West Virginia Department of EducationSupplemental Educational Services Provider List 2009-2010

West Virginia Department of Education

Title I Supplemental Education Services

List of Approved Providers FY 2009-2010

*Indicates online service provider

Provider Name
Grade(s) Served
Contact Information / Geographic
Service Area(s)
/Special Services / Description of Services/ Cost / Qualifications of Individuals Providing Services / Demonstrated
of Effectiveness
*Babbage Net School, Inc.
Reading and mathematics,
Grades K-12
Kabir Kassam
5940 W Touhy Ave, Suite 200
Niles, IL 60714
Ph: 847-559-7464
Fax: 866-782-6769


accessible via internet at any time
Must have email addresses for students. /


Online services available in locations with Internet connectivity
Special Services:
LEP (Spanish) / The Babbage Net School online tutorial program has the advantages of an individualized, self-paced instructional program supported by full interaction and monitoring of a teacher. The self-paced instructional program allows the student to progress as fast as their ability will allow or as slowly as necessary to achieve success.
Minimum # to serve: 1
Maximum # to serve: 2500
Cost: $36/hour/student / Fully certified teachers are involved in providing instruction via the Internet. Every teacher has a minimum of a bachelor’s degree and is trained in six online courses that familiarize them with every aspect of the instructional program. Teachers are recruited in specific states through networking, online applications, and advertisements. Teachers may be retired or actively employed. / The Babbage Net school has been providing instruction via the Internet since 1996. The program received an award from the National School Board Association and has conducted scientifically based research on the effectiveness of this program in the area of mathematics. Results of the research indicate positive gains in student achievement.
Provider Name
Grade(s) Served
Contact Information / Geographic
Service Area(s)
/Special Services / Description of Services/ Cost / Qualifications of Individuals Providing Services / Demonstrated
of Effectiveness
*Brainfuse One-to-One Tutoring
(a division of The Trustforte Corporation)
Reading and mathematics,
Grades 3-12
Alex Sztuden, Director
271 Madison Avenue
New York, NY10016
Phone 1-800-272-4638
Fax: 212-504-8184

Office hours: 8 am-8 pm / Statewide
Online services available in locations with Internet connectivity
Special Services:
LEP (Spanish, Korean, Russian, Chinese)
Physically Disabled / Brainfuse provides individual attention from a tutor using a home and/or school computer. Complete freedom is offered when choosing tutoring times. Sessions are typically one hour in length and are generally held 2-3 times per week.Each program begins by meeting the parents and establishing specific academic objectives and a learning plan. Progress reports are provided on an average of every 15 sessions. Brainfuse ensures that students receive customized instruction in programs that are aligned to the WV Content Standards and Objectives.
Minimum # to serve: 1
Maximum # to serve: 5,000
Cost: $35-$45 per one-to-one tutoring session (each session is one hour) / All tutors must possess a four year college degree and demonstrate high proficiency in the areas in which they wish to tutor. The company has hired and trained tutors who have experience with Title I students.Before beginning services with students, the tutors participate in a four week training workshop. / Brainfuse significantly boosts test scores and improves classroom performance. Independent studies indicate that students advance an average of one grade level after 30 Brainfuse sessions. During the past six years, tutors have amassed considerable experience working with students from a wide range of backgrounds, many of whom are Title I students, at-risk students, low-income students, students with disabilities, and students with limited English proficiency (LEP students). Brainfuse has entered into approximately 100 contracts with districts and schools and are serving approximately 15,000 students nationwide.
Provider Name
Grade(s) Served
Contact Information / Geographic
Service Area(s)
/Special Services / Description of Services/ Cost / Qualifications of Individuals Providing Services / Demonstrated
of Effectiveness
Clay County Schools
21st Century Community Learning Centers
Reading and mathematics, Grades Prek-12
Cindy Willis, 21st CCLC Director
Clay County Schools
PO Box 120
Clay, WV25043
Ph: 304-587-4266
Fax: 304-587-4181

Office hours: M-F 8 am-4 pm / Clay County
Special Services:
Learning Disabilities
Physically Disabled /

The Clay County 21st Century Learning Centers program currently provides before or after school tutoring, homework help and enrichment opportunities to all students, but specifically targets at-risk youth. Eligible SES students will receive tutoring based on determined academic need according to WESTEST assessment.

