In addition to answering the questions below regarding your qualifications, please submit a CV and cover letter with your application. Your cover letter should address why you are interested in working at Unity Care NW and describe your experience in a position of this type.

  1. Do you have a Master’s Degree in clinical social work or mental health counseling or a Doctorate in psychology? Please indicate type of degreehere:

  1. Do you have five or more years’ direct clinical experience with community health populations?

  1. Was any of your direct clinical experience in an integrated model?

  1. Do you have two or more years’ experience supervising & mentoring employees, including experience as an Approved Supervisor as defined per WAC 246-809-234? If “yes”, indicate number & type of employees supervised:

  1. Are you licensed as anIndependent Social Worker,Mental Health Counselor, Family & Marriage Therapist, or Psychologist in Washington State? Please indicate type of license:

  1. Are you licensed in another state besides Washington? If yes, please indicate type of license & whether or not you have applied for a Washington State license yet.

  1. Are you qualified to be an Approved Supervisor under the Washington State Department of Health’s requirements for supervising license candidates per Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 246-809-234?

  1. Do you have a Chemical Dependency Professional (CDP) certification in Washington State or an equivalent certification in another state (a plus)?

  1. Are you able to carry out supervisory responsibilities in accordance with the organization’s policies & applicable laws?

  1. Do you have knowledge of the North Sound Behavioral Health Organization (NSBHO) or similar state mental health system functions, requirements, and changes?

  1. Do you have knowledge of the assessment and treatment of the full range of mental disorders and familiarity with use of psychotropic medications?

  1. Do you have knowledge of the local community and private mental health and human services resources?

  1. Do you have knowledge of HIV/AIDS issues including prevention, medications and psychosocial aspects?

  1. Are you able to perform BH assessments and report writing?

  1. Do you possess counseling skills, including short term treatment and crisis intervention?

  1. Are you skilled in support group organization and facilitation as well as teaching/facilitating psycho-educational groups?

  1. Do you possess BH clinical skills including, but not limited to: mental health assessments, screening and referrals; direct individual therapy/crisis intervention; organization and facilitation of psycho-educational and support groups; case management, outreach, pharmacological management; documentation of assessments and progress notes?

  1. Are you able to understand and respond effectively and with sensitivity to special populations served by UCNW? Special populations include those defined by race, ethnicity, language, age, sex, sexual orientation, economic standing, disability, migrant and seasonal workers, homeless, people living with HIV/AIDS, and others.

  1. Are you able to follow all UCNW protocols, including those related to clinic administration, patient care, and completion of timely chart notes?

  1. Are you proficient with computers & applicable software, i.e. MS Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, the Internet, & Electronic Medical Records? Please list other software with which you are proficient:

  1. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention strongly recommends the following vaccines for healthcare workers: Influenza, Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR), Varicella (Chickenpox), Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis) and Tuberculosis screening. As a Unity Care NW employee, would you agree to follow these CDC recommendations?

  1. Do you have a current CPR/Basic Life Support (BLS) certification? If yes, please indicate expiration date:

  1. Are you able to perform the job duties & responsibilities as listed on the Job Description with or without accommodation? If not, please list exceptions here:

I hereby certify that all statements made above are true and correct.


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