Mr. James Shoop

Business Administrator,

Board Secretary, Purchasing Agent

Mrs. Aida Esquilin

Student Transportation Specialist

Ms. Nayda Gonzalez

Administrative Secretary


Aida Esquilin, Student Transportation Specialist – Office of Student Transportation

Office: 973-470-5556 Emergency Cell Phone No.: 973-277-3581

Nayda Gonzalez, Administrative Secretary –Office of Student Transportation

Office: 973-470-5206 Emergency Cell Phone No.: 973-980-6779

FAX – 973-591-6920


All contractors must ensure that, in case of school bus accidents, school bus drivers and transportation aides follow the proper procedures as outlined in the transportation company’s bus drivers and aides training program.

The safety of students on the vehicles is paramount and bus drivers and aides must take appropriate action to ensure their safety.

ACCIDENT REPORTING (n.j.a.c. 6A:27-12.2)

Immediate Notification – Part I

All contractors must ensure that every school bus driver immediately informs the principal of the receiving school and the people listed below following a school bus accident, whether students are on or off the transportation vehicle.

Immediate Notification – Part II – District Accident Report Form

Bus company personnel are to provide immediate and accurate information to the school principal and the Passaic School District Office of Student Transportation, on the form prescribed by the Office of Student Transportation.

This clause only applies to vehicles being used for transporting Passaic students during the contracted days of student transportation. Accidents to contractor vehicles on weekends, and other non-school days need not be reported to the Passaic Board of Education.

Officials to Notify

· Police and/or ambulance

· Bus contractor owner/dispatcher

· Principal of receiving school

· Mrs. Aida Esquilin, Student Transportation Specialist (973) 470-5556 Cell

(973) 277-3581


• Preliminary School Bus Accident Report – Completion of Report - -

Next Working Day

The school bus driver must complete the Preliminary School Bus Accident Report and deliver it to the principal of the receiving school for review and signature by the conclusion of the next working day. This form may be downloaded from the DOE website at, choose Procedures and Related Documents, scroll to bottom of page and choose NJDOE Preliminary School Bus Accident Report.

Submission of Bus Accident Report – Passaic Public Schools “Ten

(10) Days”

The school bus driver shall submit the completed and signed Preliminary School Bus Accident Report to the

Passaic Public School District

Office of Student Transportation

101 Passaic Avenue

PO Box 388

Passaic, New Jersey 07055-0388

within ten (10) days of the accident. Attached to the Preliminary School Bus Accident Report shall be the Motor Vehicle Accident Report, issued by the local police, in accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A:27-12.2.

In addition to the Preliminary School Bus Accident Report, the driver of a school bus involved in an accident resulting in injury or death of any person, or damage to property of any one person in excess of $500.00 shall within 10 days after such accident complete and file a Motor Vehicle Accident Report in accordance with N.J.S.A. 39:4-130.

Failure to adhere to this procedure will result in penalties being assessed.


The major duties of a transportation aide, as so prescribed by the Passaic Board of Education, are:

· To assist students getting on and off the transportation vehicle. The

aide must get off the vehicle and stand by the door to offer assistance

when needed, especially for younger children and the handicapped.

· To attend to special needs of identified students.


· To maintain order on the transportation vehicle and actively supervise students.

Aides must sit in the rear of the bus so they can better observe the

students’ behavior.

· To assist students in safely riding on the transportation vehicle.

· To participate in all training activities for the protection and safety of all

on the transportation vehicle, e.g., exit drills.

· To act in a courteous and professional manner to all students on the

transportation vehicle and to all school personnel and parents involved with

student transportation.

· To ensure that all students have their seat belts properly fastened while the

transportation vehicle is in motion.

All transportation aides are subject to criminal background checks as prescribed by law. Each aide is to be properly identified on the School Bus Driver/Aide form that will be given to the successful contractor.

The Board of Education requires that either the bus driver and/or the student transportation aide on each route speak the English language fluently. It is imperative that directions given by the bus driver and/or transportation aide be clearly understood by the Students on the route.


School arrival/dismissal hours as shown in the route description will be adhered to throughout the school year, except for any planned early dismissals or emergency closings. All vehicles shall arrive and/or depart the assigned schools/destinations as indicated on the route descriptions.

Early/Late arrivals and departures will not be tolerated and shall be considered as a failure to provide service in accordance with the specifications and contract. Penalties may be assessed for each occurrence. Cancellation of the contract and/or enforcement of Contractor’s Performance Bond may be a result of these violations.


All drivers and transportation aides, while transporting Passaic students, must wear plastic or metal identification badges clearly imprinted with the full name of the driver or aide and the name of the transportation company.




The contractor shall provide and maintain an adequate number of school buses, including replacement spares, to safely transport any and all students assigned to the routes and must assure uninterrupted service with the same specified vehicle capacity in the event of vehicle breakdown.

In case of a vehicle breakdown, the school bus driver shall immediately ensure the bus is removed from a dangerous situation and that all students on the vehicle are safe.

The driver is then to:

· Contact the company dispatcher to send a backup vehicle and to notify

parents of any delays.

· Contact the police if the need warrants police assistance.

· Contact the receiving school principal of vehicle disability.

· Contact Mrs. Nayda Gonzalez, Administrative Secretary - (973) 470-5206

· Maintain good order of students on or off the vehicle depending on the



Bus drivers or aides who have reasonable cause to believe that a child has been subjected to any type of child abuse or neglect shall report any such suspicions IMMEDIATELY to their immediate supervisor. The bus company supervisor shall report the suspicions to either Mrs. Aida Esquilin, Student Transportation Specialist or Ms. Nayda Gonzalez, Administrative Secretary, who in turn will report the suspicion of abuse or neglect to the school principal. It is the responsibility of the school principal to investigate the suspicions and to notify the Division of Youth and Family Services (DYFS).


