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Petroleum Engineering 620

Fluid Flow in Petroleum Reservoirs

Syllabus and Administrative Procedures — Fall 2015

Petroleum Engineering 620 — Fluid Flow in Petroleum Reservoirs

Syllabus and Administrative Procedures

Fall 2015

Petroleum Engineering 620 Instructor: Dr. Tom BLASINGAME TA: Alex VALDES-PEREZ

Texas A&M University Office: Richardson 821A Office: Richardson 821

College of Engineering

MW 07:55 pm-09:10 pm RICH 319 (in-class lectures)

Required Texts/Resources: (a. Book must be purchased. b. Out of Print/Public Domain. Some texts may also be available at www.scribd.com)

1.a Advanced Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists, M.R. Spiegel, Schaum's Series (1971). [The 1st edition, the 1971 text.]

2.a Conduction of Heat in Solids, 2nd edition, H. Carslaw and J. Jaeger, Oxford Science Publications (1959).

3.b Handbook of Mathematical Functions, M. Abramowitz and I. Stegun, Dover Pub. (1972).

4.b Table of Laplace Transforms, G.E. Roberts and H. Kaufman, W.B. Saunder, Co. (1964).

5.b Numerical Methods, R.W. Hornbeck, Quantum Publishers, Inc., New York (1975).

6.b Approximations for Digital Computers: Hastings, C., Jr., et al, Princeton U. Press, Princeton, New Jersey (1955).

7.b Handbook for Computing Elementary Functions: L.A. Lyusternik, et al, Pergamon Press, (1965).

Optional Texts/Resources: (a. Local bookstores. b. Special order or TAMU library. Some texts also available at www.scribd.com)

1.a Calculus, 4th edition: Frank Ayres and Elliot Mendelson, Schaum's Outline Series (1999) (Remedial text)

2.a Differential Equations, 2nd edition: Richard Bronson, Schaum's Outline Series (1994) (Remedial text)

3.a Laplace Transforms, M.R. Spiegel, Schaum's Outline Series (1965) (Remedial text)

4.a Numerical Analysis, F. Scheid, Schaum's Outline Series, McGraw-Hill Book Co, New York (1968). (Remedial text)

5.b The Mathematics of Diffusion, 2nd edition, J. Crank, Oxford Science Publications (1975). (important/historical)

6.b Table of Integrals, Series, and Products, I.S. Gradshteyn and I.M. Ryzhik, Academic Press (1980). (very important/historical)

7.b Methods of Numerical Integration, P.F. Davis and P. Rabinowitz, Academic Press, New York (1989). (perhaps useful for research)

8.b An Atlas of Functions, J. Spanier and K. Oldham, Hemisphere Publishing (1987). (perhaps useful for research)

9.b Adv. Math. Methods for Eng. and Scientists, 2nd edition, C.M. Bender and S.A. Orsag, McGraw-Hill (1978). (excellent text)

10.b Asymptotic Approximations of Integrals, R. Wong, Academic Press (1989). (perhaps useful for research)

11.b Asymptotics and Special Functions, F.W.J. Olver, Academic Press (1974). (perhaps useful for research)

Course and Reference Materials:

The course materials for this course are located at:


Basis for Grade: [Grade Cutoffs (Percentages) → A: 90 B: 89.99 to 80 C: 79.99 to 70 D: 69.99 to 60 F: < 59.99]

Assigned Problems 90 percent

Class Participation (subjective, based on opinion of the instructor) 10 percent

Total = 100 percent

Policies and Procedures:

1. Students are expected to attend class every session. Resident (not Distance Learning students) are REQUIRED to attend class every session. Distance Learning students are expected review lecture materials within 24 hours of the lecture being given. This is not a casual requirement, penalties can and will be assigned for missing class.

2. Policy on Grading

a. All work in this course is graded on the basis of answers only — any partial credit is at the discretion of the instructor.

b. All work requiring calculations shall be properly and completely documented for credit.

c. All grading shall be done by the instructor, or under his direction and supervision, and the decision of the instructor is final.

