Mrs. Fortune’sNewsletter

For the week of: Sept. 12th– Sept. 16th

STAR student for the week of Sept. 19th– Sept. 23rd will be Scarlett R.

Weekly Homework Listed Below
Please make sure your child is reading for 15-20 minutes every day! / Email:
Phone: 770-975-6629
P.E. / Tuesday-TESTING
STEM / Wednesday-TESTING
Math Lab / Thursday-TESTING
P.E. / Friday
Homework:Phonics Sheet
Spelling Homework: Write the first 10 spelling words 3 times each.
Read, My Book aboutBenjamin Franklin with someone in your family, then return the book tomorrow! / Homework: Book Report Sheet
(Read a book, complete the Book Report, and return to school)
Spelling Homework: Write the first 10 words in ABC (alphabetical) order.
Read the book, The Bad Pest to someone in your family and return tomorrow. / Homework: Read the story, I have a ticketto someone in your family and then complete the sheet.
Return the story and sheet tomorrow.
Spelling Homework: Place the 1st 6 words in the correct word boxes. / Homework:Math Sheet
Spelling Homework: Place the 1st 6 words in the space in the sentence where they belong. Complete the bonus section as well.
Spelling City will help your child study for their spelling test!
The link for Spelling City is:
We are working on Spelling Words List 4. / Happy Friday!!!
Spelling and Math Facts Assessment will be given!
Specials on Mon. Sept. 19thwill be Music.
Spelling Words and Math Facts for the Week /


  1. at
  2. be
  3. her
  4. with
  5. his
  6. they
  7. get
  8. leg
  9. when
  10. then
Bonus Words: playing trip
Math Facts
3+0=3 3+1=4 3+2=5 3+3=6 3+4=7 3+5=8 3+6=9 3+7=10 3+8=11 3+9=12 3+10=13 / **Great job to Carter S., Ethan J., and Amiyah J. for turning in a Reading log! Everybody, make sure to keep reading! **
Thank You to Christopher’s mom for the cookies.
Thank you to Elisha and ayleen’s mom for the cupcakes.
Thank you to ellie’smimi for the cupcakes and the drinks!
  • Tues. Sept. 13th-Thurs. Sept. 15th–CoGat Testing for 1st graders.CoGat Testing Letters went home last week. Testing will begin at 8:00 a.m.PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR CHILD IS AT SCHOOL EVERY DAY, HAS A GOOD NIGHT SLEEP, EATS A GOOD BREAKFAST AND IS ON TIME FOR TESTING!!!
  • Tues. Sept. 13th-Media center checkout—please have your books to return.
  • Fri. Sept. 16th-CURIOUS GEORGE Birthday Celebration-Please look at the letter in your child’s folder.
  • Thurs. Sept. 22nd-Picture Day…please make sure your child is here at school.
  • Mon. Sept. 26th-Fri. Sept. 30th-FALL BREAK-There will be NO SCHOOL for the week!
September Birthdays: September 17th-Victor C.
Parents…Don’t forget to check your child’s Daily folder for important papers, behavior sheet, and homework assignments.
Please look on the back ------

As the weather gets cooler and you send your child in with a jacket, please remember to label it so that it is easier to find if it gets lost.


***We are learning a lot in class so please make sure to continue to work with your child every day at home. Your help and time is greatly needed and appreciated!!!***

Please…If you can, send in wrapped candy for our TREAT JAR it will be greatly appreciated! Please try not to send in peanut products! Thank you!!!


***Important: PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR CHILD IS PRACTICING ON First in Math and MYON about 3-5 times a week. ***

This is what we have been learning these past few weeks and what we will be learning the next few weeks.

Math-We are counting and recognizing numbers up to 120 (before, after, between). We will be learning about place value (tens and ones), and finding different ways to show numbers. We will also be working with addition and subtraction facts to 10 and word problems.

Phonics/Language Arts- Reading high frequency words, learningconsonant and vowel letter sounds, reading consonant vowel consonant words (such as: cat, dog, pig, pup, etc.), and short vowel word families. We have learned about l blends, r blends, s blends, and final s blends. We will also be learning about nouns/naming words.

We are also learning about contractions. Contractions are 2 words put together using an apostrophe to replace letter or letters. Examples are: I’m-I am, don’t-do not, isn’t-is not

We are also learning about singular and plural. Examples are: cat, cats star, stars

Reading-Recognize and read grade appropriate spelled words, decode one syllable words, read multiple text with expression, comprehension and accuracy. Retelling a story using characters (people or animals in the story) and setting (where and when the story takes place), and major events/plot (beginning, middle, and end).

Writing-We are learning to write with correct spacing and letter formation for capital and lowercase letters. We are writing narrative stories with 2 or more sequenced events which includes details and a sense of closure.

Social Studies-We are learning about Benjamin Franklin (his contributions and character traits). We will also be learning about Landforms (mountains, coasts, deserts, plateaus, valleys, and plains).

Science-We learned about Weather and made journal entries for 1 week. We will be learning about the Water Cycle.