Good evening Sycamore Springs Middle School Families: This is the Sycamore Springs Weekly Update for 10-27-17.

Second Six Weeks Coming to a Close

Next Friday, November 3rd, will mark the last day of the second six weeks grading period. Students, make sure all your assignments are turned in and that you are in good standing in all of your classes. UIL eligibility in athletics and fine arts will be determined for the remainder of the fall semester based on second six weeks grades.

Will Students be able to Dress Up for Halloween?

Yes. Students may wear costumes to school on October 31, 2017. Student faces must not be covered (no masks). Makeup and temporary hair color are OK. No weapons of any kind (fake or real) will be permitted. Outfits must be age-appropriate and not revealing in any way. Staff will reserve the right to ask a student to change out of their costume (parents will be contacted) if it becomes a distraction to the learning process. Halloween will be another great day of learning at SSMS, so students should prepare to come to work. Excess sugar intake can make middle school a little stranger than normal, so parents, please help your kids regulate their candy consumption during this festive time.

Join PTA

Support our school! Join the SSMS PTA

Membership dues are $10 for the school year and help us fund school programs that benefit our students and staff. As a PTA member you will receive a weekly PTA email of school events.

Like our FB page:

PTA Reflections Contest


Does your child love to sing, dance, writecreatively, paint,draw or take photographs?

Encourage your children to participate in this year's PTAReflection program!

This year's theme is "Within Reach"

Learn more by visiting the PTAwebsite

Rules and Entry Forms can be picked up at SSMS CL&I


Entry Forms and Rules located at:


Entry Due Date:Friday,November 10thby3 p.m.

For More Information:Contact the PTAProgramsCoordinatorMarisa Grijalva

For updates and information on all things SSMS, please check us out on online at

You can follow us on Twitter @sycamoresprgsms

Syc ‘em Tigers!


Dan Diehl, Principal

Sycamore Springs Middle School