3. Policy on Regrading

a. Only in very rare cases will exams be considered for re-grading — partial credit (if any) is not subject to appeal.

b. Work which, while possibly correct, but cannot be followed, will be considered incorrect.

c. Grades assigned to homework problems will not be considered for regrading.

d. If regrading is necessary, the student is to submit a letter to the instructor explaining the situation that requires consideration for regrading, the material to be regraded must be attached to this letter. The letter and attached material must be received within one week from the date returned by the instructor.

4. The grade for a late assignment is zero. Homework will be considered late if it is not turned in at the start of class on the due date. If a student comes to class after homework has been turned in and after class has begun, the student's homework will be considered late and given a grade of zero. Late or not, all assignments must be turned in. A course grade of Incomplete will be given if any assignment is missing, and this grade will be changed only after all required work has been submitted.

5. Each student should review the University Regulations concerning attendance, grades, and scholastic dishonesty. In particular, anyone caught cheating on an examination or collaborating on an assignment where collaboration is not specifically authorized by the instructor will be removed from the class roster and given an F (failure grade) in the course.

Work Requirements: (layout/format/etc.)

● You must show ALL work — as appropriate, YOU MUST:

Show all details in your calculations (no skipped steps) — all portions of all analysis relations must be shown.

— Show all units in each calculation.

● Work layout: (as appropriate)

— NEATNESS: You will be graded on the neatness of your work.

— LABELS: All work, trends, and features on every plot MUST be appropriately labeled — no exceptions.

Work: All work must be fully labeled and documented — equations, relations, calculations, etc.

Trends: This includes the slope, intercept, and the information used to construct a given trend.

Features: Any description of features/points of interest on a given trend (times, pressures, etc.).

— LINES: Use appropriate drafting care in construction of lines, trends, arrows, etc.

— SKETCHING: Take great care in any sketches you create/use in your work.

Scholastic Dishonesty:

THE STUDENT IS HEREBY WARNED THAT ANY/ALL ACTS OF SCHOLASTIC DISHONESTY WILL RESULT IN AN "F" GRADE FOR ALL ASSIGNMENTS IN THIS COURSE. As a definition, "scholastic dishonesty" will include any or all of the following acts:

● Unauthorized collaborations — you are explicitly forbidden from working together.

● Using work of others — you are explicitly forbidden from using the work of others — "others" is defined as students in this course, as well as any other person. You are specifically required to perform your own work.

Work Standard:

Simply put, the expectation of the instructor (Blasingame) is that "perfection is the standard" — in other words, your work will be judged against a perfect standard. If your submission is not your very best work, then don't submit it. You have an OBLIGATION to submit only your very best work.

Student Obligation:

You must prepare your work as instructed above, or you will be assessed SEVERE grading penalties.

E-mail Protocols

In order to manage your correspondence, I require that you use the following protocol.

Subject Line: [YYYYMMDD] (YOURLASTNAME) Subject

(date) (your last name) (Subject of your e-mail)



I would like to enquire about the following:

* Question 1 ... (be clear and concise)

* Question 2 ... (be clear and concise)

* Question 3 ... (be clear and concise)

I thank you for your assistance.


(contact information)


E: (personal)

T: (a phone contact) (I will NEVER call you without first sending an e-mail)



l The subject line is used to file e-mail (this is why this specific subject line is required).

l Every effort will be made to answer every e-mail, but PLEASE avoid trivial enquiries (consult the syllabus for "administrative" issues).

l I am more than happy to address questions by e-mail — i.e., issues/errors/etc. and/or need help with something relevant to the course.

l Courier New 10pt Bold font is required.

Petroleum Engineering 620 — Fluid Flow in Petroleum Reservoirs

Course Outline/Topics

Fall 2015

Course Description

Graduate Catalog: Analysis of fluid flow in bounded and unbounded reservoirs, wellbore storage, phase redistribution, finite and infinite conductivity vertical fractures, dual-porosity systems.

Translation: Development of skills required to derive "classic" problems in reservoir engineering and well testing from the fundamental principles of mathematics and physics. Emphasis is placed on a mastery of fundamental calculus, analytical and numerical solutions of 1st and 2nd order ordinary and partial differential equations, as well as extensions to non-linear partial differential equations that arise for the flow of fluids in porous media.

