Curriculum Vitae of Niclas G. Karlsson 27/07/2010

Profile: BioAnalytical Researcher and Special Interest in Biological and Medical Aspects of Post-translational Modifications and Regulation in Inflammation and Infections

Date of birth: 20:th of April 1966

Place of Birth: Gothenburg, Sweden

Current address: Medical Biochemistry, University of Gothenburg, Box 440, 40530 Gothenburg, Sweden,


Phone: Work: +46 31 7866528 , Mobile:+46 768672651

Professional preparation

Undergadute degree: 1992 Master's degree (Analytical Chemistry) in Philosophy. Dept. of Analytical Chemistry, Göteborg University Sweden and University of Sussex, UK. Studied aromaticity and tutored by Nobel Laureate in Chemistry 1996 Prof. Harold Kroto.

Postgradute degree: 1997 Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.); “Intestinal Glycosylation in Health and Disease”. Dept. of Medical Biochemistry, Göteborg University, Sweden.

Post Doctoral Positions

1997- 1999 Medical Biochemistry. Dept. of Medical Biochemistry (Mucosal Glycobiology), Göteborg University, Sweden. “Development of glycoconjugates vaccines in breast cancer”

1999- 2001 Analytical Glycobiology and Proteomics. ‘Proteome Systems Ltd’, Sydney, Australia. “Proteomic and Glycomic of Tear fluid in Sjögren’s Syndrome”,


Current Appointments

2006- Adjunct Lecturer at the School of Chemistry, National University Ireland, Galway

2009- Senior Researcher at the Department of Medical Biochemistry, Institute for Biomedicine, University of Gothenburg. I have currently four PhD students and two post doctoral researcher in my group and have access to all equipment available at the department, where I am responsible for the mass spectrometric equipment and facility. I have spent the last 10 years in biotech industry and I have now re-established myself in an academic environment bringing knowledge and management skills into the University and continuing academic research in the area of sulfation and inflammation.

Previous Appointments

2001- 2006 Program Leader Protein Modifications at ‘Proteome Systems Ltd’, Sydney, Australia. I supervised 8 technicians, 4 post docs, 2 PhD-student, 2 software developers, and 3 undergraduate students. Collaborated with Agilent, Thermo Finnigan, SGE and Shimadzu (Dr Koichi Tanaka, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry 2002). Manager of biomarker discovery programs in Cystic Fibrosis, Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Ovarian Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Huntington’s disease, allergy and Hutchinson Gilford progeria syndrome and the development of a oligosaccharide database ( supported by the Swiss Institute for Bioinformatics.

2006-2009 Senior Scientist at the National University of Ireland (NUI), Galway/Bristol-Myers Squibb. Research coordinator for the industry-sponsored program between Bristol-Myers Squibb and Centre for Bioanalytical Sciences (CBAS) at National University of Ireland Galway. The work involved management and providing direction of seven different research streams in NUI Galway/DCU split up by seven different PI and involving over 60 Researchers and Administrative Personnel. I also supervised 3 post docs, 2 PhD students and 1 Technician at NUI Galway. Research focused on glycosylation regulation in diseases and industrial cell culture glycosylation

1997-1999 Course coordinator and teacher with responsibility for organizing a new course in analytical biochemistry, assistant group leader of the Mucin Biology Group, Medical Biochemistry (main leader Prof Gunnar. C. Hansson on sabbatical), University of Gothenburg, Sweden.(2 technicians, 8 PhD students and 1 PA).

External reviewer of postgraduate research

2010, Shane Bermingham “Development of novel extraction and separation methods for the determination of anthracyclines and taxanes simultaneously from biological matrices” MSc-thesis, Dublin City University

2010, Maja Christiansen “Characterization of post-translational modifications on microbial enzymes and their effects on enzyme function and stability” PhD-thesis, university of Southern Denmark

Prices and Awards

Finalist for 2005 Eureka prize” NSW Ministry for Science and Medical Research Eureka Prize for Bioinformatics Research”

Reviewer of Journals

J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom., Glycobiology, Proteomics, BioTechniques, Adv. Clin. Chem., Biochemistry, Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom., J. Chrom. A, J. Biochem. Biophys. Meth, Curr., Drug Disc. Techn., J. Proteome Res., Anal. Chem., Anal.Bioanal. Chem., Mol. Cell. Proteom. Nature, J. Biol. Chem.

Organiser of International meetings

Charles Warren Worskhop III in Glycoconjugate analysis 27th-30th of August 2010 (

International Conference on Trends in Bioanalytical Sciences and Biosensors 26th-27th of January 2009 (scientific committee)

Invitiations to International meetings: 14 (including 3 times to the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mass Spectrometry, where I also have participated in organising a workshop).

Conferences /Oral Presentations

This does not including poster presentations at international conferences (>15) and posters and presentations presented by other team members where I have been a significant contributor (>100):

1995 Nordic GlycoMeeting, 13/12-14/12 Åhus, Denmark “Glycosylation of O-linked oligosaccharides in large and small intestine”

1996 Nordic GlycoMeeting, 15/12-16/12 Gothenburg, Sweden “GM2-like glycoepitopes induced by intestinal parasites in rat”

1997 Workshop on Mucin O-glycosylation: sites and processing, 30/5-1/6 Copenhagen, Denmark “Rat small intestinal muc2 in health and disease.”

1997 Mass spectrometry in Biology (International Meeting), 1/6-4/6, Hindås, Sweden ”Fragmentation of Sulphated Oligosaccharides”

1999 Sydney Protein Society Yearly Meeting 27/10, Sydney University, Australia “Intestinal glycosylation in health and disease”

2002 XXI International Carbohydrate Symposium,7/7-12/7, Cairns, Australia “Integrating standard technologies into new platforms of automated analysis: the era of glycoproteomics.”(invited)

2003 International meeting on Mucins in Health and Disease, Crete 2/4-6/4 “Gel electrophoresis as a tool for identifying mucins and mucin glycosylation using mass spectrometry” (invited)

2003 ASMS conference, Montreal, Canada 8/6-13/6 “LC-ES-MS2 of N- and O-linked oligosaccharides applicable for 1-D and 2-D SDS-PAGE” (invited)

2005 Inaugural Glycoseminar Melbourne, Australia, 1/4-2/4, “Exploring glycosylation of mucins in the role of defence against pathogens” (invited)

2005 ASMS conference, San Antonio 5/6-10/6 Agilent VIP-seminar “Analysis of N-linked Oligosaccharides from Recombinant Erythropoietin (EPO)” (invited)

2006 Warren Workshop in Glycoconjugate Analysis 07/07-10/07, New Hampshire “Analysis of recombinant glycoproteins” (invited)

2007 The 3rd Glycan Forum in Berlin 22/2-23/2, Berlin, Germany “LC-MS of oligosaccharides for monitoring the glycoquality of recombinant glycoproteins” (invited)

2007 BMSIARC 2007 10/10-11/10 Hopewell, NY “Centre for BioAnalytical Sciences

Research at the interface between Industry & Academia” (opening talk)

2008 The Chromatography Symposium, 6/1-8/1, Oslo, Norway “Glycoanalysis for

Fundamental and Applied Sciences” (invited opening plenary lecture)

2008 The 13th Annual Proteomics Symposium, 7/2-10/2 Lorne, Australia “LC-MS of oligosaccharides for monitoring the glycoquality of recombinant glycoproteins”

2008 Post-Lorne Proteomics Symposium, 14/2 Sydney. Australia “"Using Mass Spectrometry to Detect Glycobiomarkers"

2008 The Swedish Mass Spectrometry Society's Annual Symposium, 7/4 Stockholm, Sweden “Analysis of recombinant glycoproteins for pharma industry” (invited)

2008 3rd ERA-Chemistry Flash Conference: Carbohydrates at the Interfaces of Biology, Medicine and Materials Science, 9/3-12/3 Killarney, Ireland. “Glycoanalysis for Fundamental and Applied Sciences” (invited)

2008 2nd Warren Workshop on Glycoconjugate Analysis 9/7-11/7 Durham, NH “Characterization of sulfate and phosphate modified glycans” (invited)

2008 XXIV International Carbohydrate Symposium; 2008 27/7-31/7 Oslo, Norway “LC-MS of oligosaccharides for monitoring the glycoquality of recombinant glycoproteins”

2008 The HUPO 7th Annual World Congress (HGPI workshop) 16/8-20/8, Amsterdam, The Netherlands “Salivary Mucin Glycosylation: Does the Differential Glycosylation of the three Major Mucins Relate to Different Functions?”