Minimum # served: None
Maximum # served: None
Cost: $20/hour/student / Clay County highly qualified teachers (preferably from the school in which services are provided) will be hired to provide both reading and mathematics instruction. / The county has an individualized system to track children participating in the 21st century program (SES students will also be tracked using this system). Data collected includes attendance, WESTEST information, grade point average, and Writing Assessment scores. In the 2005-2006 school year, over 1200 students attended the 21st century program and the county showed an increase of 6% in reading and a 2% increase in mathematics. This year, the actual number of students showing improvement will be calculated utilizing the individualized tracking system.
Provider Name
Grade(s) Served
Contact Information / Geographic
Service Area(s)
/Special Services / Description of Services/ Cost / Qualifications of Individuals Providing Services / Demonstrated
of Effectiveness
Club Z! Tutoring
Reading and mathematics,
Grades K-12
Can accommodate ESL students
Mark Lucas, CEO
15310 Amberly Drive, Suite 185
Tampa, FL33647
Ph: 800-434-2582
Fax : 318-549-0185


Office hours: M-F 9 am-6 pm / Statewide
Special Services:
Learning Disabilities
Physically Disabled /

Club Z! Tutoring utilizes WV Content Standards and each individual student’s local classroom curriculum to develop a customized program. The Group Reading (and Mathematics) Assessment and Diagnostic Evaluation and Intervention Strategies Resource Libraries (GRADE/GRAME) published by American Guidance Service, Inc./Pearson Education, Inc. are utilized as curriculum content. Parents have the option of the consideration of individual or small group instruction (2 to 4 students) for their child and tutoring services may be delivered at the school, the child’s home, or an alternative community center.

Minimum # served: 3
Maximum # served: 2000
Cost: $60/hour/student / Club Z! Tutoring recruits highly qualified teachers and degreed professionals. A wide variety of educational professionals are included on the Club Z! staff (i.e., certified teachers, former principals, guidance counselors, and special education teachers). Cumulatively, the staff has over 20 years of experience working with Title I students. / According to Club Z! Tutoring statistics compiled in Gadsden County School District, Florida, after 13 weeks of tutoring for 3.5 hours per week, the average grade equivalency increase, as determined by the Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement (KTEA II) , was 3.86 grade levels in reading and 4.25 grade levels in mathematics. Club Z! Tutoring also utilized the services of a third party research firm, M & I Consulting Network, Inc. to conduct an analysis of services. In early 2007, M & I reported that a statistical analysis conducted through two sample two-tailed tests provides evidence that the tutoring program contributed to positive academic growth of participants.
Provider Name
Grade(s) Served
Contact Information / Geographic
Service Area(s)
/Special Services / Description of Services/ Cost / Qualifications of Individuals Providing Services / Demonstrated
of Effectiveness
Community Reach, Inc.
Reading and mathematics, Grades K-12
Geffrey Tate
Cooperate Offices
586 Lassiter Street
Riverdale, GA 30274
Ph: (Toll free) 1-877-CRI-RECH
or 274-7324
Fax: 770-603-9859

Office hours: M-F 9 am-9 pm
Sat 9 am-9 pm / Statewide
Special Services:
LEP (Spanish, English)
Learning Disabilities
Physically Disabled / Community Reach, Inc. creates a program for eligible students based on specific skill gaps. Skill gaps are identified utilizing an assessment process which is discussed with the parent during a follow-up conference. Children may be tutored in the home, school, recreational facilities, or community libraries. After each hour of instruction, Community Reach teachers update each child’s lesson plan and reassess student progress. Standardized testing is administered at no additional cost.
Minimum # to serve: no minimum
Maximum # to serve: no maximum
Cost: $48/hour/student at facilities and schools; and $68/hour/student in home / Instructors are recruited through local school systems, unemployment offices, newspapers, and referrals. During the hiring process the instructor must submit an application and resume which includes 4 references, and must participate in 2 interviews. A background check is also completed. In GA board certified teachers are hired with 2 or more years of teaching experience. A 2 week orientation training session is provided. All instructors are required to complete an 8 week workshop comprise of coaching, creating a learning environment, and fostering responsibility in students. / Community Reach has been in business for over 14 years and has been providing supplemental educational services for over 7 years. Ninety-eight percent of students who complete our tutoring program have shown positive results in the areas of reading and mathematics as measured by the Iowa Test of Basic Skills, Criterion Referenced Competency Test, and the Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test.
Provider Name
Grade(s) Served
Contact Information / Geographic
Service Area(s)
/Special Services / Description of Services/ Cost / Qualifications of Individuals Providing Services / Demonstrated
of Effectiveness
*Educate Online, Inc.
(Formerly Catapult Online)
Reading and mathematics,
Grades 3-12
Angela Belt
1001 Fleet Street, 8th Floor
Baltimore, MD21202
Ph: 410-843-2672
Fax: 410-843-6667
Parents call: 1-866-98-EDUCATE

