*Log into Evolution

*NOTE: If you have any employee changes it is always best to do them prior to creating payroll

*Choose on left side of the screen.

*Open your company by choosing or DOUBLE CLICKING on your company name.

*Make sure you are on the PAYROLL TAB at the top of the screen

*Click the button at the bottom right part of the screen. The next available check date from your calendar will automatically pull in. Make sure this is the check date you need and then click the at the top of the screen. This will save your payroll and bring you to the Batch Screen.

*Click on on the right side of the screen and verify that the correct pay period dates pull in. Then click on the at the top of the page.

*Choose Yes when you see the box below so Evolution will create a check for all of your active employees:

*Next choose at the bottom right.

*Your QUICK ENTRY grid can be customized to show the columns you most often use. To add or delete a column in your grid simply

right-click with your mouse

highlight E/D

>click on ADD or DELETE

highlight the earning or deduction code

>click on hours or amount

*Clicking on any column heading will turn it yellow and sort the information ASCENDING; click again to sort DESCENDING; click a third time to sort by default. Columns can also be re-arranged in a convenient order for ease in keying. Click and hold on a column header to allow you to drag to re-arrange your columns as you choose.

*The QUICK ENTRY screen can be used for the majority of your keying by either entering or using your arrow keys to navigate through the grid. (Tab does not work in this area)

*As you key each employee’s hours you will see their primary rate at the top right of the screen

*If you need to enter in more detail you will need to double click on the employee’s name from your QUICK ENTRY grid to go to the CHECK LINES screen for that employee.

*In this area you can you can also customize your grid. To add or delete a column simply

right-click with your mouse

> click on ADD or DELETE

> Select the CATEGORY

> left click with your mouse.

*Columns can also be re-arranged in a convenient order for ease in keying by clicking on and dragging the headings.

*When done in the CHECK LINES grid choose QUICK ENTRY bottom right to return to the QUICK ENTRY grid

*Check your totals

*If you do not need to pre-process your payroll choose at the bottom left to go back to the main Payroll screen.

*You will see your check date with a status of “W” (Waiting)

*Your choices from this screen are:

*To submit your payroll on hold > Choose at the bottom right. By choosing this option your payroll will be put on hold until you contact USA Payroll.

*To submit your payroll for processing > Choose at the bottom right. This will send your payroll directly to USA Payroll’s processing queue to be processed as soon as possible.

SAVING ENTRIES: posts your changes to your computer and commits your changes to USA Payroll’s servers
At any time if you are not sure where you are in Evolution you can always choose at the top left corner to go back to the last screen you were on.
Any data in a grid format in Evolution can be saved to an Excel file by hitting CTRL-E on your keyboard.