Course Outline/Topics:

Advanced Mathematics Relevant to Problems in Engineering: (used throughout assignments)

l Approximation of Functions

n Taylor Series Expansions and Chebyshev Economizations

n Numerical Differentiation and Integration of Analytic Functions and Applications

n Least Squares

l First-Order Ordinary Differential Equations

l Second-Order Ordinary Differential Equations

l The Laplace Transform

n Fundamentals of the Laplace Transform

n Properties of the Laplace Transform

n Applications of the Laplace Transform to Solve Linear Ordinary Differential Equations

n Numerical Laplace Transform and Inversion

l Special Functions

Petrophysical Properties:

l Porosity and Permeability Concepts

l Correlation of Petrophysical Data

l Concept of Permeability — Darcy's Law

l Capillary Pressure

l Relative Permeability

l Electrical Properties of Reservoir Rocks

Fundamentals of Flow in Porous Media:

l Steady-State Flow Concepts: Laminar Flow

l Steady-State Flow Concepts: Non-Laminar Flow

l Material Balance Concepts

l Pseudosteady-State Flow in a Circular Reservoir

l Development of the Diffusivity Equation for Liquid Flow

l Development of the Diffusivity Equations for Gas Flow

l Development of the Diffusivity Equation for Multiphase Flow

Classical Reservoir Flow Solutions:

l Dimensionless Variables and the Dimensionless Radial Flow Diffusivity Equation

l Solutions of the Radial Flow Diffusivity Equation — Infinite-Acting Reservoir Case

l Laplace Transform (Radial Flow) Solutions — Bounded Circular Reservoir Cases

l Real Domain (Radial Flow) Solutions — Bounded Circular Reservoir Cases

l Linear Flow Solutions: Infinite and Finite-Acting Reservoir Cases

l Solutions for a Fractured Well — High Fracture Conductivity Cases

l Dual Porosity Reservoirs — Pseudosteady-State Interporosity Flow Behavior

l Direct Solution of the Gas Diffusivity Equation Using Laplace Transform Methods

l Convolution and Concepts and Applications in Wellbore Storage Distortion

Advanced Reservoir Flow Solutions: (Possible Coverage)

l Multilayered Reservoir Solutions

l Dual Permeability Reservoir Solutions

l Horizontal Well Solutions

l Radial Composite Reservoir Solutions

l Models for Flow Impediment (Skin Factor)

Applications/Extensions of Reservoir Flow Solutions: (Possible Coverage)

l Oil and Gas Well Flow Solutions for Analysis, Interpretation, and Prediction of Well Performance

l Low Permeability/Heterogeneous Reservoir Behavior

l Macro-Level Thermodynamics (coupling PVT behavior with Reservoir Flow Solutions)

l External Drive Mechanisms (Water Influx/Water Drive, Well Interference, etc.).

l Hydraulic Fracturing/Solutions for Fractured Well Behavior

l Analytical/Numerical Solutions of Various Reservoir Flow Problems.

l Applied Reservoir Engineering Solutions — Material Balance, Flow Solutions, etc.