The school calendar is part of the specifications and the contract. In the event the schools in Passaic are closed due to inclement weather or other emergencies, the contractor shall be notified, as soon as possible, by the Passaic School District authorities providing transportation. Contractors are advised to listen to school


closing announcements broadcast over local networks. If the Passaic School District is closed due to inclement weather, no transportation of any Passaic student to any destination will be required. (N.J.A.C. 6A:27-1.1 (c))

Please note: If inclement weather occurs during extended vacation recesses for the Passaic School District i.e. December Holiday Break, Winter Break, Spring Break, it will be the determination of the Superintendent of Schools of Passaic in consultation with the Board President whether Passaic resident students attending out of district schools which are not on vacation are allowed to be transported to school.

The safety of the students is the district’s paramount concern.


The bus contractor should be in constant communication with the Passaic Board of Education regarding any delays in pick-ups and drop-offs, vehicle breakdowns, closed roadways, etc.


All transportation vehicles shall be equipped, at all times, with a two-way communications system (CB/standard two-way band or cellular phone) in proper operating condition. The communication system shall only be used for business reasons during the transportation of Passaic students.

Prohibition: While students are on the vehicle, bus drivers are prohibited from driving the vehicle and talking with a handheld two-way radio and/or cellular phone

simultaneously. Drivers are to pull the vehicle to the side of the road and have the vehicle come to a complete stop before using the radio or phone. (R.S. 39:3B-25)


In the event the contractor fails to provide service in accordance with the contract, the specifications and stated requirements, the contractor shall be considered in breach of contract. Cancellation of the contract and/or enforcement of Contractor’s Performance Bond may result in accordance with New Jersey State Law.


Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:27-9.9 all transportation contracts shall be submitted to the County Superintendent of Schools on or before September 1st or within 30 days of award of contract for transportation after September 1st.


To ensure that all contracts are submitted in the time frame regulated by law, the Passaic School District shall require all contractors to submit executed contracts to the district within fourteen (14) days of receipt.


In the event the Passaic School District has a delayed opening due to inclement weather or other emergencies, the contractor shall be notified, as soon as possible, by the Passaic School District authorities providing transportation.

All students are to report to school no earlier than 9:30 a.m. and no later than 9:45 a.m.

Pick up for all out-of-district routes shall be delayed by 1 ½ hours from the regular school schedule, if the school has not notified the bus company otherwise.


With the goal of student safety as the major concern, the Passaic Board of Education may request that bus companies install digital video recording systems on designated school buses. The Passaic Board of Education will make every effort to identify the routes requiring digital video recording systems and include the request on the bid specifications. The use of digital video recording systems on the vehicles will be an aid in monitoring student behavior.

If, however, a digital video recording system is required after the route has been established, the Passaic Board of Education shall purchase the camera and pay for the installation of it on the school vehicle.

It is the responsibility of the bus company to ensure that the digital video recording systems are focused correctly and that the appropriate date is displayed.

Whenever the Passaic Board of Education requests to see a recording, it is the

responsibility of the bus company to deliver the hard drive to the Office of Student Transportation within two (2) hours of the request.

The Passaic Board of Education will randomly inspect and/or monitor the buses equipped with DVRs to ensure that they are in operation and working properly throughout the school year.

Each school vehicle shall have a sign displayed prominently stating:

“This vehicle may be equipped with a digital video recording system to monitor student behavior.”


· Viewing of Recordings

Initial viewing of recordings may be done by the Transportation Specialist, Building Principal, School Director or designee, Superintendent of Schools or designee or other appropriate school district employees or police.

Requests for viewing will be limited to parents or guardians of students involved, teaching or support staff, drivers and district officials. Law enforcement and other governmental agencies with a direct or indirect interest in any proceedings, disciplinary or otherwise resulting from the recordings may request, in writing to the Superintendent of Schools, to view the recordings.

Only the portion of the recording concerning a specific incident will be made available for viewing.

Actual viewing of the recording will be permitted at school related sites designated by the Superintendent of Schools or his designee.

All viewing will be in the presence of a school official designated by the Superintendent of Schools.

A written log will be maintained by the Superintendent of Schools or his designee of those viewing the recordings including date of viewing, reason for viewing, the date the recording was made, and the signature of the viewer.

Recordings may be reproduced only in accordance with the law, including applicable district student records policy and procedures and district personnel records policy, procedures and applicable collective bargaining procedures.

In order to protect the health and safety of all students, recordings revealing unlawful actions will be brought to the attention of law enforcement agencies.

· Storage/Security

All copies of recordings will be kept in a locked storage cabinet in a secure area at the Passaic School District Office of Student Transportation.


The Passaic School District should, at all times during normal working hours, be able to reach by telephone a dispatcher or a representative of the company. Answering machines during normal working hours will not be an acceptable form of communication.



Drivers shall wear a properly adjusted and fastened seat belt whenever the vehicle is in motion. The driver will ensure “the direction of vehicle from the last stop shall be along the safest most direct route to the destination.” Off route stops and pickups are strictly prohibited. Drivers and/or student transportation aides must not accept notes or transportation changes from the parents (change of address or different pick-up/drop-off location). Parents must make changes directly with the Office of Student Transportation. Drivers are not to stop for coffee or perform other unauthorized activities while children are on the vehicle.

Drivers are to ensure that all students are brought home in a timely fashion. If a situation arises where a driver becomes lost and there is a delay in getting students home, the driver shall immediately do the following: