The group was formed to promote the study, protection and conservation of bats, their roosts and habitats within the county of Gloucestershire.

It aims to:

  1. Provide a service to assist the public with enquires and concerns relating to bats and to provide publicity and educational activities for both the public and membership.
  2. Train and develop licensed roost visitors from within the membership.
  3. Undertake, within the county, practical bat conservation and research work and to co-ordinate the survey and monitoring of bats, including their roost sites, in consultation with Natural England (NE) and Bat Conservation Trust (BCT);
  4. To maintain records of such work and provide information obtained to NE, BCT and Gloucestershire Centre for Environmental Records (GCER) and, where appropriate, to other accredited research bodies, groups and individuals.
  5. Assist the appropriate Authorities in the event of apparent Bat Crime.
  6. Raise funds to promote these aims.

Membership of the Gloucestershire Bat Group is open to anyone who supports the aims stated above.

No member is permitted to undertake any commercial bat surveys or advise on planning applications in the name of the Bat Group without the express written permission of the committee.


I have read and am in sympathy with the Aims of the Gloucestershire Bat Group and agree to the above condition of membership



Please check that you have filled in your details correctly on the application form overleaf. If paying by standing order, please ensure that you have giventhe full address of your bank and the sum you wish to pay. If you would like to pay via cheque, please contact

Alan Sumnall, Membership Secretary, directly:

Thank you.

The Gloucestershire Bat Group is affiliated to the Bat Conservation Trust and GBG members are encouraged to also become members of the Trust
Application for Membership BLOCK Capitals Please

Surname:…………………………………. Title:Dr/ Mr/ Mrs/ Miss/ Ms

Forenames: ………………………… Title (Other)……………………………

Address: ……………………………………………………………………………………….

……………………………………………………………………………………………………. Postcode:……………………….. Telephone: ……..………………………………

 Email: ………………………………………………………………………………………

Do you hold a bat licence, if so, please give details? Yes No


Are you interested in participating in surveys, bat box visits etc? Yes  No

Do you have special skills to offer (e.g. Ecology Qualification, Caver, welder)?


Details of Group activities will be sent to you via e-mail and also advertised on the Bat Group web site (). Should you wish to receive our programme of events by post, please tick this box. 

Payment Details – Fees due on 1st March each year

Please tick as appropriate

Annual Membership for 2017:£10( )

Household Membership for 2017:£15( )

Donation (optional but very welcome): £ ( )

Underground Section £20( ) Details on request

Total enclosed: £………

I enclose a cheque made payable to “GLOUCESTERSHIRE BAT GROUP” for my 2017membership.


 I have completed the Bankers Order below for my March 2017 - March 2018 membership.

……………………………………………Please do NOT Detach ……………………………………………………………..

To the Manager of: (Name of Bank)......

Full address of Bank: ……………………………………………...... ………………………………………………………………………………...... ………………………………………………………………………………………….

Sort code: ……-………-………Account Number: …………………………...

Account holders name: …………………………………….

Please pay the Gloucestershire Bat Group’s Account (Barclays Bank

20-33-83, A/c no 20392863)

the sum of £……… on …………………………. and thereafter the sum of £...... on the 1st March each year (commencing in 2017) until this order is cancelled. This order supersedes any previous order.

Signature: …………………………….Date: ……………………………….