2009 International Conference in Trends in Bioanalytical Science and Biosensors 26/1-27/1 Dublin “LC-MS of oligosaccharides for monitoring the glycoquality of recombinant glycoproteins”

2009 ASMS conference, Philadelphia, 31/5 - 4/6 “Glycomics of the Antibacterial Salivary Agglutinin protein using LC-MS” (Worlds largest MS conference with over 6000 participants and 3000 posters, also leading a workshop in oligosaccharide separation at the same conference))

2009 10th International Workshop on Carcinoma-associated Mucins Cambridge,UK 19/7-23/7 “Glycomics of the Antibacterial Salivary Agglutinin protein using LC-MS”

2009 EuroCarbDB meeting, Dublin, Ireland 23/9-2579 “Hyperfucosylation of O-linked oligosaccharides on Salivary Agglutinin involved in bacterial binding” (invited)

2010 International Association of Dental Research, Barcelona, Spain 15-19/7 “Glycosylation of Mucins Unraveled by MS” (invited)

2010 EuroGlycoForum Glycosylation and Disease Meeting, Dublin Ireland 10/8-11/8 “Inflammation of the joints-Human lubricin from synovial fluid expresses sialyl Lewis x determinant and has L-selectin ligand activity” (invited)

2010 The HUPO 8th Annual World Congress 15/9-23/9, Sydney, Australia ”UniCarbDB database, Glyco-bioinformatics and glycostatistical analysis of protein oligosaccharide LC-MS data”

Invited Speaker

2005 Invited by Prof. Gunnar Hansson, Medical Biochemistry, Göteborg University, Gothenburg, Sweden, 5/8 “Glycoproteins used as natural defense”

2005 Invited by Prof. Mark von Itzstein, Institute for Glycomics, Griffith University, Gold Coast, Queensland, 27/10 “Exploring glycosylation of mucins in the role of defence against pathogens”

2005 Invited by Prof. Angela Savage, Chemistry Department, NUI Galway, Ireland 27/11 “Glycomic analysis: When structure defines the biological questions”

2005 Invited by Prof. Helmuth Meyer, Bochum University, Germany, 2/12 “Glycomic analysis in proteomic applications”

2007 Invited by Dr Willy Vonderlieth, German Cancer Research Centre, Heidelberg, Germany 26/2 “Using Mass Spectrometry to Detect Glycobiobiomarker in Osteoarthritis”

2007 Inivited by Dr Raj Mehra, Moorepark Food Research Centre, Teagasc, Fermoy, Ireland, 11/2 “Mucin glycosylation- structural analysis predicts biological function?”

2007 Invited to attend the EurocarbDB meeting, Wageningen, The Netherlands, 25-27/4 “Utilizing glycobioinformatics software to interpret oligosaccharide mass spectra”

2007 Invited by Prof. Kelley Moreman, Complex Carbohydrate Research Centre, Athens, Georgia, 15/10 “Mucin glycosylation- structural analysis predicts biological function?”

2008 Invited by Dr. John Whitelock, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia 15/2 “LC-MS of oligosaccharides for monitoring the glycoquality of recombinant glycoproteins”

2008 Invited by Prof. Jeremy Turnbull, Liverpool University, Liverpool, UK 9/4 "Mucin glycosylation- structural analysis predicts biological function?"

2008 Invited by Dr. Stephen Levery, Copenhagen University, Copenhagen, Denmark 14/8 “Salivary Mucin Glycosylation: Does the Differential Glycosylation of the three Major Mucins Relate to Different Functions?”

2008 Invited by Dr Antoon Ligtenberg, Amsterdam Free University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 21/8 “Salivary Mucin Glycosylation: Does the Differential Glycosylation of the three Major Mucins Relate to Different Functions?”

Other: Member of the HUPO organisation, Board of the Swedish Mass Spectrometric Society, Member of the American Sociey of Glycobiology, Member of The Euroglycosciences Forum , interest group in the European Science Foundation; Founder of “Australian Research of Mucosal Defense” 2003’; Investigator in the HUPO human glycoprotein initiative (; Investigator in the EuroCarbDB community (; Member of the NIH committee for bioinformatics in glycomic (, Advisory board for Sahlgrenska Academy Proteomic Core Facility (, Consultant and advisor for the Institute of Molecular Pathology and Immunology of the University of Porto (