Today / 25 December / 1 January
Announcements / George / Maiwald
Song / Wertz / Anthony
Prayer / Porter / Wedge
Preside @ Table / Lake / Marbury
Assisting / Kent / Lake
Assisting / Klein / Chrishon Dollard
Assisting / Wedge / Ed Parramore
Prayer / Gillispie / Beauvais
Evening Worship* / 25 December / 1 January
Announcements / George / Maiwald
Song Leader / Wertz / Anthony
Prayer / Neal / Alex Parramore
Communion/Prayer / Lake / Marbury
Wed. Evening Worship / 28 December / 4 January
Announcements / George / Maiwald
Song Leader / Wertz / Anthony
Invitation / Wedge / Chris Dollard
Prayer / Lake / Marbury
Special Days
Happy Birthday, December!
Tim Wertz / 28 / Gayle Swabb / 31
Special Days
Happy Birthday, January!
Skyler Medina / 1 / Julianna Okiyi / 2
Kimberlee Short / 4 / Adilene Gillispie / 11
Sharon Lake / 12 / James Roberson / 13
Josh Endy / 17 / Lindsey Dollard / 19
Ireland Dollard / 21 / Jody Medina / 24
Kennetha Marbury / 24 / Eric Anthony / 25
Nancy Davis / 31
Happy Anniversary, January!
James and Suzette Roberson / 8
1. Please arrange for a substitute if you are unable to perform an assigned duty.
2. Notify Tim Wertz and Karla Anthony of any changes.
3. Transportation. If anyone would be willing to help with transportation to and
from services on Sunday and Wednesday, please see Niles Wedge.
Helpful Email Addresses:
Minister: Bulletin:
January / February / MarchPrepare Communion / Cottoner / Dollard / Foxworth
Building Lockup / Neal / Wertz / Maiwald
Mens’ Breakfast / 1/14/17 / 8:00 am / OC Buffet
EDP Meeting / 1/14/17 / 9:30 am / Building
Qtrly Potluck Lunch
(Zone 1 hosting) / 1/15/17 / Noon / Building
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Daily Bible Readings
Morning / EveningEpistles / December 25 / II Timothy 3 - 4 / II Timothy 3 - 4
The Law / December 26 / Numbers 13 - 16 / Numbers 13 - 16
History / December 27 / I Chronicles 20 - 24 / I Chronicles 20 - 24
Psalms / December 28 / Psalm 105 - 107 / Psalm 105 - 107
Poetry / December 29 / Proverbs 22 / Proverbs 22
Prophecy / December 30 / Joel / Joel
Gospels / December 31 / John 13 - 15 / John 13 - 15
Bible Class Schedule for the Week
Sunday / No Classes HeldWednesday
Family a Blessing From God
We are so happy to have each and everyone of you with us this morning on this glorious day. We have many people visiting for the first time today or some that are here visiting family for the holidays. This is a wonderful time of year. I love when the days get cooler and the sparkling of lights are hung all over houses and family is able to get together, whether it be for a couple of days or longer. We usually have about 15 or more running around our house during the christmas holiday. Now some may say that is just Crazy! Not at all. It is great waking up finding people everywhere. Looking for an open bathroom or just a place to sit and enjoy your coffee. This year we have gone to be with our Daughter, Son-in-law and granddaughter in Norfolk, VA. Knowing that we will miss worshiping with all our brethren in Woodbridge, but at the same time meeting new brethren at the Chesapeake church of Christ. This morning brother Niles Wedge will bring the sermon and brother Brian Kent will bring the evening sermon. It is definitely a blessing from God to have two families, our physical family and our church family.
Bobbie Girard / Alwilda Merritt / Neal FamilyColleen Wertz / Christine Liddell / Betty Perez
Tom White / Deb Neal / Endy Family
This morning I am sure that you walked into services seeing brethren smiling, laughing and full of enjoyment to worship their Father in Heaven and remember His Son Jesus Christ. I truly love Sundays because it is not only a time to Worship, but also a time that we get to spend together as a spiritual family. God in His great wisdom created the church so we could experience in a way what we will experience in Heaven. Just imagine the difficulty it had to be for our Father in Heaven when He sent His Son Jesus Christ to live among those that He had created. He let His family leave Him for 33 years, but not only leave but actually sent to us as a gift. Not a gift like you might receive on christmas morning that one unwraps and plays with for a little while and then discards, but a gift that will last for eternity.
The question is have you accepted that gift? God makes it very clear that if we will believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God (John 20:31), Repent of the way we have lived our life in our sins (Acts 17:30, Confess His name (Matthew 10:32), and be baptized for the remission of our sins (Acts 2:38; Galatians 3:27). We then become a part of the family of God cherishing the gift that He gave to each of us. I hope and pray that each of us will always take the time to thank God not only for our physical family but also for our church family. Have a merry christmas.
For our Prayers
Ø Zayda McCorkle has been diagnosed with IBS. She has lost weight from 130 lbs to 103 lbs. Please continue to keep her in your daily prayers.
Ø Mike Neal will be having surgery for a ruptured disc on January 3.
Assisted Living
Ø Gayle Swabb (Greenfield Assisted Living)
Ø Charles Swabb (Betty’s Place)
Continued Prayers for Family and Friends:
Ø Omer Goolsby (Sue Bilbrey's brother) Cancer
Ø Sandra Lauriano (co-worker for Kennetha Marbury) cancer
Ø Lucille Goolsby (Sue Bilbrey's sister-in-law) Cancer
Ø Harry Sweet (Cancer)
Ø Lenny Skutnik (Crohns)
Ø OT Martin (Ernie’s dad) Alzheimer’s
Ø Vicky Smith (Kennetha Marbury’s cousin) kidney
Ø Les Carlson (friend of the Merritts) Pancreactic/Liver Cancer
Ø Tom Gilley (Bobbie Girard’s brother) memory problems
Ø Jesse Medina (Dan’s brother) pulmonary hypertension
Ø Don & Margie Dugan (Roger Klein’s uncle and aunt) Health Struggles
Ø Johnnie Thompson (Perry Comeaux aunt) Long Term Care
Ø Pat Kelsy (Katie Wedge’s aunt) hospice care
Ø Andrew Brown (friend of Wayne & Kennetha Marbury) cancer
Ø Louise Carr (Erica Riley’s mother) strokes
Ø Ryan Schick (friend of the Gillispie’s) motorcycle accident
Ø Jan Dunlap (Linda Skutnik’s sister)
Continued prayers for our members