Office hours: M-F 8 am–6 pm / Statewide
Special Services:
LEP (Spanish)
Learning Disabilities /

Educate Online is America's leading provider of live, personalized, at-home tutoring. After-school tutoring programs take place at each student's home using a computer and Internet connection that we provide free of charge (one computer per household). Programs are taught by state-certified teachers who log in to our online classroom to teach your child specifically needed skills. When your child successfully completes the program, your family earns the right to keep the computer.

Minimum # to serve: 15 per district

Maximum # to serve: No maximum

Cost: Varies – Educate Online’s program fee will vary by district to allow for the maximum number of hours based upon your school district’s per pupil allocation.

/ All Educate Online teachers have the following qualifications:
  • Are based in the United States or US territories;
  • Have a current teaching certification in the US;
  • Have at least 2 years of successful classroom teaching experience;
  • Have successfully passed a full background check prior to tutoring students; and
  • Have successfully completed a two-tier interview process and a three-part training exam.
In addition, all Educate Online teachers are monitored on a regular basis to ensure proficiency in teaching our students. / Educate Online has served more than 25,000 students across America. Because of our personalized tutoring, individual attention, and certified teachers, Educate Online students have averaged more than one full grade level of growth after participating in the program.
Educate Online also achieves attendance rates well above the national average in comparison to other supplemental services providers. Our average session attendance rate is over 85%.
Additionally, results of parent and student satisfaction surveys show that 85% of Educate Online’s students were “very satisfied” or “extremely satisfied” with their experience in the program. Additionally, 94% of parents surveyed stated that they would recommend the Educate Online instructional program to others.
Provider Name
Grade(s) Served
Contact Information / Geographic
Service Area(s)
/Special Services / Description of Services/ Cost / Qualifications of Individuals Providing Services / Demonstrated
of Effectiveness
*eProgress Academy
Reading and mathematics,
Grades K-12
Kelly Claibourne, Director of Academic Instruction
4807 Evanswood Drive Suite 300
Columbus, OH43229
Ph: 888-678-6065
Fax: 614-322-7989

Office hours: Seven days a week 9 am-10 pm / Statewide
Online Tutoring No minimum or state wide cap
In-home tutoring minimum of 5 students per district with a 30 student statewide cap
Special Services:
LEP (Spanish, French)
Learning Disabilities
Physically Disabled / eProgressAcademy offers an unparalleled student to teacher ratio of 1:1.Tutoring sessions take place two to three times per week for one hour unless otherwise agreed upon prior to the start of sessions. Sessions are available 7 days a week from 9 am to 10 pm. Students participate from the comfort of their homes via live 1:1 online tutoring (using their own computer and internet connection-no district maximums) or 1:1 in-home tutoring in which the teacher visits the child’s home for instruction (minimum of 5 students per district for in-home tutoring and a maximum of 30 in home students statewide). Students are assessed using pre-tests in order to appropriately customize a learning plan. Teachers who instruct both online and in-home utilize My Skills Tutor, an online research based curriculum, which presents learning in a fun and interactive manner for the student. Students are rewarded for reaching attendance milestones through the choice of a variety of popular gift cards, as acknowledgement of their hard work and dedication to improving academically.
Minimum #see service area description
Maximum # see service area description
Cost: $68 hour/student / eProgress only employs qualified and degreed teachers, most of whom are certified to provide services online and in-home to students. Tutors are required to prove proficiency in basic computer skills and in virtual classroom instruction. Academic training of the eProgress academic program is mandated for all tutors to ensure familiarization with available lessons, pre and post assessment materials and evaluating and reporting individual student reports. All tutors receive a comprehensive training evaluation prior to being permitted to tutor. eProgress Academy tutors have experience working with students with disabilities and Limited English Proficient students. / Studies show the utilization of the eProgress program is a significant factor in raising the scores of students in state mandated testing outside of WV. For example, students in Indiana in grades 7-9 made gains on statewide educational testing and in Pennsylvania overall scores on the program’s pre and post tests increased from 46% to 85%. Additionally, the eProgress program promotes skills to support struggling students in order to improve retention and academic progress.
Provider Name
Grade(s) Served
Contact Information / Geographic
Service Area(s)
/Special Services / Description of Services/ Cost / Qualifications of Individuals Providing Services / Demonstrated
of Effectiveness
Education Station
Reading and mathematics,
Grades K-12
Heather Sporrer
10106 W San Juan Way, Suite 100
Littleton, CO80127
Ph: 303-246-2154
Fax : 303-256-5593