Petroleum Engineering 620 — Fluid Flow in Petroleum Reservoirs

Tentative Course Schedule

Fall 2015

Month / Date / Day / Topic / Lecture or Potential Assignment Topic
Aug / 31 / M / Review of Functions / Lec_01_Mod1_ML_01_Rev_of_Fcns.pdf
Sep / 02 / W / Approximation of Functions / Lec_02_Mod1_ML_02_Fcn_Approx.pdf
Sep / 07 / M / 1st Order Ordinary Differential Equations / Lec_03_Mod1_ML_03_1st_Order_ode.pdf
Sep / 09 / W / 2nd Order Ordinary Differential Equations / Lec_04_Mod1_ML_04_2nd_Order_ode.pdf
Sep / 14 / M / The Laplace Transform / Lec_05_Mod1_ML_05_LaplaceTrans.pdf
Sep / 16 / W / Introduction to Special Functions / Lec_06_Mod1_ML_06_SpecialFcns.pdf
Sep / 21 / M / Porosity and Permeability Concepts / Lec_07_Mod2_PtrPhy_01_PorPerm.pdf
Sep / 23 / W / Correlation of Petrophysical Data / Lec_08_Mod2_PtrPhy_02_DataCorel.pdf
Sep / 28 / M / Development of Permeability/Darcy's Law / Lec_09_Mod2_PtrPhy_03_Perm_Dev.pdf
Sep / 30 / W / Capillary Pressure / Lec_10_Mod2_PtrPhy_04_Cap_Pres.pdf
Oct / 05 / M / Relative Permeability / Lec_11_Mod2_PtrPhy_05_Rel_Perm.pdf
Oct / 07 / W / Electrical Properties of Reservoir Rocks / Lec_12_Mod2_PtrPhy_06_Elec_Prop.pdf
Oct / 12 / M / Single-Phase, Steady-State Flow / Lec_13_Mod3_FunFld_01_SSDarcy.pdf
Oct / 14 / W / Non-Laminar Flow in Porous Media / Lec_14_Mod3_FunFld_02_SSNonDarcy.pdf
Oct / 19 / M / Material Balance Concepts / Lec_15_Mod3_FunFld_03_MatBal.pdf
Oct / 21 / W / Pseudosteady-State Flow (Circular Res.) / Lec_16_Mod3_FunFld_04_PSS_Flow.pdf
Oct / 26 / M / Liquid Flow Diffusivity Equation / Lec_17_Mod3_FunFld_05_DifEq_Liq.pdf
Oct / 28 / W / Gas Flow Diffusivity Equation / Lec_18_Mod3_FunFld_06_DifEq_Gas.pdf
Nov / 02 / M / Multiphase Flow Diffusivity Equation / Lec_19_Mod3_FunFld_07_DifEq_MlPhs.pdf
Nov / 04 / W / Dimensionless Variables/Radial Flow / Lec_20_Mod4_ResFlw_01_DimLssVar.pdf
Nov / 09 / M / Solutions — Radial Flow Diffusivity Eq. / Lec_21_Mod4_ResFlw_02_RadFlwSln.pdf
Nov / 11 / W / Solutions — Radial Flow Diffusivity Eq. / Lec_21_Mod4_ResFlw_02_RadFlwSln.pdf
Nov / 16 / M / Solutions — Linear Flow Diffusivity Eq. / Lec_22_Mod4_ResFlw_03_LinFlwSln.pdf
Nov / 18 / W / Solutions — Fractured Well (High FcD) / Lec_23_Mod4_ResFlw_04_FracWellSln.pdf
Nov / 23 / M / Solutions — Dual Porosity Reservoirs / Lec_24_Mod4_ResFlw_05_NatFrcResSln.pdf
Nov / 25 / W / Direct Solution — Gas Diffusivity Equation / Lec_25_Mod4_ResFlw_06_DrtSlnGas.pdf
Nov / 26 / Th / Thanksgiving Holiday (no class) / —
Nov / 30 / M / Convolution / Lec_26_Mod4_ResFlw_07_Convolution.pdf
Dec / 02 / W / Wellbore Storage / Lec_27_Mod4_ResFlw_08_WellboreStrg.pdf
Dec / 07 / M / Extra Class / —
Dec / 09 / W / Extra Class / —
Dec / 14 / M / Any/all remaining assignments due.
(http://registrar.tamu.edu/general/finalschedule.aspx#0-Fall2015) / —
Dec / 17 / R / Final grades due GRADUATING students.
(http://registrar.tamu.edu/general/calendar.aspx) / —
Dec / 21 / M / Final grades for all students Fall 2015 term.
(http://registrar.tamu.edu/general/calendar.aspx) / —


1. All class sessions will also be recorded and put on the eCampus system as well as the instructor's website.

2. We will meet will also host "as needed" math remediation sessions on Friday evenings, these sessions will also be recorded.

Petroleum Engineering 620 — Fluid Flow in Petroleum Reservoirs

Required University Statements — Required by Texas A&M University

Fall 2015

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement: