semester or satisfying the criteria of teaching under the faculty evaluation in the following academic year
(filled in by CTLD)
□ Yes □ No
□ Yes □ No
Experience, Comments & Suggestions on Individual Counseling
Please briefly describe your experience inoffering individual counseling in this semester:
Any suggestions on planning and/or implementation of the Teaching Performance Improvement Project?

(Please deliver this formto theCenter’s mailbox or email it to .Your comments and suggestions will help us provide the best service possible.)


Attachment 2-3

I-Shou University

Teaching Performance Improvement Project

Feedback Form of Individual Counseling (for mentees)

* This form will be safely kept by CTLD only for future reference.

Counseling Period: Semester of Academic Year / Filling Date: , 20 (m/d/y)
Mentee / Dept. / Institute
Mentor / Dept. / Institute
Passing the final teaching survey in the following semester (filled in by CTLD) / □ Yes □ No
Satisfying the criteria of teaching under the faculty evaluation in the following academic year (filled in by CTLD) / □ Yes □ No
Experience, Comments & Suggestions on Individual Counseling
Please briefly describe your experience inattending individual counseling sessions in this semester:
Any suggestions on planning and/or implementation of the Teaching Performance Improvement Project?

(Please deliver this formto theCenter’s mailbox or email it to .Your comments and suggestions will help us provide the best service possible.)


Attachment 3-1

Feedback Form of Teaching Demonstration for Microteaching

Mentor’s Signature / Seal / Filling Date / , 20 (m/d/y)
Mentee / Demonstration Date / , 20 (m/d/y)
Course Title / Topic
Item / Description / Please tick the appropriate box / Remark
Excellent / Good / Average / Poor
Lesson Plan & Teaching /
  1. Course topics are systematically varied and closely correlated to one another.

  1. The teaching content is consistent with course objectives.

  1. Important concepts, principles, or skills are elaborated.

  1. Students are given exercises to get familiar with what has been taught.

  1. After every learning segment, the menteesummarizes key issues.

Teaching Methods /
  1. Learning activities are varied and smoothly carried out.

  1. Students are well motivated to learn.

  1. The mentee makes good use of Q&A techniques to attract students’ attention.

  1. The mentee makes appropriate adjustments in learning activities or strategies in light of students’ learning performance.

  1. The mentee uses body language properlyto facilitate communication.

  1. The teaching content is clearly delivered at a satisfactory volume.

  1. The mentee makes good use of instructional media to enhance learning effectiveness.

Attitude /
  1. The mentee is serious about and devoted to teaching.

  1. The mentee shows respect for students and tries hard to understand what they think, and interact with students with deep empathy.

  1. The mentee is able to detect students’ reaction to teaching and make appropriate responses.

  1. The mentee starts and ends the class on time, and the learning process is well controlled.

Assessment Criteria /
  1. Appropriate assessment criteria are adopted based on actual needs.

  1. The assessment criteria are elaborated to students.

  1. Diverse assessment techniques are applied, and the mentee is able to give feedback any time.

Classroom Management /
  1. The mentee copes very well with students’ positive and negative reactions.

  1. The mentee creates a quality learning environment that encourages learning.

  1. The mentee effectively manages the learning process and time.

Comments & Suggestions


Attachment 3-2

SuggestionForm of Teaching Demonstration for Microteaching

Mentor’s Signature / Seal / Filling Date / , 20 (m/d/y)
Mentee / Demonstration Date / , 20 (m/d/y)
Course Title / Topic
Analysis & Suggestions


Attachment 3-3

Lesson Plan for Microteaching

Course Title / Mentee / Dept. / Institute
Topic / Date
Teaching Material(s)
Teaching Aid(s)
Course Details
Course Objectives /
  1. Cognitive Domain:

  1. Affective Domain:

  1. Psychomotor Domain:

Teaching Method(s) / Lecture, Discussion, and Heuristics
Teaching Process / Instructor / Students / Time Allocation / Remark
(e.g. teaching resources used)
  1. Warning-up:

  1. Development:

  1. Closure:



Attachment 3-3

Lesson Plan for Microteaching (Example)

Course Title / Psychology / Mentee / Wang Xiao-ming / Dept. / Institute / Dept. of Business Administration, College of Management
Topic / Trait Theory / Date / March 1, 2014
Teaching Material(s) / "Trait Theory."Psychology and Contemporary Life: Human Adjustment. Taipei: Hungyeh
Teaching Aid(s) / computer, projector, and USB flash drive
Course Details /
  1. Introduction to the definition and implications of human personality
  2. Introduction to different schools of the Trait Theory
  3. Case study & analysis

Course Objectives / 1. (Cognitive Domain)
2. (Psychomotor Domain)
Teaching Method(s) / Lecture, Exercise, and Presentation
Teaching Process / Instructor / Students / Time Allocation / Remark
I. Warning-up
  1. pre-instructional activity
  1. reviewing key points taught in the previous class, and arousing students’ learning interests
  2. pointing out course objectives
/ information presentation
listening / 5 mins
1 / a multimedia lectern and a projection screen
II. Development
  1. pointing out key points
  2. explaining concepts
  3. group discussion
  4. group-based tutorial
/ note-taking
asking questions / 37 mins
7 / the textbook and handouts
III. Closure
  1. quiz
  1. answering
  2. summary
/ answering questions
listening / 8 mins
Reference / A textbook on psychology by Chang Chun-hsing

Note: This example is a 50-minute teaching demonstration.