Undergraduate Course Proposal Form

This form is used for:
·  undergraduate courses
·  faculty-designed independent studies (FDISs)
·  theory seminars
·  group internships
For more information about the course proposal process please refer to University Procedure #251.

1.  Course pre-fix and number:

2.  Course title:

3.  Number of credits:

4.  College/School ______Department/Program ______

5.  Individual (name, title, email) proposing the course:

6.  First Semester/year that the course was offered or is to be offered:

7.  Provide a course description to be included in the official university catalog.

8.  Identify the learning outcomes, both theoretical and practical, that students will gain through completion of this course.

A student will know, understand, or be able to demonstrate the following:

9.  Identify the instructional strategies that will be used to accomplish these learning outcomes.

The instructional strategies may include:

10.  How will the course learning outcomes, topics, and/or the instructional strategies contribute to the University’s vision and mission?

a.  building an anti-racist learning community and providing high-quality education with continued emphasis on underserved groups, including communities of color and other marginalized communities

b.  promoting life-long learning and enabling students from diverse backgrounds to achieve their educational goals

11.  Describe how this course is important to and meets the needs of the University, the department/program and the college/school, the students and/or the discipline(s):

12.  How does the course relate to other offerings in the department/program in regard to academic level and/or sequencing?

13.  Describe other reasons to add this course to the departmental/program offerings, including, but not limited to the following (check all that apply):

__ Required as part of a major program of study OR

__ Elective

Which type of program?

__ Part of an existing or proposed major; indicate which major:

__ Part of an existing or proposed minor; indicate which minor:

__ Part of an existing or proposed concentration; indicate which concentration:

__ Part of an existing or proposed certificate program: indicate which program:

__ Proposed GELS goal area(s):

Note: The GELS approval process is a separate process subsequent to the course proposal process.

List all prerequisites for this course:

List all co-requisites for this course:

14.  Based on your consultation with the academic unit library liaison, what additional library resources, if any, will be needed to support this course?

15.  Explain how the course differs from other courses currently being offered within the university that cover the same or similar topics.

16.  Overlap Consultations: Attach documentation of evaluations by or consultations with other departments/programs, faculty, and/or committees. Please use the Consultation Log.

Please note: Consultations are strongly encouraged.

Consultations provide the faculty proposer with the opportunity to discuss with colleagues mutual interests, shared expertise, and/or appeal to students outside the discipline.

Consultations can provide the reviewing bodies with valuable information regarding curricular overlap, possible concerns from other departments/programs and the ability of the university to support the proposal.

Submit the following items as the course proposal packet:

1.  Course Proposal Form

2.  Syllabus and/or a bibliography of current works that support the content and/or instructional strategies associated with the course (e.g., books, articles, journals, course readings, consulted works, etc.):

·  If required by your department/program and/or college/school, the syllabus and /or bibliography should be submitted at the departmental and college curriculum committee level

·  Prior to forwarding to the IFO Academic Affairs Committee, the syllabus and/or bibliography should be removed from the course proposal packet.

3.  Consultation Log, if applicable

4.  Proposal Action Log, signed, by the appropriate individuals

The steps of a successful course proposal are as follows:

1.  Obtain department/program approval of the course.

2.  Obtain the signature of the Department/Program Chair or designee on the Proposal Action Log.

3.  Send the proposal packet to the chair of your IFO College/School Curriculum Committee.

4.  Once approved by your IFO College/School Curriculum Committee, the committee chair signs the Proposal Action Log and forwards the proposal package to the IFO Academic Affairs Committee.

5.  The course proposer or their designee is strongly encouraged to attend the IFO Academic Affairs Committee meeting.

6.  When approved by the IFO Academic Affairs Committee, the proposal package is forwarded to the appropriate dean

7.  The dean notifies the Provost and the Department/Program and forwards the Proposal Action Log to the Academic Scheduling Coordinator in order to have the course included in the next course catalog.

8.  Note: If faculty wishes to have the course designated as meeting a General Education Liberal Studies (GELS) goal, the faculty/academic unit must apply to the IFO GELS committee after the course has been approved by the IFO Academic Affairs Committee.

Metropolitan State University

Undergraduate Course Proposal Form


Please note: Consultations are strongly encouraged.

Consultations provide the faculty proposer with the opportunity to discuss with colleagues mutual interests, shared expertise, and/or appeal to students outside the discipline.

Consultations can provide the reviewing bodies with valuable information regarding curricular overlap, possible concerns from other departments and/or colleges, and the ability of the university to support the proposal.

To the proposer of a new course:

1.  Please send a copy of this form to the person you are consulting as you develop your new course proposals.

2.  When you receive the forms back from your consultants attach a copy of each to your course proposal to expedite review at the various levels.

To the consultant of a new course proposal:

1.  Please sign and date the form, and add any recommendations in the comments section or attach your comments separately.

2.  Return the completed form to the proposer of the course within two weeks of the date of receipt.

Consultation request forwarded to the consultant on ______(date).

Name of Course Proposer (please print): ______

Signature of Course Proposer:

Note: Consultation to be returned to course proposer within 2 weeks.

Consultation returned to course proposer on ______(date).

Signature of Consultant:

Comments and/or Suggestions:

Proposer’s Response:

Metropolitan State University

Undergraduate Course PROPOSAL ACTION LOG

For new undergraduate courses, faculty-designed independent studies (FDISs), theory seminars & group internships


Course Title and Number:

First semester & year offered:

Proposer Name & Title:

Department/Program Review:

____Forwarded or forwarded upon receipt of minor changes

____Returned to proposer with recommendations for revisions

____Rejected and returned to proposer


Department/Program Chair or designee: ______(signed)

Date: ______

Print Name: ______

IFO College/School Curriculum Committee Review:

____Forwarded or forwarded upon receipt of minor changes

____Returned to proposer with recommendations for revisions

____Rejected and returned to proposer


IFO College/School Curriculum Committee Chair: ______(signed)

Date: ______

Print Name: ______

Note: syllabus and/or bibliography should be removed at this stage of the proposal process.

IFO Academic Affairs Committee Review

____Forwarded or forwarded upon receipt of minor changes

____Returned to proposer with recommendations for revisions

____Rejected and returned to proposer


IFO Academic Affairs Committee Chair: ______(signed)

Date: ______

Print Name: ______

College Dean Authorization for Implementation:

____Implementation authorized Date: ______

____Notified the Provost Date: ______

____Notified the Department/Program Date: ______

____Forwarded to Academic Scheduler Date: ______

____Returned to department/program Date: ______


College Dean: ______(signed)

Date: ______

Print Name: ______

Received by Academic Scheduling Coordinator: ______(signed)

Date: ______

Date printed in Class Schedule: ______

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