M-F: 8 am–5 pm EST / Statewide
Special Services:
Learning Disabilities / Education Station’s goal is to partner with families, schools and community/faith-based organizations to deliver high quality supplemental services programs in a convenient time and place for parents. Education Station’s small group direct instruction in reading or mathematics is available for students in grades K-12. Our programs are generally delivered at school sites, after the regular school day. Most students will receive 2 or more, 60-90 minute instructional sessions each week. Small groups consist of a targeted student/teacher ratio of 10:1. Education Station’s research-based programs deliver results by targeting each student’s skill gaps. Education Station’s supplemental educational services program will help the child to become a better reading or math student.
Minimum # served: 60 students per site
Maximum # served: Unlimited
Cost: In order to maximize academic achievement gains, services are not offered to students on an hourly basis. Instead students will be offered a program that includes the maximum number of hours attainable, based upon individual districts' federally-mandated per pupil allocation. Consequently, the actual cost for services is expected to vary by district, depending upon district specific variables including, but not limited to, facility fees, transportation costs, location, site density, subject, and timeframe. / Education Station’s policy is to meet all state specifications related to hiring highly qualified teachers. Education Station looks for instructor candidates who possess effective communication skills and the background, sensitivity and social understanding that will enable them to serve as excellent role models for diverse students. Education Station employs a standardized process for assessing instructor qualifications. Applicants are subjected to a three-step review process including resume evaluation, screening by phone, and a formal in-person interview. / Education Station administers a standardized, curriculum-based, criterion-referenced test, the Assessment of Student Achievement (ASA), to measure student academic progress. The ASA provides Education Station with a comprehensible snapshot of skill gaps for students who are performing below grade level. National raw score results from the 2004-2005 school year, show students achieved a 12% overall gain on the ASA in reading and a 14% overall gain on the ASA in mathematics.
Provider Name
Grade(s) Served
Contact Information / Geographic
Service Area(s)
/Special Services / Description of Services/ Cost / Qualifications of Individuals Providing Services / Demonstrated
of Effectiveness
*Failure Free Reading
Reading, Grades K-12
Joseph Lockavitch
140 Cabarrus Avenue West
Concord, NC28025
Ph: 1-800-542-2170
Fax: 704-785-8940

M-F: 8 am-6 pm
The average start up time to recruit, hire and train local staff is approximately 14-30 days.
Failure Free Reading’s diagnostic/prescriptive software will establish a baseline skill level using criterion-referenced tests that measure word recognition, comprehension, fluency and spelling. This will provide baseline information for the student’s individualized achievement plan. / Statewide
Special Services:
LEP (Spanish)
Learning Disabilities
Physically Disabled / Failure free reading is a research-proven multi-media intervention for students with reading difficulties. This highly structured program is based on 20+ years of on-going research and is designed to create a successful intervention for struggling readers. Failure Free Reading has been successfully implemented across the nation in rural, suburban, urban, and inner city schools. It has produced significant changes in economically disadvantaged, minority, special education and LEP subgroups.